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Yep, that does about sum it up.
Wow. Excellent illustration! Just 5% of the population get this, IMHO.
I love how the ballot boxes are right next to the tvs. It really makes you think of how much a person relies on tv to make up the minds of voters.
“the minds of voters”? If only they had minds.
Awesome picture. It says it all.
The part of the picture about keeping the citizens way from the gov’t is correct.
The part about troops protecting US soil from foreigners is TOTALLY B.S.
How right you are. Our government lets the Mexican military come across the the boarder all the time and shoot at the Border Patrol. Our borders are about as secure as a piece of swiss cheese.
#5–Paddy==good catch.
#7, 5 .. Actually, you missed the point. It is not to protect the government from ‘citizens’.
As you can see, it is the rest of the world ‘saluting/fearing’ – except for the poor guy on the right what is a pyramid of world order for the privileged (at least they think they are). That is what I see – and agree with.
How long this keeps up is not clear. What is clear is this illustrates most of the reasons for world despair, wars, etc.
If I had to choose my position in that picture, the couch looks like a pretty good place to be.
So when Obama is elected, ya’ll admit it was only because we are brainwashed drones, right?
Like I said,… only 5% get it. Sorry 5 and 7 🙁
#11–Dallas==please explain yourself. You say the picture is not about protecting the government against the citizens. Please explain the row of riot police and then standard police then?
It seems to me you can’t even read the comments correctly, so how do you think you get a more ambiguous picture?
No–read the comments again. Much more express specific understanding there than the mistake you profer as insight.
BTW–I saw all the violence arrayed as protecting corporations, not the government unless one assumes that is Cheney in the chair. To me, the business entities in the background are clear, but the old fat white guy represents corporations too without more of a governmental imprint. Maybe the rug in the oval office should be under the chair?
So Dallas, the thing about “art” or pictures is they can mean different things to different people and saying a meaning is so clear that differing views are “wrong” is usually the mark of a Texas dumb-ass speaking.
I think that this is how our government has become, and has become so only because we have let it. When the people get pissed and do something about it they can affect the government. I say its time for all concerned to march on Washington with pitchforks and torches. The people need to show who those people in the government who actually are their bosses.
#12 OK. You pass. We grade on a curve if you’re republican. You get a D
#13–Dallas==on a curve, you don’t pass. What you continue to show is your inability to accept/learn from life’s little missteps.
Think about that the next time you want to lambast anyone for having an opinion different from your own–especially in the realm of non-verbal communication.
#12 – Bobke
>>but the old fat white guy represents
Uhhh, that IS President Cheney. What other old fat whit guy representing corporations would get that kind of protection?
#15–Mustard==good point. Even stronger would be who else would “need” such protection?
World as seen through Obamavision glasses.
This art makes we want to raise everybody’s taxes and take away their freedom.
Oh Bobbo, no need to get your panties in wad. It’s all good fun. Good grief. I hope I* will continue to be your good friend 🙂
“This art makes we want to raise everybody’s taxes and take away their freedom.”
As opposed to favoring record deficit spending financed by selling out to foreign interests and protecting our freedoms by eliminating them via phoney assed titled “Patriot” Acts instead?
Yeah, I can see the big difference.
Yip, only 5% get the picture. Sorry for the rest, it has nothing to do with governments and US army protecting oil fields, and riot police keeping people away from the government.
If you want to understand the picture, then watch the documentary, Zeitgeist, and it is an English Documentary. That should give the other 95% a better view of what the image is about.
#15 – damn man. You beat me to it. That was the first thing I thought when I saw the old white guy with glasses being protected by law enforcement from the voters. But then I saw the corporations behind the glass and got a bit confused until “light shined on marble head”. It is Cheney – Mr. Corporation, Mr. Establishment, The Man, or whatever you want to call that devil.
#20 – Excellent point. Had this sort of behaviour come from a Republican president without the events of 9/11 then I would’ve agreed with you 100%. But, since 9/11 did happen and a lot of the people represented in the bottom of the picture want to kill us drones, then I would have to agree with you 85% 🙂
That Indian and that Chinese at the bottom of the picture should’ve been placed at the top of the picture behind Cheney (you know, exporting American jobs over there and all).
BTW, I’m a Conservative not a Lib so go figure.
#20 – Boris
>>As opposed to favoring record deficit spending
>>financed by selling out to foreign interests and
>>protecting our freedoms by eliminating them via
>>phoney assed titled “Patriot” Acts instead?
Better watch that! Dumbya’s got 155 days left. He can still get the Attorney General to put you and Natasha on the no-fly list, warrantlessly wiretap all your phone and computer communications, and ship you off to Gitmo! Ever been waterboarded? And they won’t think twice about tasing you, bro!
Best to keep a low profile until Obama takes office.
#19–Dallas==I don’t know where becoming an asshole myself (STFU Mustard) would fall in this discussion, but I always come close.
A good sense of humor, even better when aimed at one’s self, is not only better for mental health, its also more often closer to the truth.
Friendship is rare but always a goal.
If the TVs are successful in conveying their messages and helping you make “correct” ballot choices, the riot police will never have to be unleashed.
HDTV will help improve the clarity of those messages 😉
Good find, Uncle Dave.
#12 – bobbo – …the old fat white guy represents corporations….
Absolutely. The image is about capitalist democracy in a nutshell.
#28 – RSweeney
What flavor was the blue pill?
#31 I hear it’s tooty fruity!
saluting? i thought they were on cell phones…………..