Yesterday, we provided the stunning news that beer goggles are real. So now you towns with the opposite problem (ie, 5 women to each man) need to step up and let hunk-disadvantaged men know where you are. Pleeeeease….

Ugly girls welcome, says beer goggle capital

A SEVERE female drought has gripped Mount Isa, but Mayor John Molony thinks he has the answer: ugly girls.

Men outnumber women at a ratio of about five to one in the testosterone town and the female famine is taking its toll on young blokes.

But the quick-thinking mayor suggested these could be the perfect conditions for “ugly ducklings” to flourish into beautiful swans and find true happiness in the Isa.

“May I suggest if there are five blokes to every girl, we should find out where there are beauty-disadvantaged women and ask them to proceed to Mount Isa,” Cr Molony said.

“Quite often you will see walking down the street a lass who is not so attractive with a wide smile on her face. Whether it is recollection of something previous or anticipation for the next evening, there is a degree of happiness.

“Often those who are beauty-disadvantaged are unhappy with their lot.

“Some, in other places in Australia, need to proceed to Mount Isa where happiness awaits.

We don’t want your kind ’round here.

  1. jbellies says:

    Where did the Sheilas of Mount Isa go? Easy, they long ago upgraded to Mount Pci.

  2. Don says:

    Gee, it sounds alot like when I was in the Army 20 years ago. Even the ugly girls could bank their paychecks. They all had a swarm around them. The few good looking ones were making money.


  3. hhopper says:

    The “girls” in the bottom photo are all the same girl. She is gorgeous though. Click the photo for a larger version.

  4. I love the beauty-disadvantaged moniker. Har.

  5. bobbo says:

    “beauty-disadvantaged” is certainly the 1.1 approach and very passe and cruel.

    Alternatively Beautiful would be more proper.

  6. Aw, come on. There’s a lid for every pot.

    And those girls in the color pic (the “ugly” ones, not the supermodels) are strangely entrancing. You just KNOW they’re dirty in bed.

  7. Danjalical says:

    Most of the girls move to Townsville or Cairns.. why… To get a life, mt isa is a dusty town with no prospects, and unfortuantly will continue to die out.

  8. peterg says:

    A great chinese proverb ( Olympics aside)

    “One never looks at the mantle piece, when one stokes the fire…”

  9. peterg says:

    Ugly women, my arse… there is 3 million camels to chose from running around in the outback..they should have a go at them…by the way, what’s wrong with ugly camels…

  10. Rick Cain says:

    Ugly girls usually clean up pretty well. Give them a makeover and a 1 year membership to a fitness centre and everythings peachy.


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