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How Big Brother watches your every move – Telegraph — This always leads to a secret police that uses this information for political purposes to identify and eliminate political enemies. Always. What is interesting is the fact that the citizens are so docile about it.
With every telephone call, swipe of a card and click of a mouse, information is being recorded, compiled and stored about Britain’s citizens.
An investigation by The Sunday Telegraph has now uncovered just how much personal data is being collected about individuals by the Government, law enforcement agencies and private companies each day.
In one week, the average person living in Britain has 3,254 pieces of personal information stored about him or her, most of which is kept in databases for years and in some cases indefinitely.
The data include details about shopping habits, mobile phone use, emails, locations during the day, journeys and internet searches.
In many cases this information is kept by companies such as banks and shops, but in certain circumstances they can be asked to hand it over to a range of legal authorities.
Found by Douglas Bass via Twitter.
Everyone in England should either:
-Demand their rights to privacy, or
-Move to Montana. There are plenty of shacks there with complete privacy, if not electricity.
UK Government on privacy:
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… you get the point…
I have an interesting example of this, a few years ago I drove into a locked-down central London as a lost tourist in a rental car, bemused by an absence of all traffic and parked cars, every traffic light I approached turned green, every intersection was empty, the carpark barrier arms opened for me without my access card. Turns out, The Palace was doing the Trooping of the Color, Surreal! Whoever was monitoring me, wanted me on my way.
“in the UK?”
What makes anyone think EXACTLY the same thing is not happening here in good old USA?===It is.
Too much garbage thrown together and conflated.
“every mouse click” by private companies?==like all the cookies on my machine right now so I don’t have to authenticate DU?
Why are you part of the problem JCD? Master of Illusion?
#3 Jägermeister! Excellent!
Big Brother: http://tinyurl.com/5fhb6w
The mandatory tin foil hat, black helicopter, and conspiracy theory mentions are missing.
it is hardly tinfoil hat material – the UK is rapidly becoming blanketed with CCTV cameras on top of all the electronic data-gathering.
as the article notes, a big chunk of it is by private companies, but since the government does not even have to go through the trouble of obtaining a subpoena anymore, it might as well already be in official hands.
You just noticed? Yesh!
#8 MV..no, they are not missing. We are wearing them! OH! And wait. They do not work…arrrgggghhh.
It is an ancient truth that freedom cannot be legislated into existence, so it is no less obvious that freedom cannot be censored into existence. And any who act as if freedom’s defenses are found in suppression and suspicion and fear confess a doctrine that is alien to America.
Any time we deny any citizen
the full exercise of his constitutional rights,
we are weakening our own claim to them.
Here in America we are descended in spirit from revolutionaries and rebels — men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Are you an individual, aware of your environment and capable of thinking for yourself, or the passive sheep being led to slaughter?
the author of this message
Cowardice asks the question: is it safe? Expediency asks the question: is it political? Vanity asks the question: is it popular? But conscience asks the question: is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor political, nor popular – but one must take it simply because it is right.
— Martin Luther King, Jr.
Based on my observations, I guess we are all slaves to our master government(s).
Freedom lost, never to be regained?
If we all wait for someone else do “do something”, nothing will stop this disgusting trend.
We need to have the courage to speak out, in everyday situations, to people who disagree with us. (no need to be rude, though)
Our soldiers sacrifice their lives, limbs, mental health – their futures – for what they believe in.
Do we have the courage to simply speak – face to face?
How ironic that the United Kingdom (Airstrip One) is the setting for George Orwell’s book ‘1984’. Maybe the writer had a crystal ball.