Some protesters arrested at the Democratic National Convention could be jailed in a city- owned warehouse, complete with metal cages and barbed wire, CBS4 News has learned. Investigative reporter Rick Sallinger discovered the location and managed to get inside Tuesday for a look. The newly created lockup, in a warehouse northeast of Denver, contains dozens of metal cages made of chain-link fence material, topped by rolls of barbed wire. Each of these fenced-in areas is about 15 feet by 15 feet, with a lock on the door. A sign on the wall reads “Warning, electric stun devices used in this facility.”

Sallinger showed video of the warehouse to Adam Jung of Tent State University and Zoe Williams of Code Pink, leaders of groups that plan to demonstrate during the convention. “This is very bare-bones and very reminiscent of a political prisoner camp or a concentration camp,” Williams said. “That’s how you treat cattle,” Jung siad. “You showed the sign where it said stun gun in use. And you just change the word gun for bolt, and it’s a meat-processing plant.” The Denver Sheriff’s Department would not discuss the facility. Instead, the sheriff’s department said late Tuesday the mayor’s office would be releasing a statement about it early next week. “We’re going to tell you about it,” said Capt. Frank Gale, of the sheriff’s department. “We’re going to have the community and the media come out and view the place .” John White, spokesman for Denver police, said Tuesday he could not comment until after he has a chance to consult with convention officials. The American Civil Liberties Union said it will ask the city of Denver how prisoners will get access to food and water, bathrooms, telephones and medical care, and if there will be a place to meet with attorneys.

So, is this where the free speech areas will be located?

  1. This should be good for a laugh when all hell breaks loose. Did the reporters ever find out where they have the outlets so they can gas the prisoners?

    New term: Gitmo-nation! Maybe this kind of thing will go away when the Democrats take office. Er, wait, THESE are the Democrats!!

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Oh, I just can’t wait for the show!

    I’m expecting a full scale riot complete with tear gas, water cannons, tasers, with an attack dog or two for show!

    Now that Hillary will be in the roll call, expect the best (or worse, depending on your point of view).

    Time to fire up the TIVO so we can watch the fun over and over again.

  3. bobbo says:

    And the alternative(s) would be what given the standard civil disobedience activist actually wants to get arrested.

    Alternative is either not to arrest and the crowd grows unruly, or use already overcrowded facilities so that there is a complete breakdown of authority?

    If its well done, special use facilities could be the very best option for everyone involved.

    Always more fun to mindlessly bitch about anything in a knee jerk fashion.

  4. ECA says:

    when did we decide to BACK a single group with police protection?? To long.
    Money talks, and its LOUD, even if they are wrong.

  5. Calin says:

    What do you expect with Bush and his cronies running this nation. Of course the Repugnicans want to silence all argument against their reign. This is just the start.

    Wait…did you say DNC?

    …this sarcasm brought to you by the letter C.

  6. admfubar says:

    i think republicans should be locked up……….. who else woud protest at the DNC ???? in other news…. republican protesters will now be given the same treatment they dished out all these years……….. 😛

  7. Thomas says:

    #3. bobbo= acceptance of the master plan. You see it’s already working. “It’s not so bad, a good solution, what else can we do, their might be violence….blah blah blah”

    slow cooking you into submission…well done

  8. Freyar says:

    What the hell are the police supposed to do if they don’t have room in the first place? Granted the ACLU’s concerns are fine, but this facility is definately NOT a permamant holding facility.

  9. hhopper says:

    Where in hell have all these activists been while W has been screwing this country? Idiots.

  10. #1 – Mr C. Dvorak

    >>Did the reporters ever find out where they
    >>have the outlets so they can gas the

    Naw, you’re mixing up your political parties. They’re gassing them at the REPUBLICAN National Convention.

    I think, given the history of the two parties, that’s a lot more likely.

    Wait and see. Just wait and see.

  11. bobbo says:

    #7–Thomas== please === your alternative plan is what?

    Pretty Please?

    I’m proud to be a liberal and far left on certain issues premised on First Amendment Rights–but unless you explain your position, you argue for anarchy?

    Is anarchy what you want or are you willing to give unto Cesear what is Cesears? Hint–I’ll say again, most civile protestors “want” to be arrested and hauled off to show their dedication. If not arrested, wouldn’t these public events be shut down by violence, congestion, noise, etc? And what of the rights of those quite happy to watch the show as planned?

    C’mon Thomas, liberal loons, et al==your alternative plan is what?

  12. jccalhoun says:

    When was the last time there were mass arrests at a political convention? The 60s?
    There will be mass arrests this time because they have already decided that they are going to put the time and effort to hold the people somewhere. This is not preparing for the worst. This is preparing to make things worse.

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    Hate to say it but (#11) Bobbo’s right.

    As he points out, there is a world of difference between a Liberal and a Liberal Loon (or any type of loon).

    The loons are going to try to crash the party to serve their own self interest and any amount of sanity or reason isn’t going to stop them.

    In fact, the loons will make up any reason to protest. To them it’s all about being seen.

    That’s why Hillary being on the roll call will become a fracas. The loons will have a cause to rally behind. No matter what Hillary says about party unity, it’s going to be a convention nightmare.

    And of course, Hillary WANTS it to be a nightmare to show she still has some clout so she can get some considerations from Obama down the road.

    Get ready to pop the popcorn and let the show begin!

  14. #13 – Hillbilly; #14 – Oh Yes

    Uhhh, it’s the RIGHT WING fruitcakes who’d be the only ones arrested protesting at the DNC.

    Feel free to attend, and test out the tasers.


  15. #16 – Oh Yesssss

    I said it was the Republicans who were going to be ARRESTED. Protesting is not a jailable offense. And if you truly believe that Code Pink and Consulta are going to be the kind of violent felons who need barbed wire and tasers, your head is screwed on so backwards it’s looking at your scrotum.

    If anyone needs barbed wire and tasers, it’s going to be the whack-a-doodle right-wing flakes who shoot abortion doctors and torture prisoners who haven’t been convicted of anything.

    btw, where are the details on the concentration camp(s?) the Repubs are setting up? They’re not going to tase and waterboard protesters in the Minneapolis city lockup. You KNOW they’re coming up with their own Gitmo; Christ, they already have virtual Gitmos whenever Dumbya gives a public speech.

  16. Ah_Yea says:

    Mustard, you do know how to read, don’t you?

    I’m just wondering because I gave you links specifying at least two major groups which DO plan to disrupt the DNC. And neither of them are Republican.

    From my first link alone, we have:
    “Representatives for many of the citizen groups planning events during the Democratic National Convention met together in Denver on Sunday morning, July 20 … More than 85 percent of those attending were from either Recreate 68 or Unconventional Denver … Recreate 68 refused to publicly renounce any and all use of violence at the DNC … Unconventional Denver has not openly declared their action plans beyond saying they want to “disrupt” the convention. An affiliate of the Unconventional Action coalition, this group of self-described anarchists opposes “electoral politics” with an upraised black fist as its main symbol.”
    Humm, sounds like the city of Denver better take some precautions…

    Now you said that some Republican groups are planning protests. Who are they? Where are your links?

    Oh, and stop your spewing about “Protesting is not a jailable offense.” That’s just stupid. Stop being stupid. Inciting a riot and disturbing the peace IS a jailable offense!

    And this other stupid comment “where are the details on the concentration camp(s?) the Repubs are setting up?” You don’t hear about them because THERE ARE NONE!

    Duh!! These “anarchist” are Democrats targeting other Democrats because these targeted Democrats aren’t liberal enough!
    A case in point, since you obviously missed it. Reread my prior post about Medea Benjamin and Nancy Pelosi.

    So show me Republican “anarchist” targeting the Republican convention.

    (Assuming you’re not one of the Looney Tunes)

    I might have been wrong on that one…

  17. #18 – Ah_Bullshit

    Yeah, I read the links, and I looked into the groups planning to protest.


    If Code Pink is the worst violence they’re expecting at the DNC, they should bring in the Good Humor trucks for ice cream.

    And assuming that YOU know how to read, you will recognize that I didn’t identify any violet felons among the Repubs. They like to fly under the radar, until the sniper rifles start to fire.

    What I said was, given their history and tendencies towards hatemongering, it’s more likely that any violent confrontation would come from the Repub wingnuts, rather than from groups like Code Pink and Recreate68.

    The most “violent” (using the term loosely) group among the protesters, Recreat68, appears to be looking to “recreate” the 1968 DNC, when the POLICE caused the riot, not the protesters.

    You’re just blowing smoke out of your ass, Ah_bullshit.

    STFU, and go back stuffing envelopes for McBush.

  18. Montanaguy says:

    Apparently you have all forgotten the Democratic convention in ’68 in Chicago. It was a disruptional embarrassment for the demoncrats, because of all the leftist loony-birds rioting. Do you honestly think the Republicans would care if they did it again? Get real. This is leftist hypocrisy at its best. The demoncrats are terrified that their own step-children will screw it up for them again.

  19. #20 – Margarine Guy

    >>It was a disruptional embarrassment for the
    >>demoncrats, because of all the leftist
    >>loony-birds rioting.

    Go back and take a high-school history class, son. It was the cops who caused the riots.

    As a primer, you can start here:

    Then look it up in some scholarly publications.

  20. Montanaguy says:

    You can debate ‘who started the riot’ all day. Who controlled the cops? Mayor Daley. Who controlled the Demoncrat machine? Mayor Daley. Same deal – the demoncrats and the local machine were at least smart enough to know that their asociation with the leftist loons would ruin them in the eyes of ‘middle America’, and it did, despite Daley’s afforts to get rid of them. No, it wasn’t GW Bush/Cheney or republican goons disrupting the ’68 convention, and it won’t be this year either. They know that the demoncrats are perfectly capable of imploding all on their own. That party could screw up a one-car funeral.

  21. Ah_Yea says:

    Mustard, this has been a sad day for you.

    I was truly hoping that through all the abusive language and bluster that you could be a sane and reasonable person.

    I was wrong. Your own words betray you.

    It turns out you are one of the fringe looneys.

    You say that the fireworks are caused by Republicans but you cannot even begin to bring any evidence. Why not say that Aliens from Mars caused the disturbance for all the evidence you produced?

    Your arguments are shallow, your reasoning deranged.

    Time for your meds, Mustard.

  22. BigCarbonFoot says:

    This is going to be sad and fun at the same time. There’s awhole boatload of folks who thing Hillarius and O’Vomit are too conservative. I hope they lock opposing protesters together so they can eat each other.

    All protesters are losers. It’s OK to protest but damaging property or actually interfering with commerce is completely unnacceptable.

  23. #23 – Oooooh yeah

    >>You say that the fireworks are caused by Republicans
    >>but you cannot even begin to bring any evidence.

    WTF are you talking about? What “fireworks”? If you’d like some evidence that right-wing lunatics are responsible for violence, I’ve got plenty of evidence for that. I’m surprised you’d even ask, as it reveals the depth of your ignorance.

    As to the convention, I don’t believe I said that Repugs caused any violence at any DNC. As to th 2008 convention, I said that it’s highly unlikely that groups like Code Pink or Recreate68 are going to be committing any violent acts; certainly none that require tasers and barbed wire. If anyone is going to do that, it would most likely be the right-wing flakes (ie far-right Repubs) like those who shoot abortion doctors and bomb clinics.

    So wtf is your problem?

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, Ah Yea,

    Oh, and stop your spewing about “Protesting is not a jailable offense.” That’s just stupid. Stop being stupid. Inciting a riot and disturbing the peace IS a jailable offense!

    Two different things, don’t confuse them.

  25. natefrog says:

    As a liberal, I can easily say I feel the same way about this as the same draconian measures taken at the RNC in years past.

    It’s horrible and the people should be taking to the streets in protest about how we’re treated these days.

  26. MikeN says:

    If you’re protesting against Barack Obama and the Democratic Party, shouldn’t you be tased?

  27. Paddy-O says:

    #5 “What do you expect with Bush and his cronies running this nation. Of course the Repugnicans want to silence all argument against their reign.”

    Are you stupid or just dense? Denver is a democrap controlled & run city.

  28. bobbo says:

    #29–Paddy==sarcasm is sometimes hard to spot but Calin even said it was sarcasm. That wasn’t necessary for anyone that can read an entire 4 sentence post.


  29. billybob says:

    The “meat” has already been processed. That kids brains are mush.

  30. Paddy-O says:

    #30 Apparently, I do. Thanks for the correction.


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