This is what is known as a Water Theater. It converts salty ocean water to fresh water using only natural heat and wind. Video and technical explanations here.

  1. As a professional skeptic I’m thinking this may actually work.

  2. Adam Curry says:

    This is the new hydroxy booster!

  3. #2 – Mr Curry

    I hope this technology turns out to be less of a “cold fusion” kind of thing than the hydroxy booster!

  4. Springheel Jack says:

    Anything that claims to perform work whilst using zero energy is bunko.

  5. Calin says:

    It’s little to no energy in the sense that it’s little to no man-supplied energy. The sun is doing most of the work.

  6. Marc Perkel says:

    It’s actually not zero energy. It uses the heat of the air (solar) and the wind and uses the cold ocean water as a condenser. There are pumps involved – but not much. If you had some solar panels you could run the pumps.

  7. bh28630 says:

    The Discovery channel web site design double sucks with a very poor search mechanism and slamming commercials in your face. Is there a better link anywhere to the technical aspects of this innovation?

  8. Paddy-O says:

    #1 “As a professional skeptic I’m thinking this may actually work.”

    Of course it will. Condensation on your beer mug shows that. But, is the relative humidity high enough in the arid areas to make it practical?

    Current weather Las Palmas:

    Wind: From N at 32 mph
    Humidity: 57%
    Dew Point: 63°F

    So, the water has to be below 63°F to pull moisture from the air..


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