1. Moose says:

    He came pretty close to becoming a bucket of Chum, there.

  2. Jägermeister says:

  3. Freyar says:

    That man.. is very luck.. God my hands are numb.

    ((Whoever says violent video games numb people to real violence should go read a book or something.. Real violence numbs people to violence.))

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    #2 Jagermeister, Wow! I wonder if anyone survived. That thing went under without a trace..

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #4 – Ah_Yea

    It was actually floating right below the surface. I believe navy helicopter pilots are trained on getting out when the helicopter is upside down in water. I hope they made it out safely.

  6. QB says:

    And then there is this one:

    Geez, carpal tunnel is my biggest worry.

  7. ECA says:

    WHO can figure that you are 50′ taller then you THINK you are.. coming in at 20′ ISNT GOOD.

    looks like a BIG wind hit him.

  8. billybob says:

    BIG swell, lifted him right off the deck. He did a real nice job of saving it and putting her right back down again. Wow!

  9. JustSomeGuy says:

    Jager’s clip was actually shown and explained in detail on the History Channel show Shockwave. If memory serves it was a joint forces training exercise off of California and that helo was loaded with special forces soldiers who were training on retaking/securing the ship that they were landing on. The chopper was supposed to come in and land fast but when the pilot hit the deck too hard he hit the throttle to gain control not knowing that his back wheel was caught on the netting around the ship. When he hit the throttle it just flipped the whole thing over the snagged wheel.

    They interviewed one or two of the guys who survived but around half of that crew did not.

  10. GregAllen says:

    I always wondered why people crouch getting in/out of helicopter even though there is plenty of headroom.

    Now I know!

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #9 – JustSomeGuy

    Thanks for filling in the details. It’s sad to hear that people died in this accident.


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