Random House, a unit of Bertelsmann AG, has
announced that it has canceled publication of a novel, The Jewel of Medina, by Sherry Jones, that was to be published on August 12. The novel concerns the child wife Aisha of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Random House made no bones about its reasons in doing so, with Deputy Publisher Thomas Perry stating that Random House received “cautionary advice not only that the publication of this book might be offensive to some in the Muslim community, but also that it could incite acts of violence by a small, radical segment.” Therefore, he went on, “In this instance we decided, after much deliberation, to postpone publication for the safety of the author, employees of Random House, booksellers and anyone else who would be involved in distribution and sale of the novel.”
Extra! Leading New York Publisher Spikes Book Dealing with Islam! – Daniel Pipes Blog — FYI
Been a long time since American publishers were anything other than chickenshit cowards. A really long time.
The true measure of an enlightened religion is the fear it induces in the adhering masses.
“stating that Random House received “cautionary advice not only that the publication of this book might be offensive to some in the Muslim community, but also that it could incite acts of violence by a small, radical segment.””
Small, radical segment? LOL. Cowardice PC in a cowardly action.
The terrorists win again.
Maybe it’s time for a jihad against the murdering marauders who promulgate this sort of fear?
Bertelsmann AG is part of the underground Reich.
Can we get it published here at dvorak.org/blog/ ?
Gee, its too bad there is not a reporter shield law and other benefits that could be REMOVED from publishers who don’t warrant the title.
It would make a better story to have the story of “exactly” how this decision was reached and track down the threats, source of threats and so forth.
I would expect the original book to be published way before that.
Lots of stuff doesn’t get published.
Bashing Muslims or Muslim hating Neocon propagandists this week?
It’s so hard to keep up with the idiotic inconsistencies on this site sometimes.
[Would you prefer all the editors were in lockstep? -ed.]
#9–trouble==being able to identify what is similar when presented with a group of objects/issues is a sign of intelligence/imagination. Or maybe this isn’t a litmus tested single issue site?
Maybe you just need more time?
More of the same
Imagine if the Saudi’s did not have oil and oil money
How many mobs did you see in the America and in the west after Sept 11 – when real people were killed in a planned and most brutal way
This will all end with crying
A sad day, but in all honesty I can’t blame Random House for not putting people in danger.
At least that’s what I’d think if I were a book store, wondering if this book would be worth the car bomb outside my shop.
Not to mention that there is no actual review of the book itself. I wonder if it simply wasn’t good enough to take the risks. Now if it were another “Satanic Verses”, well then things could have been different.
But for now, I’d recommend to her to setup her own website and allow pdf downloads of her book using the “Pay what you think it’s worth” business model.
At least she will get her name out there and hopefully make a couple of bucks. It will also fuel the talk show circuit.
#12 – Ah Yea
>>A sad day, but in all honesty I can’t blame
>>Random House for not putting people in danger.
Salmon Rushdie and his publisher didn’t pussy out.
Another publisher can step up. Wonder if any will?
#12–Ah Yea==you think Random House’s actual concern was harm to other people huh? “But you don’t blame them.” Nice touch there as if they could be blamed at all?
I wonder how many have capitulated to the terrorists already and do it under the guise of being “reasonable?”
They are not publishing because they don’t want THEMSELVES to get attacked. They could publish the book and bookstores around the world could determine whether or not to stock the book.
Now don’t get me wrong. If I were in their shoes, I wouldn’t publish either==because I am a spineless chickenshit and scare to death of religious fundies. But, I’d still be honest about it.
#15 – Bobbolina
>>because I am a spineless chickenshit and scare
>>to death of religious fundies.
Gee. I didn’t know I struck that kind of fear into your heart, Bobster.
#16–Mustard==I would never drop the soap around you.
and btw==Ah Yea==yes, absent anything else, the publisher ought to back the author in a self publishing effort. Good idea.
Do you think those chicks in burkas ever get a bikini wax?
#17 – Bobbo
>>–Mustard==I would never drop the soap around you.
Man, –+// you’re a /||\ troubled guy, m’hijito. “drop the soap”? Jeez. |||=|||
#19–Mustard==well, why else would anyone ever be afraid of you? Being bored to death with your made-up claims of DVORAK!! is to be avoided, but not feared.
Ketchup–burka babes like babes everywhere run the full gamet.
#20 – Bobbi
>>Being bored to death with your made-up claims
>>of DVORAK!! is to be avoided, but not feared.
My “made up claims of DVORAK!!”?? wtf does that mean? Your messages are almost always inscrutable, but this one takes the cake.
What are my “made up claims of DVORAK!!”????
#13, Mustard. Your usual weird reply. “Salmon Rushdie and his publisher didn’t pussy out.”
Since you missed it:
“His fourth novel, The Satanic Verses (1988), led to protests from Muslims in several countries, some of which were violent. Faced with death threats and a fatwā (religious edict) issued by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, then Supreme Leader of Iran, which called for him to be killed, he spent nearly a decade largely underground, appearing in public only sporadically.”
So, Mustard, Rushdie didn’t have any death threats until AFTER he published the book.
Now I know you will say something scziophrenic to defend yourself, but please try to make it more intelligent and thought out this time.
#15, Bobbo. “They are not publishing because they don’t want THEMSELVES to get attacked.”
Yes, that’s true but you are missing the point. Ultimately it’s one person who has the say if the book gets published or not. And knowing that publishing the book could get you killed, or the guy down the hall, or the printer, or whomever, would certainly have an effect on your decision. Do you personally have the right to put anyone else’s life at risk?
This is why I would suggest that the author take the opportunity to do the talk show circuit to hawk her book. Fox News and Glenn Beck would eat this up! She would probably make much more money self-promoting and self-publishing.
Also. It’s ok to be scared to death of religious fundies. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would be.
Bobbo. Just read your post #17. I think we are on the same page here.
#22 – Oooh yeah!
>>Now I know you will say something scziophrenic
>>to defend yourself
Do you really think Salmon Rushdie and his publishers didn’t know what they were getting into? How naive are you?
And I’ll try not to be too “scziophrenic” here, but what’s your problem? I know that Islamic nutcase violence has increased since Dumbya took office, but wtf?
What’s next? Somebody calls up and says “if you publish that book on Brett Favre, we’re going to kill you”, and then the book gets spiked?
Sheesh. Have a little cojones.
Thankfully, we artists (writers, playwrights, etc.) aren’t all dhimmi cowards. Some of us still do believe in freedom of speech and truth.
To hell with the sick Islamist bastards who have no defense of their “religion” other than violence, and to hell with their enablers like Random House.
#6 – Myself – Can we get it published here at dvorak.org/blog/ ?
I guess not. 😉
Um, fear of Christian evangelicals has distorted the United States. Fear of black people also. Or the disabled.
Whenever you have enough anger held by a large enough group some types of expression become impossible.
With over one billion people from which to draw cranks Islam is today one of the most crank producing demographics. Decisions which kill projects that infuriate other sensitive groups would never even get an announcement though. When the cranks are ours we look the other way.
Dennis Leary: I wanted to play outfield for the Mets! Life sucks, get a helmet!(paraphrased)
#24 Mustard.
“Rushdie would reflect upon the time when the book was about to be published while speaking to an interviewer, he said “I expected a few mullahs would be offended, call me names, and then I could defend myself in public… I honestly never expected anything like this.”
So who’s naive, Mustard?
So you feel that you DO have the right to put other’s lives in jeopardy? I’m sure glad you still live in your mother’s basement!
Of course Bush and Favre have nothing to do with this, but it is a typical comeback from a schizophrenic mind.
“Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects the way your brain receives and interprets information from the world around you. The illness can make it hard for you to organize your thoughts. You may also find it difficult to relate to other people. …
Schizophrenia affects the way your brain receives information in several ways:
-Your brain receives an overload of information.
-Your brain receives information that may not be accurate. You might hear, see, taste, touch, or smell things that others do not.
-Your brain may store information incorrectly. As new information is received, your brain may store it with memories that are not related to it.
-Your brain may not have all of the information it needs to understand the message.
-Your brain may receive only bits and pieces of information, like pieces of a puzzle. You may have to struggle to fit those pieces together so that the message makes sense.
-Your brain may cause you to reach incorrect conclusions. Using incomplete messages can lead to illogical or incorrect conclusions — resulting in false beliefs, such as delusions.”
Since all these apply to you, Mustard, you may want to seek a professional.
Just trying to be helpful.
#27 – OOooh Baby Baby!
>>Just trying to be helpful.
Then why not quit cutting ‘n’ pasting from wiki-whatever articles that you don’t understand.
One of the sections you neglected to cut ‘n’ past from your wiki-whatever article was:
Before the publication of The Satanic Verses Rushdie and his publisher received “warnings from the publisher’s editorial consultant” that the book might be controversial.
You don’ think they knew what that meant?
Calm down, m’hijito.
Random House pussied out, and that’s all there is to it.
Quit your petty bantering.
Read this-
and then formulate an opinion.