This may be a first for a presidential campaign: A debate about whether one of the candidates is the Antichrist. The latest round began with the McCain campaign Web ad released earlier this month called “The One.” The spot includes clips of Obama seeming to imply he is God’s choice, shots of Charlton Heston, stairs in the clouds (to heaven?) and images that some say are meant to mimic those in the wildly popular “Left Behind” book series about the end of the world that feature the Antichrist.

Some Obama supporters pounced on the ad, which was released in early August, saying it deliberately was meant to stoke a debate that’s been going on among some Christians for months: Whether Obama is the Antichrist.

The debate over the debate has gotten so intense that Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, the authors of the “Left Behind” series, issued a statement clarifying that Obama is likely not the Antichrist in the Book of Revelation. “I’ve gotten a lot of questions the last few weeks asking if Obama is the Antichrist,” Jenkins told Christian Newswire. “I tell everyone that I don’t think the Antichrist will come out of politics, especially American politics.”

John McCain on the other hand………….naw, we wouldn’t want to offend the Antichrist would we?

  1. comhcinc says:

    wait. isn’t the antichrist coming to power a good thing? that signals the end times and the return of jesus? i will admit that has been a while since i read the bible but i am pretty sure that is how it is to happen.

    so if you think obama is the antichrist wouldn’t you want him in office?

  2. Eric says:

    Leave it to the Christian Conservatives to equate voting for a Democrat to voting for Satan himself!

  3. BillM says:

    Actually “Satan herself’s” name is being put into nomination to show party unity.

  4. Dallas says:

    We frown on the religious fanatical kooks in middle east asserting themselves with in government. Look at us now.

    This is why we need to nip the Christian agenda of infiltrating government in the bud. Folks, we need to keep to our principles of church-state separation.

  5. edwinrogers says:

    Far be it from me to ridicule the beliefs and faith of other human beings, this sort of loopy home baked white bread baptistry totally creeps me out.

  6. GigG says:

    #2 This would be the Christian Conservatives. The group pushing Obama as the Anti-Christ make Christian Conservatives look like liberals.

    I recently learned that the minister of a local church here that about two years ago left the Arkansas Baptist Convention because they thought the ABC had become to liberal has preached from the pulpit that Obama is the Anti-Christ. Since this guy has never come up with an original thought in his life I’m pretty sure that he is getting this from what ever larger cult he is affiliated with.

    This ought to concern you if you are an Obama supporter or even if you can’t stand the guy. All it is going to take is one nutcase in the congregation to hear that and think, “I can stop the Anti-Christ. Where’s my deer rifle?”

  7. Carlos A. says:

    Politics, another synonym to Clown Circus.
    All is fair in Love, war and politics.

  8. chuck says:

    I thought we’d all agreed that Cheney was the anti-christ ?

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    Effen idiots !!! McCain already pronounced Putin is the anti-christ.

  10. eyeofthetiger says:

    The problem with being “Left Behind” is that you have the responsibility of removing the corpses.

  11. Special Ed says:

    Won’t it be nice when the rapture comes and gets all of these assholes out of here?

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Ed,

    As long as they take their shit too.

  13. jbellies says:

    Paul is the Anti-Christ. I don’t mean Paul McCartney, I mean the second most famous Paul in History.

    And GWB (or, in deference to #8, possibly his nominally assistant self-effulgence) is his rep. I’m sorry, there is no room for more Anti-Christs. Les jeux sont faits.

  14. allen dizon says:

    This early, i really can’t tell which i would side with, but i am leaning towards obama. Furthermore, the GOP base is not even warming up to mccain (of course, i could be wrong) and even though it’s still early in the game, this just proves to show how we see our candidates to-date. i know i will get burned for this, but i think mccain is a warmonger. i get the impression that he doesn’t care to what happens to our troops in the middle east and the other parts of the world. Can’t we just all get along? i think it is time for a purification; i think it is time for a change; i think it is time for obama time. Now that the candidates are set for the US Presidential Election, Barack Obama and John McCain are beginning to set the tone for their campaign.and i just want to share a video that i saw in clashorama try to check it guys

  15. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    hmm.. I was told that America leave Church and State separate in American History class. Today I was fixing a TV and left it on CNN HD and all day they talk about damn preachers in governments.

    To me it seem that MOST peoples in Americas are NOT American enough.

  16. Special Ed says:

  17. MikeN says:

    I thought he was the Messiah? Does this have something to do with Mormons thinking Jesus and the devil are brothers?

  18. The Anti-Christ says:

    You dickheads better watch it or I’ll smite the crap out of you!

  19. GregAllen says:

    If you ever find yourself discussing this with a biblical literalistic, ask them to show the name “Antichrist” in Revelation.

    It’s not there.

    The term is used in in I and II John but it is sloppy biblical scholarship to link this to Revelation.

    Probably the best way to render this term is someone who denies Christian beliefs about Jesus.

    This board is thick with anti-christs, for example. 😉

  20. Mister Ketchup says:

    #19 – I guess this would also make me anti-tooth fairy, anti-Santa Claus and anti-Easter Bunny too. Shame on me for denying anyone the right to worship their imaginary friends.

  21. Skeffington says:

    Of course Obama is not the antichrist. Dick Cheney can’t be in two places at once.

  22. bill says:

    I thought Pillory was the antichrist. Now I’m confuzed.

  23. Retro Neo says:


    All the BS Express aside: What part of “He’s already leading” didn’t you get?

  24. admfubar says:

    i’m waiting for mccain to have a post traumatic stress attack somewhere in the campagne, would be enlightening if it happened in a “debate”.

  25. Ducky says:

    Well, since it’s in Revelations, we know the antichrist will be able to do a few things:
    1. Be really nifty and likable.
    2. Will have an assassination attempt that hits him in a vital area — making others believe he’s dead. After 3 days, news will come back saying he miraculously lived. Everyone will be happy.
    3. Will unite the world as one — and get everyone to ID themselves happily.

    Since we’d need someone to try to kill the antichrist before he can unite the world — wouldn’t it actually be better if everyone held off trying to kill him so he can’t unite the world?

    That, and you’d need to actually see the guy come back to life before he’d count.

  26. kroembke says:


    The language from this add comes directly from the Obama campaign (and Oprah’s reference) All us conservitives are doing is using their own words against them. When has John McCain claimed to make the oceans rise?

  27. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Meanwhile, in the upcoming Presidential Debate…

    Jim Lehrer: “As previously agreed by both parties, you’ll have two minutes to answer this question, and later another 30 seconds to rebut your opponent’s answer. And our first question is, do you think your opponent is the Anti-Christ, and why?”

    (It’s just a good thing that presidential elections never get silly, isn’t it?)

  28. Wretched Gnu says:

    #26 — er; when did Obama claim to make the oceans rise…? I must have missed that. Isn’t global warming making the oceans rise…?

    Let’s look at mainstream conservatism, shall we? Over on Conservapedia, the entry on Obama says that if he’s elected he will be officially the first Affirmative Action President. This is what conservatives believe. According to their logic, any black man that would ever become president — at any time, anywhere — is necessarily an Affirmative Action president.

    Mainstream conservatives are racist? Perish the thought!


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