On MySpace Page. A Feeler?

MySpace.com – Barack Obama – 47 – Male – CHICAGO, Illinois – www.myspace.com/barackobama — The MySpace page for Barack Obama is carefully orchestrated. For example, in the comments there is never anything negative and things are a little too folksy and rigged. That said this supposedly home-brew graphic (with no actual comments) showed up at the top of the comments. I’m guessing this is going to be the VP selection. I suspect it will scroll off shortly.

  1. Thermal Man says:

    It doesn’t matter who Obama chooses as veep because he is not going to be the next prez. No matter his current title this guy is too much of a lying wanker to ever be anything more than a community activist.

  2. Come on! Play along!

  3. Jim W. says:

    I’m not Bayh(ing) Obaama as President in the first place so I don’t care who he picks.

    (is that playing along enough for you?)

  4. Dallas says:

    I’ll vote Obama regardless of who he picks. I’m picking a Leader not a Vice leader.

    FYI.. I stopped by the Western Union office and saw teletype that McCain is trying to woo Robert E Lee at VP. Someone please tell him Lee is dead.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    “Barack Obama has 449018 friends.”

    I think he’ll need a few more than that to win.

    Orientation: Straight
    Ethnicity: Black / African descent”

    Why doesn’t it say:

    Orientation: Left
    Ethnicity: White / English descent


  6. hhopper says:

    I guess it scrolled or was removed. I didn’t see anything unusual.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    Evan Beyh? At most he might win Indiana if he does pick him for VP. Outside Indiana though, Bayh is unknown even though we was a very good Governor.

    I would rather see a deserving man such as Richardson, Dodd, or Biden. Although there are several more great potential candidates, my pick would come from these three.

    And Obama will be getting my vote regardless of who he or McCain pick to be their VP. Like Dallas, I am picking a leader, not the “B” team.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    He should get a southerner. That is if he wants a better shot at Texas. Most of the names I’ve seen floated are not nationally known. Mr. Fission is right about Beyh.

  9. #1 – Thermal Man

    >>It doesn’t matter who Obama chooses as veep
    >>because he is not going to be the next prez.

    Heh heh heh. Keep saying that, if it makes you feel better.

    If you think McBush even has a ghost of a chance, I’d strongly recommend you up your meds. Right now!!!

    To steal a phrase from John McEnroe, YOU CAN NOT BE SERIOUS!!

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    I have never seen such a sweet lovefest MySpace page ever. Wow! Talk about holding hands and singing cum-bay-ya!

    As far as the VP trials go, Bayh is off the screen, but… I just looked at the page and Westley Clark is now mentioned.

    This lends credibility to the “float a trial balloon” idea for selection of a VP candidate.

    For my two cents, Westley Clark would be an excellent choice. Many people doubt Obama’s foreign experience and Clark’s nomination would go far in addressing this. Not to mention people know Clark and won’t say “who is that?”

    This is also the same reason why McCain needs to pick someone like Romney. Romney bolsters McCains lack of economic sense, delivers Michigan, and doesn’t need an introduction.

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    Now I expect Fusion and Mustard to froth at the mouth at the mention of Romney because of his “Weird Religion”, but if Romney can introduce a sound fiscal policy and straighten out our budget, then who cares about the rest?

    After all, Romney was much further left before he tried for the Presidency, and Harry Reid is about as radical left as you can get.

  12. Thermal Man says:

    #9 Mustard

    Seriousness doesn’t play into this election given the clown we are asked to support. Obama calls anyone that objects with his foolish, naive and dangerous ideas a racist. His skin is too thin to be a good leader and that chip on his shoulder is destined to be knocked off.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, TooTooman,

    This is the typical wing nut response. Just make something up and divert attention from the wing nut screw-ups.

    When has Obama EVER called someone a racist?

  14. Thermal Man says:

    #13 Fusion

    The race card from the Obama campaign has seen more action than the lips of a Vegas hooker.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    #13 “When has Obama EVER called someone a racist?”

    A couple weeks ago he accused McCain of trying to make people frightened because of Obama’s appearance being “different” from all past presidents.

    1: McCain never said that. = Obama is dishonest.
    2: Obama is trying to play the race card.

  16. #12 – Hot Pocket

    >>Seriousness doesn’t play into this election
    >>given the clown we are asked to support.

    You’re right. McBush does a disservice to clowns.

    #15 – O’Furniture

    >>A couple weeks ago he accused McCain of trying to
    >>make people frightened because of Obama’s
    >>appearance being “different” from all past

    I think you better go back to your chaise lounge, O’Furniture. Whether or not McBush actually voiced those words is irrelevant (as is the “candidate” himself).

    If you don’t think McBush’s lackeys aren’t running around posting about barack HUSSEIN Obama, raising fears about his darkie heritage, his allegiance to Africa (by failing to wear the obligatory American flag pin), and everything else they can come up with their bag of dirty tricks, well. In that case, you’re as dumb as a piece of patio furniture.

  17. Paddy-O says:

    #16 “If you don’t think McBush’s lackeys aren’t running around posting about barack HUSSEIN Obama, raising fears about his darkie heritage, his allegiance to Africa”

    As you are so fond of saying, links please. Otherwise, YOU are just making it up. Like I said, Obama is dishonest, documented now on national TV.

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    Paddy-O, you know you won’t get anywhere asking Mustard to link to anything relevant.

    Yes, he does make things up and when you can prove him wrong using his own statements, he just cannot get his head around that he could be wrong, and this is why…

    Classic schizophrenia.
    “Symptoms include delusions, disordered thinking, flat affect, social withdrawal, and cognitive deficits.”

    Remind us of anyone?


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