1. Atropa says:

    Religion on the second screen. Such a beautiful opium poppy flower.

  2. #34 – Atropine

    I was starting to lose hope, but you came through in the clinch!


  3. Special Ed says:

    #35 – Yes, we can’t miss acknowledging the religious fucks.

  4. Mister Ketchup says:

    I’ll bet the big fat white guy attends church!

  5. Cursor_ says:

    And if we wind the clock back 150 years this would be Britian.

    Wind it back 500 years its Spain.

    Wind it back 1000 years its the Holy Roman Empite.

    Wind it back 2000 years its Rome.

    etc. etc. etc.



  6. doug says:

    #38. right now, the guy in the easy chair should be Chinese …

  7. deowll says:

    They forgot the drug pushers. How can you leave out a major industry like that?

  8. Cursor_ says:


    Actually that comes 50-120 years from now. After they destroy and absorb India.

    Have to take out India first.


  9. JimD says:

    Nice picture of WAR-PROFITEER PRICK CHENEY !!! He has all his Chess-Men in place to PLUNDER THE ENTIRE EARTH !!! The choice of the Non-White World: GIVE US YOUR OIL (ON THE LEFT OF THE PIC) OR GET A HIROSHIMA (ON THE RIGHT) !!! “Truth” and “Justice” – the Amerikan way !!!

  10. Wookie says:

    Sad picture. I wish the US was in better shape right now, it’s sad to see a president in power that is pro-big business and we are still losing an edge to foreign investors. Hopefully McCain/Obama can give us a glimmer of hope.

  11. geofgibson says:

    #43 – “… it’s sad to see a president in power that is pro-big business and we are still losing an edge to foreign investors.”

    That should be one of indications that we don’t have a pro-big business administration, but a pro-big government administration.


    It’d be nice to see an administration which actually supported business rather than itself.


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