MIDDLEFIELD, Conn. (AP) – A Connecticut man who left his mother’s corpse to rot in her home for more than seven years told police he didn’t report her death because he was in trouble with the law in both New Hampshire and his home state.

In a 100-page state police case file, authorities say John Simmeck and his sister Diane Simmeck made biannual trips to their mother’s ramshackle house in Middlefield, Connecticut, stepping over her mummified remains on the floor.

Police believe Ann Simmeck was 72 when she died of natural causes late 1999 or early 2000. They discovered her body in June 2007 after an estranged son, Michael Simmeck, had grown worried about his mother’s well-being.

John Simmick is facing an identity theft charge in connection with his alleged use of his father’s identity in 2003 to set up a cell phone account.

It only took him 7 years to become “concerned” about his mom? Right.

  1. B. Dog says:

    It was probably his sister’s job to take care of it — why don’t they leave him alone?

  2. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Yeah, I think someone forgot their chores and won’t be getting an allowance. Now kids, whose turn was it to dispose of the corpse?

  3. Charlie B says:

    I think keeping her SS check coming in might have played in to it.

  4. deowll says:

    “They discovered her body in June 2007 after an estranged son, Michael Simmeck, had grown worried about his mother’s well-being.”

    Please note the word estranged. The son that reported the problem of no talk with mom may not have seen or said anything at all to her for years and might have expected to get hung up on or ignored due to caller ID if he did call.

    There was a similar case local of a woman who died in a nursing home and was buried about six months before her daugthers found out.

    After they found out they had her dug up, moved and a big funeral. Guilt I guess.

  5. Lou says:

    Like she was going somewhere.


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