The white majority in the U.S. will be outnumbered by Americans of other races by 2042, eight years sooner than previously projected by the Census Bureau.

Minorities, defined by the agency as everyone except non- Hispanic, single-race whites, will make up 54 percent of the U.S. population in 2050, compared with 34 percent of the population today, the Census Bureau said in a statement. The data updates predictions made by the bureau in 2004.

The projections released today, based on census results and assumptions about future childbearing, mortality and migration, show the minority population of the U.S. will be 235.7 million out of a total of 439 million in 2050. More than half of all U.S. children are expected to be from minority ethnic groups by 2023.

The non-Hispanic, single-race white population is expected to rise slightly to 203.3 million in 2050 from 199.8 million in 2008, while the Hispanic population is expected to almost triple to 132.8 million from 46.7 million, with its share of the total increasing to 30 percent from 15 percent, the Bureau said.

The black population is expected to increase to 65.7 million, or 15 percent, in 2050 from 41.1 million, or 14 percent, in 2008. The Asian population will increase to 40.6 million from 15.5 million this year, almost doubling its share of the total, to 9.2 percent from 5.1 percent.

….and I care, why?

For those of you who do care, you have some time to fix the numbers. It’s easy. Pick someone of the opposite sex representing the race you like best and, ahem, “make more people.” Not sure you have time to change stats that are counted in the millions, but you’ll be having fun.

  1. Glenn E. says:

    Hispanics generally are of the Catholic religion. And their culture is more that of having large families, than other races who are catholic. And probably less disposed to contraception, because of their culture. The Irish use to be the large family makers, in America. Most likely following the potato famine in Ireland. And after the various plagues in Europe, mostly all were encourage to “repopulate” like hell. And the Great Depression of the 30s gave most little else to do for fun. So I suspect it’s a matter of current cultural norms, per race (or whatever). So at present, these growth projection are true. But nobody knows what the future holds. And something could change to cause any race to start thing smaller families. And others, larger ones. How knows, one decade the Native Americans could try and out-populate us all. And then want their land back. Or at least, more and larger Casinos.

  2. Brett says:

    Come on people we all know WHITES are the best race on earth.

    Who else did do anything for humanity? Who did make all the greatest inventions and scientific explorations? The WHITEY!

    No black pimps, No hispanic ghetto-ghangstas, No. It’s all WHITEY!

    The other races are pretty much useless eaters we need to get rid of. All they care about is how to immigrate in our beautiful places turn them into ghettos and make as many babies as possible while do no cultural advances whatsoever.

    I know truth hurts. But it’s like that always.

  3. #32 – Kuzco

    OK, my bad. Typo. I meant #29. Does that clarify things at all?

  4. Stefan says:

    Wait, about which White people are we talking about? I am Germanic and obviously white. But how about the Polish for example, they are Slavs. Should I be worried about them mixing with us Germans? Are they White people?

    No wait, to be more accurate, I am a Saxon, so should I be worried about mixing with the Franks in southern Germany? They are also Germanic people, but you know.. they are different and talk in a funny dialect..

    Hmm, but then again I am from Westphalia, my family lived here for centuries. So I am part of the Western tribe of Saxons. Should I be worried about mixing with the Saxons in Eastphalia?…

  5. Klaatu says:

    If whites become a minority does that mean we can have Society of white engineers, White Caucus, White Entertainment Television- I wonder if the PC types in colleges are ready for this?

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #38, peedro,

    Just like rednecks wihtout the boldness.

    You don’t know redneck culture.

    Native Americans have waaaaaay more ethics and self respect than LCD latin americans.

    Aahh, another undefined word used to denigrate a whole group of people. Who’s ethics?

    Too much liberal kool-aid, I see.

    Too little understanding of sarcasm.

  7. thecommodore says:

    I think the word we’re looking for is ‘plurality’. A group that outsizes all other groups combined is called ‘dominant’. So dominance for whites is slowly fading. What exactly this means, who knows. I don’t care so long as we’re all still speaking English (with midwestern accents).

  8. Steve S says:

    # 33 admfubar said,

    “well if mexicans were sneaking over the border so much, i guess to balance this out we need more canadians sneaking over the border………”

    I’m afraid it is already too late. You see we Canadians have an “arrangement” with the Mexican government. They occasionally send a few of their citizens North of the border to act as a diversion so that Mr. and Mrs. American citizen does not notice that the real invasion is coming from Canada. In exchange when we have full control of the United States we will give them back California, New Mexico, Texas and North Dakota (I don’t know why they wanted North Dakota, but they do).
    We have already successfully infiltrated your entertainment industry. While you laugh at our entertainers, behind your backs we are marrying your white women and slowly growing in ranks. You will be part of the collective.
    You will be made to service our needs.
    Resistance is futile!

  9. Thomas says:

    Having less children has more to do with economics than anything else. The reason that the average number of children in the US is lower than say Mexico is that it is more expensive to have children in the US. I believe it is the case that on average whites are better off economically than say Hispanics in the US. As Hispanic couples become wealthier, they’ll start having fewer kids just as blacks are having fewer children as their economic condition improves.

  10. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #25 Jägermeister, classic video! I’m still surprised that the southern rednecks lost the Civil War. They seemed like such a sure bet to win.

  11. asianpride says:

    #5, at least we are outnumbering whites by peacefully coexisting and reproducing. Rather than ur ancestors who eliminated the NAtive American population. The original Americans!!! Also, you wouldn’t want to take credit for those bad stuff, but u r quick to take credit for “building this country”!!!

  12. disturbia says:

    agree with asianpride

  13. kasia says:

    An important point is lost in all this drivel: over population. The USA’s ecological footprint maxes out at 120 million. Why are we having so many children? Why do we let so many people immigrate? Unless we actually shrink the population of the USA famine or other catastrophes will do it for us. We have the choice between a managed decline in population, or, nature doing it for us.


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