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Looks like they have a choice. “Freedom and democracy” or GTFO.
I don’t understand the caption. WTF?
Georgia wants to be part of NATO. They are cozying up to the West. Totalitarian leaders like having their ego’s stroked by having roads and waste sewage plants named after them. That plus millions of contributions to political consultants would have worked if Russia didn’t have any national pride at all.
I saw the interview of the Russian Tank Commander who said “If USA can go to Baghdad, no reason we can’t to to Tiblisi.” I guess he doesn’t believe nations don’t invade other nations in the 21st century.
McCain is brain dead.
They have a GWB street? How weird is that?
It crosses Cheney Blvd.
Come to think of it, on some other thread you asked to the effect what does the Georgian invasion mean to the USA?
Short answer is that it reveals the baseless foundation of our delusion that we are the worlds only superpower and that we can address/solve all problems with a military response.
The neo-cons are so “out of gas” in every way conceivable.
#5 “that we can address/solve all problems with a military response.”
The US has addressed the Georgia sit with a military response?
“As an expression of gratitude, the Georgians named the boulevard from Tbilisi, the capital, to the country’s main airport after Bush.”
This is a way of Russia saying:
“Hey… you think your so smug over there with your pipeline, thinking you are behind our reach, and with your back all heated up with NATO’s breath. Well, think again. From here to there is just a hop. So back off”
Pity it takes so many people’s lives, and so much suffering and abuse when nations “talk”. Strong arm politics. Which is an euphemism for bullying.
What’s really odd is the main drag is called Jimmy Carter Parkway…
Georgia is trying to suck American cock so that we will fight their wars for them.
Did you hear about Obama Street? It leads directly to a flagpole with a white flag that can be raised with the push of a button and a set of pre-signed surrender documents.
#3 Actually, in Dallas TX we have “President George W Bush Turnpike”.
I avoid it. First, toll is exorbitant, has few exits and heads nowhere you want to be.
#11 should immediately enlist in the Army, and send his children to do the same.
Since there’s zero chance of that happening, maybe he should read a few books. Fat chance of that happening!
How about just staring at the cartoon on this site for awhile. The one under the heading “The World Today Summed Up In One Drawing”
the sign is just as effective as Bush’s words at interfering with the Russian’s plan of action. good for a hearty laugh
#12 i believe it is named for his father. if it was for the current prez; you don’t have the authority to use it, it only has right turns, and all the road signs lie to you.
#11. Of course, Bushie Blvd has a big billboard on it that says, “This aggression will not stand! Um, please … pretty please? Pootie? You there?”
#6 Did you see that AEI press conference on the invasion on CSPAN/Youtube? Those neo-cons wanted to start WWIII (or is it IV or V now?) over this piss ant little state with self control issues. “Send them Javelins, send them troops, send them marines.”
Send them to the loony bin! Who but a madman sees getting us all killed in nuclear hellfire as being the strong and right thing to do? What these people need to understand is that the strong -survive-, and picking fights with nuclear powers is akin to suicide.
youtube videos trying to make this sound like it’s the first step towards the next world war, with innuendos towards the NWO (New World Order), and the Illuminati. Others will spin it in whatever big evil conspiracy crackpot bullshit propaganda for their own agenda.
#16. Well, you know Bill Kristol, et al – never met a war they didn’t like … so long as they themselves could watch from a safe distance.
There is no ‘safe distance’ when ICBM’s are involved. Unless they plan on hiding out under the mountains.
That brings to mind the words of Christ;
Luke 23:
29 For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the barren women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’ 30 The they will say to the mountains, “Fall on us!”and to the hills, “Cover us!”
31 For if men do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?”
Not bad, renaming a street after GWB only cost the american taxpayer $1,000,000,000.
A veritable bargain!