MI5, the domestic intelligence service, is targeting the gay community for new recruits, in a big shift that follows the example of investment banks and other private sector employers.

Stonewall, the gay lobby group, has been hired to advise the security service on how to encourage its spies to be more open about their sexuality, and how to encourage more gay applicants for posts.

The move reflects an evolution in the attitudes of the British establishment.

Until the early 1990s, gay men and women were barred from sensitive posts in the diplomatic or security services – a quarter of a century after homosexual acts were decriminalised in 1967…

Jonathan Evans, who became MI5 director-general last year, has now sanctioned a policy of seeking to recruit more gay staff.

Stonewall will this year include the security service in its guide of gay-friendly employers.

More than a little overdue; but, recognition of the need to end 2nd-class citizenship.

  1. Calin says:

    Well, that would change Bond movies quite a bit now wouldn’t it.

  2. ECA says:

    lets see,
    They are starting to figure out that a SPY, is very conspicuous IF’
    He is WHITe,
    Likes girls,
    Tall(at least 5’7″)
    Catholic or prodestent(sp)
    And dresses well..

    So the best would be a Poor, black, jewish, Short female, thats Lesbian/bi…

  3. Brian says:

    Meanwhile, in the states, we have millions of closed-minded homophobes trying to deny gays their god-given right to marry.

  4. rectagon says:

    #3. When did God give them the right to marry? I missed that. Was it on FOX?

  5. toasty says:

    3 Brian
    Boo-hoo, poor little fags can’t marry. Rest easy because you can still be as depraved as you want.

  6. Dallas says:

    #5 What a shameful, hateful comment to make.

    Still, I consider you schmucks coming out of the sewer and hiding behind a keyboard to foam at the mouth ultimately helps.

  7. ECA says:

    when did GOD, remove their right to marry?

    Isnt marriage the ability to GET ALONG with a person for the REST of your life??
    someone that you enjoy BEING WITH.
    Someone you can DEAL with, have a good DEBATE and NOT a Battle Royal??
    someone you can work with to make your life Better/easier..

  8. JimD says:

    Well, they did lose all their Gay Agents to the Russians, didn’t they !!!

  9. Sea Lawyer says:

    #4 “When did God give them the right to marry?”

    Same time he gave them the right to force insurance providers to cover their boyfriends too.

  10. toasty says:

    6 Dallas
    You pompous hypocrite. I see that it’s ok for you to name call when others don’t agree with your perverted view of life. There also seems to be a good argument that you are the one that lives in a sewer given the evil you are defending.

  11. #5 – Burnt White Bread

    The “poor little fags” CAN marry, at least in MA and CA. And that trend will continue, as homophobia is recognized for the disease that it is.

    Just like the KKK are now pariah (well, maybe not in YOUR neighborhood).

    Get used to it.

  12. qsabe says:

    What a queer way this has progressed from Homo’s being used as British sweetheart spies, to fags wanting to marry and suck more from society than they put in. Maybe the queers that don’t suck on anything they can scrounge up in the public toilets would find more support if they could stop that practice among their friends. But until then, queer is as queer does.

  13. toasty says:

    Another sewer dweller I see – you defend those that commit the most depraved actions known to mankind yet attack those that oppose it. What’s wrong with this picture?

  14. Billy Bob says:

    Richard Simmons is a sleeper agent, blending into society, awaiting his next orders.

  15. billabong says:

    HEY! everyone lighten up. I just thought of a great place to hide my gun

  16. The Warden says:

    Hmmm, not sure if that’s a good idea since gays will have more of a tendency to BLOW their cover.

  17. drben says:

    and this is news — why?

    The Brits have used gay agents for decades. Remember books by W. Somerset Maughan?

  18. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Geez, some of you guys get so grumpy when airport security starts keeping such a close eye on the men’s room 😉

  19. Angel H. Wong says:

    I thought the British were already gay.

  20. Uncle Patso says:

    # 12 qsabe said:

    “What a queer way this has progressed from Homo’s being used as British sweetheart spies, to fags wanting to marry and suck more from society than they put in.” […]

    I don’t get this idea that being married means you suck more from society than you put in. How does that work? I’ve been married for a while, and it never seemed like it gave either of us a free ride. As far as I can tell, married people still have to pay taxes, rent, etc., etc., etc. I WANT MY FREE RIDE!!! (Do I have to turn gay to get it?)

  21. Lou says:

    They wont work in Iran. He He !


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