1. Jägermeister says:

    Niiice! 😀

  2. Magsec4 says:

    Haha, that was pretty funny. Quite unexpected ending. 😀

  3. Les says:


  4. Mike says:

    Amateurs think they can screw up but it takes professionals to really screw things up properly.

  5. jpfitz1 says:

    I did some rigging of cnc machines but I was just a cnc programmer and applications guy,
    but come no chocks.

    Canada is to be watched…

  6. jpfitz1 says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]

  7. Daniel Kaiser says:

    Didn’t Archimedes have something to say about this kind of situation?

  8. Doh says:


    lolcatz kidz would call this ‘FAIL’

    -Just a passive observer

  9. peterg says:


  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    If this had of been me??? … well, let’s just say, sometimes life comes at you in a hurry. And life can be a real bitch sometimes. And a lot o planning is better than just a little because life can be a bitch comin’ at ya in a hurry.

  11. Cap'Kangaroo says:

    it’s the little items like cimbing into the cab to set the brakes or simply disconnecting the air lines from tractor to trailer that will bite you in the ass.

  12. Seraph says:

    Wow, not a SWIFT truck in sight too…

  13. LordLundar says:


    I don’t know about Archimedes having something to say, but I’m quite sure Murphy did.

  14. Ron Larson says:

    Seen this one in Pakistan? Doh!


  15. Rick Cain says:

    This is what happens when you fall asleep in physics class.


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