There is no hope for a civilization which starts each day to the sound of an alarm clock. -Author Unknown

Super-Replicating Belief: A Belief that has some property which facilitates its own transmission, which makes it be held by an increasing number of minds.

There is a super-replicating false belief in our society that sleeping in is lazy. Sleeping in is not lazy- many individuals would actually be more productive if they slept in versus waking up early. But as a whole, promoting the belief that sleeping in is lazy serves the needs of a stable society, in which individuals are all on similar schedules.

What are some of the ways that society makes us feel guilty for sleeping in?

* “Early to Bed, Early to Rise, Makes a Man Healthy Wealthy and Wise”
* Early risers are considered more productive than those who sleep in
* We are only supposed to need 8 hours of sleep, and people often brag about getting by on less
* If we sleep in, we may feel out of synch with the 9-5 society
* The online community, including bloggers Steve Pavlina and Leo Babauta, promote becoming early risers

There is no need to feel guilty or lazy- here are 5 reasons why sleeping in will boost your productivity:

I have always been a creature of the night, I dont become productive until at Least 11:00 AM, reaching a peak at 5 or 6 pm. It’s good to see I’m not alone.

  1. BubbaRay says:

    That’s one good thing about keeping astronomer hours – no one can gripe that you don’t get up at 08:00.

    It’s that hurdle switching from deep sky to solar that’s the killer. Who ever heard of pulling an “all dayer?”

    Good article, I know I can’t get by on 7 hrs.

  2. eylander says:

    I don’t become productive until at least 11:00 AM. Thankfully, I have one of the most flexible jobs you can find in the midwest. I get into work at about 10:30-11:00 AM and leave whenever I am finished with 8 hours of work, adjusted for slacking off or long lunches. I have a co-worker who routinely gets in at 1:00 PM, and no one thinks twice about it.

    Ahhhh, the life of software engineers…

  3. Brian says:

    The problem is most people are slaves to their 8-5 jobs, and, instead of finding employment to suit their sleeping styles, they yak about how much more productive they are. Throw in the clowns who get up before that to go to a gym and you have a culture of people enslaved to early rising.

    Me, personally, have a job where I work 11am-8, which is perfect for me, allows me to get up from 9-10, and still have plenty of time to run errands if need be before work.

  4. hhopper says:

    9-10 hours is good for me.

  5. Grtak says:

    I have worked third shift most of my life and I like it that way too. I have caught tons of flack for it too. And a lot of that is from the idiots I have worked for. They could never understand why I got upset when they call and wake me up. They never liked it when I called them at 3 am for an emergency, but it was perfectly ok for them to call me at noon for no real reason.

  6. eyeofthetiger says:

    I’ll have to remember that one at my next job interview. “I left company X because they were cutting into my sleep.”

  7. eddie says:

    “I have worked third shift most of my life and I like it that way too.”
    Amen to that brother. I to am a night shifter. I “Pull a all dayer” when I have to deal with “day” people. As for people calling me. I turn off the phone. I sleep like the old Romans and Greeks. first sleep, usually 4 to five hours then I get up for four to five hours. Second sleep two to three hours. Been doing this for thirty years.

  8. Mister Ketchup says:

    I sleep like a baby, up every 2 hours. Damn I miss breast feeding.

  9. Cursor_ says:

    This is bunk.

    I was for 30 years of my life a night owl. Then I got a job that is morning only. And guess what? I would be awake before the alarm.

    You can do anything you want with your natural clock. It is at your command, not the other way around.

    What a load of baloney!


  10. the answer says:

    The most productive people I know are freelancers in the design industry. Their day usually starts around 10 am, work until 6-7 or so not without multiple breaks and such. And they make a killing.

  11. Tippis says:

    #10 “You can do anything you want with your natural clock. It is at your command, not the other way around.”

    Can =/= should.

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I’ll have to wake my son up this afternoon and tell him the good news. After which he’ll roll over and go back to sleep. What a lazy POS. This study is a bunch of crap.

  13. Thomas says:

    > “Early to Bed, Early
    > to Rise, Makes a Man
    > Healthy Wealthy and Wise”

    I always snicker when I read that quote since Franklin did nothing of the sort when he was in France.

    One can adjust their natural clock to any cycle but if you short your self in time, it eventually catches up with you.

    I envy people like Jon Gruden who only need four hours of sleep a night. Although I enjoy sleeping, I wished that my system only needed four hours of sleep to allow me to get more done. Perhaps I’ll devise a way to accomplish such a goal after I sleep on it.

  14. roomeister says:

    I would love to work at night but I would never see my wife. I did a partial at a newspaper working from 5pm til 1am. But the my boss 4th boss in 5 years started to ask to do stupid things with the servers whihc I knew you don’t do while people are working on them. Once that Boss asked me to start rebooting the servers during when theya re trying to put the paper out I gave my boss my two weeks and became a 9-5 person.

    I like the photo of the cat!

  15. conkhead says:

    I read about a study done a few years ago in Britain that was trying to find out if there was actually any quantifiable difference between “morning people” and “night people”. Their conclusion: there are “night people” – and there are people who are fooling themselves. The people who claimed they were “morning people” actually made as many errors in the early morning as “night people” who were forced to wake up early. The “morning people” were literally deluding themselves.

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    The really smart ones are those who manage to get as much sleep as they can and get away with it.

  17. Rick says:

    Enter the era of the self-employed, productive, happy AND healthy, human.


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