Did McCain start his first war already?

Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., right, speaks with his director of Foriegn Policy and National Security Randy Scheunemann, as they board McCain's chartered plane at Washington's Ronald Reagan Airport, Friday, May 16, 2008. From AP Photo by Jeff Chiu.

McCain, posing as if he were the president, declared “We are all Georgians now”, and practically declared war on Russia. But it turns out that McCain’s foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, is a lobbyist. His firm, Orion Strategies, an active supporter of advocacy groups supporting the Iraq war, has received $800,000 from the government of Georgia.

It appears McCain thinks this crisis is in his political favor as he marches out on stage to the music from the movie “Rocky” in a war he might have had a hand in creating, if it turns out the Georgian president thought he had the backing of the United States because of the money he was funneling to McCain’s campaign staff. Georgia’s president Mikhail Saakashvili twice mentioned McCain by name as if he expected McCain to send armies go to war with Russia on his behalf. Has McCain started his first war already?

No matter how you look at it or what might have happened, the very idea that McCain’s foreign policy adviser is being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by a former Soviet block government just isn’t acceptable. After the Bush administration lying us into the war in Iraq, we can’t have another president who is in the pocket of a foreign government. Randy Scheunemann must go! And McCain has some ‘splainin’ to do.



  1. GregAllen says:

    Q: Who the hell vacations in Crimea?
    A: Karl Rove, just before this war broke out.

    I’m not prone to conspiracy theories but this has a stink to it.


  2. gadlaw says:

    What the heck are you talking about? Both Bush Presidents as well as Clinton were so far up China’s butt they should have all been impeached for it. Missile technology to China from Clinton, sweetheart deals for China and no accountability from the lot of them and you are worried about something that unfortunately is not unusual? Every country has paid representatives in Washington, that doesn’t make those representatives traitors or able to influence their candidates. And after all, the candidates – whatever they say or whatever their opinions – will get their final report card on election day. So don’t vote for McCain because some of his advisors worked for the Country of Georgia. Of course, you’ll still vote for Obama and his twenty year long Spiritual advisor is a racist black liberation spouting Farrakhan clone. Conveniently for you the guy who once worked for Georgia is more important all things considered. Geez.

  3. Makes no nevermind to me. Anyone who has heard McBush extemporize on anything realizes that he is simply irrelevant.

    After 8 years of a chimpanzee whose speeches should like those of a dyslexic 6th grader, not even the hard-to-underestimate American populace isn’t going to elect McCain.

    He might have had a chance in 1980, but today? After Dumbya? NFW.

  4. Jake says:


    A post on Dvorak that has multiple sources and a reasoned argument.

    Not saying I agree or disagree, just applauding you for your extra effort.

    Posts like this one add credibility to this site, unlike quite a few recent posts by the site’s primary author.

  5. Marc Perkel says:

    #4 Thank you for that.

  6. Mister Ketchup says:

    The money probably came from Buckhead north of Atlanta. No one else in Georgia has any money.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #4, Jake,

    If you don’t enjoy the post then don’t comment. If you get fooled by the editor’s slant, too bad. If you can’t take a joke, get a life.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    McCain has a growing credibility problem.

    His “religious” backers are turning out to be real nut cases.

    His poo pooing of Obama’s platform is becomes the prelude to his own platform a few days later.

    His failure to support the troops is hard to explain.

    His economic adviser rewrote the laws to benefit banks leading to the mortgage meltdown crises.

    Now his foreign affairs adviser is really just a shill for foreign governments.

    And there are still people that think he might make a good President?

  9. admfubar says:

    Is McCain talking to Jonathan Frakes (of Star Trek Next Generation fame) in that pic??

    Georgia… uh of the former soviet republic (and soon to be again) or or georgia of the former confederate states, (soon to be again)………

  10. Jake says:


    I did enjoy THIS post, and so I commented. Sometimes I even comment when I don’t enjoy a particular post. I often ignore the posts by JCD.

    I’m certainly not fooled by his political slant. He makes it incredibly obvious where he is politically.

    And, since I’m assuming your comment about my comment was a joke, looks like I’ll be keeping my current life.

    Of course, maybe your comment wasn’t a joke, in which case you might want to follow your own advice, because if your comment wasn’t a joke, you certainly are. And yeah, you probably can’t take my joke here, so go and get a life….

  11. Pmitchell says:

    Ohh jake don’t let ole fusion get to you, every family has the nut case drunk uncle they prefer would shut up because they spew foolish crap that never makes sense

  12. Malcolm says:

    It’s not just a slogan anymore.

  13. Thermo says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]

  14. Hugh Ripper says:

    #14 – Your right wing pro American redneck flag waving and sound bite McCain posturing is truly nauseating. Work for the Republican machine by any chance?

    By the way, the ‘wetting the pants’ jibe is a bit rich. McCain looks like the one most likely in need of a colostomy bag.

  15. Hugh E. Rection says:


    HAR! I get it…McCain is OLD. Colostomy bag indeed. Incontinence!

    Btw, what’s wrong with a little flag waving?
    OH NOES Amerika is evil and I’d be ashamed to show any patriotism lest my friends label me hateful. It’s not about lapel pins or jingoism…

    Address #14’s (inane?) points rationally or continue to call names.

    Should we “get involved” to defend a country who supported us in Iraq? Or should we be careful of our foreign entanglements…

  16. Hugh Ripper says:

    #15 The whole ‘stand up for our friends’ argument is baloney. Its about scoring political points, pure and simple. This was quite ably illustrated by the biased rantings of Thermo.

  17. Lou says:

    Why did no one in W’s gov see this Russian invasion coming ? 1000 tanks rolling down to the border and W’s out watching sports. HELLO !

  18. Jim says:

    Bull,The Georgians started this war, killing Russian passport holders in the area and Russian peacekeepers (sanctioned by the UN!), and completely ignoring the wishes of the Ossetes for the independence they are historically entitled to.

    Ossetia is not a region in Georgia, regardless of what that thing Saakashvili and his friends claim. Prior to the U.S.S.R it was an INDEPENDENT Oblast, now the U.S.S.R is dead there is no reason for it not to be returned to that. Georgia is again autonomous, as is Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraina and many others. Hell, the Nato recognises Kosovo as independent, when Serbia has actually got far more historical claim to it than Georgia has to the regions in question.

    It was the Russian that had been working to secure a United Nations Security Council statement calling for a renunciation of force by both Georgia and south Ossetions. A statement that could have averted bloodshed that was blocked by the US. It is the Russians that went in and rescued the Ossetes and Russian peacekeepers (again peacekeepers that were sanctioned by the UN!)from the area. Actions that are entirely consistent with international law, including article 51 of the UN charter on the right of self-defence. It’s the Russians who took them to North Ossetia, the Russians who provided 120 tonnes of aid, and medical care. Not the Georgians.

    The Georgians have committed a MASSACRE against the Ossetes – they have created a humanitarian crisis in the region by cutting off water and electricity. The people who remained in the area, mainly the elderly and children couldn’t access help, and the Georgians were shooting at, and bombing, them. They tried to halt the flow of refugees into North Ossetia, and have bombed buses full of refugees. They tried to integrate the area by wiping out the Ossetes, that’s not just a war – that’s ethnic cleansing.

    This is nationalism on Georgia’s part, pure and simple. That’s one of the reasons why Saakashvili got elected in 2004, he is aggressively trying to integrate the regions.

    But yes, poor sweet Georgia, with their U.S funded and trained troops (not that this was planned at all!), being picked on by big bad Russia(!)

  19. jlm says:

    Georgia must have gotten an early memo from diebold

  20. Dallas says:

    Yeah, let’s vote for McBush. That’s what this country needs more of – NOT.

    Somehow, voters still need to be convinced that they just can’t keep voting Republican because mom and dad does (or did). We need to vote what’s good for our own future.

  21. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I don’t listen to BBC enough (at all) to understand the real story between Georgia and Russia. But it’s interesting to watch the Republican machine play the “Obama can’t handle this, while McCain will be a strong leader” crap. They play this same game every four years. Same with McCain’s ads saying Obama is going to raise YOUR taxes…when the number of people watching TV who are affected by his plan is minuscule.

    Paint the Dems as weak on security, and tax & spend. I don’t think it will work this time, despite the number of stupid people who fall for it.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, Jim,

    Obviously you have taken sides. You took one moment in history and decided that everything here was caused by that one moment.

    For years Georgia has put up with outlaw Ossetians that robbed, smuggled, and kidnapped. No country in the world community recognized the independence of Ossetia, including Russia. These were plain and simple, criminal activities often supported by Russian gangs and even Russian military.

    Under international law, Georgia has every right to defend its internal borders from criminal activity. The question would be did Georgia exert their right to crack down on the criminals because McCain’s supporters might have told the Georgians the US would support them.

  23. sanssoucy says:

    I guess I’ll bid a nonfond adieu to this blog. I kinda expected it to be a Dvorak-esque irreverant take on tech … not Yet Another Moonbat BDS site.


  24. # 14 Thermo said, on August 13th, 2008 at 9:21 pm

    #8 – Mr. Fusion – you are an idiot
    McCain is the one that supports the troops!

    Ah! The paid shills are among us again!

    Thermo, I need to mention that it’s an unwritten paid shill rule that you have to use a first initial followed by your last name. So unless you’re “Tommy Hermo”, you screwed that one up.

  25. JimD says:

    Interesting how the K Street Army of Lobbyists are maning and driving the “Straigh Talk Express” !!! So much for the “Maverick” McBush !!! McCain has KISSED JERRY FALWELL’S ASS, W’s ASS, AND EVEN WENT TO MAINE TO KISS DADDY BUSH’S ASS TOO !!! McCain a “Maverick” ??? NOT !!! Even the “Evangelical Liar and Lobbyist” Ralp Reed is lurking in the background !!! McCain = McBush = MORE OF THE SAME: TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH, AND THE ***SHAFT*** FOR EVERONE ELSE !!!

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Thermo,

    #8 – Mr. Fusion – you are an idiot
    McCain is the one that supports the troops!

    Then why did McCain vote against a bill giving the military a pay raise?

    Obama is the one that wanted to cut off funding for the troops in Iraq

    Obama voted to end support for a war. In case your little wee mind doesn’t see the significance, that was supporting the troops lives. Maybe you want to see more of our men and women killed for no reason in a war we have no business being in, but most Americans don’t.

    BTW, our dalliance in Iraq has reduced our ability to react to events in Georgia.

    the one that wouldn’t visit the military hospital because photographers were not allowed to go with him for a photo opportunity.

    Isn’t it funny how the military still allows McCain photo ops?

    Georgia is our most staunch ally in the region. THEY SENT TROOPS TO IRAQ TO SUPPORT US

    So what? They tried to curry favor by participating in an illegal war. Very few nations around the world ever thought this was a just war. Simply because it isn’t.

    America has always stood up for Tierney

    Who the eff is Tierney?

    McCain said that we are all Georgian now because he was showing his sympathy for their plight.

    No, he was trying to project some war leader image that won’t work. On Thursday, most Americans had no idea where Georgia was. Even today, most Americans don’t care.

    Every intelligent person knows that he did not intend for people to take it literally unlike Obama who meant it when he said he was a citizen of the world.

    If McCain did not mean it, why would he say it? McCain is not the President. He should not be promising Georgia things he can not deliver. And Obama, like all of us, is indeed, a citizen of the world.

    Obama, told the Russians to stop but what happened. He is too naive to realize that bad people don’t listen to words, they respond to actions.

    So where are all of McCain’s tanks, troops, planes, and whatever. Oh ya !!! They are stuck for the next 100 years in some desert. There are no reserves. Not to mention he has to be the President before he can commit his military. Oopps, I guess that means McCain is just bullshit.

    Obama and his words are a joke and this is evidenced by the fact that Russia didn’t listen to him.

    But they are listening to McCain and running for the hills.

    Who did the President of Georgia mention? Obama – NO. He mentioned McCain because McCain has the experience and fortitude

    He mentioned McCain because his country has been paying a lobbyist that works for the McCain campaign. Can’t you read? That is what this effen thread is about !!!

    If this situation happened and Obama was in Office, he would be sitting shaking in a fetal position in a corner of his office wetting his pants.

    If Obama was in office, I don’t think Russia would be pushing the buttons. Compare, the great war general, President Eisenhower doing nothing as Russian tanks rode into Hungary then the peaceful President Kennedy standing up to the Russians.

  27. Thermo says:

    I’ll guarantee, that I am more intelligent, better educated and wealthier than you. I do not work for McCain. I am a PROUD AMERICAN. This is the greatest country in the world and has given me as well as you more opportunities than an other country can. If you don’t seize those opportunities or are not capable, then it is no one’s fault but yourself.
    Obama told a 7 year old girl, that his view is that America is not a good as it once was. Tell me, when was America better? Was it better when there was slavery? Was it better when woman didn’t have the right to vote? Was it better when there was segregation?
    America is at its best right now. The fact that Obama is going to be the democrat nominee should show him that America has never been better. We are the strongest, most powerful, most innovative, and most productive country in the world. We are the envy of every other country. If you don’t like this country and don’t appreciate it, there are millions of people that would love to trade places with you. I am proud of this country and I am not ashamed of being proud. The leftist want people to be ashamed of this country or at least be ashamed if they support it in public. I have traveled and lived abroad both for schooling and business and I see what the average person from other countries thinks of the US. They respect and admire this country more than the people on the left do.

    Of course the US government saw this coming. They were working behind the scenes but Russia decided to attack Georgia anyway. This goes to show that talking does not work.

    Georgia did not start this war. Russia and its murderous KGB leaders want to return Russia to its former “glory”. They do not Georgia to prosper because a successful Democracy is a threat to their regime. If Georgia joins NATO, Russia knows that attacking would be a lot harder politically so they are attacking now. Anyone who thinks that a country with less than 5 million people would start a war against a nuclear power with over 140 million people has to have their head examined.

    McCain is definitely not Bush and anyone educated on the subject knows this. It just shows that you are a follower and either can’t or are too lazy to do your own thinking. You use a word like McBush which shows you are the follower. All you do is use sound bits that someone else, not you, came up with.

    I don’t agree with McCain on all issues. I have no idea what Obama stands for and he won’t tell the American people what he stands for. That scares me because if Obama is afraid to say what he stands for, it must not be something the people would like. All he does is speak in generalities. Change means nothing. He uses this word hoping that people will fill in the blanks with whatever they want. Having the government take over all businesess would be a change. Making Spanish the official language of the US would be change. Locking people up because they speak out against the government is change. I am not saying that Obama wants this I am pointing out that change can be bad. For every change that is good, there is another change that is bad. If Obama came out with a plan that is better for me and better for the country than McCain, I would vote for him. I don’t know what his plan is and no one else does because he won’t share his true beliefs. He talks about change but does not define it. What change does he want? He should define it so that we can make an intelligent decision as to whether we each think it is good or bad.

    Maybe your parents weren’t a good influence on you and didn’t raise you with the fortitude to make your own decisions. Instead of following your parents you are just choosing to follow someone else. I urge you and everyone else to please do your research and get educated. If someone is educated on the subject and disagrees with me, I respect that. Educated disagreements make this country stronger.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    Marc Perkel,

    I think your thread here has touched on something much bigger. The whole idea of lobbyists owning the Presidency. Promises or even just insinuation will be made that certainly have no chance of success.

    So far, McCain lobbyists have garnered almost $1 billion. They go beyond Gramm’s twisting of banking laws. Jack Abramoff is just one well known lobbyist.


    This site is interactive and will trace out the connections between lobbyists and give a short blurb on the person.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, thermo,

    I’ll guarantee, that I am more intelligent, better educated and wealthier than you.

    Boasting about yourself is the first indication you aren’t.

    If you don’t seize those opportunities or are not capable, then it is no one’s fault but yourself.

    So my niece is confined to a wheel chair. It is her fault that she can’t ride the subway? My nephew was struck in the head as a toddler and had several brain surgeries. It is his fault somehow he now has mental problems?

    Tell me, when was America better?

    How about January 19, 2001.

    We are the strongest, most powerful, most innovative, and most productive country in the world.

    So why is Russia laughing at American impotence to stop its aggression? Why is China banking all our money? Why is it 1/7 of Americans do not have health insurance and as many are under-insured? Don’t they count for anything?

    We are the envy of every other country.

    Maybe most, but not all.

    If you don’t like this country and don’t appreciate it, there are millions of people that would love to trade places with you.

    Oopps, the ole “love it or leave it” scenario. Eff you asswipe. Because this country is not perfect is no reason to toss it away. We, and I mean most Americans, have a vision of what this country should be. And I don’t think that vision includes what has happened over the past 7 ½ years.

    The leftist want people to be ashamed of this country or at least be ashamed if they support it in public.

    We want a better nation. Not one run by the Corporations. Not a fascist dictatorship. Not to see people die because they can’t afford medical treatment. Yes, I am ashamed about many things in this country. BUT, not the country itself.

  30. bobbo says:

    Marc Perkel–yes, good post. Let me challenge a few points.

    1..”if it turns out the Georgian president thought he had the backing of the United States because of the money he was funneling to McCain’s campaign staff” /// Now, who in the world could be THAT stupid? I know Saakashvili only by his 30 minute interview on Glenn Beck last night. The guy strikes me as intelligent, educated, and wanting the best for his country–a “true democracy” he is already trying to buy favors with the West. He doesn’t strike me as anyone who can misread the world political map and headlines of the last few years so completely. ie–Beyond the threat of lobbing a few Nukes, the USA is impotent against the land army of Russia, China, the Darfur Liberation Army (sic) and any other group having the will to act.

    2.. “we can’t have another president who is in the pocket of a foreign government” /// So you are recommending that all foreign lobbyist be outlawed? Britain? France? The enemy de jour? Its a close question==outlaw cash contributions from lobbyists (or their clients?) forces it all underground. How about complete transparency and reporting on all money transactions? Tough to get money out of politics, tough to get war out of politics. Tough to get money out of war. Things are tough all over?


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