Did McCain start his first war already?

Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., right, speaks with his director of Foriegn Policy and National Security Randy Scheunemann, as they board McCain's chartered plane at Washington's Ronald Reagan Airport, Friday, May 16, 2008. From AP Photo by Jeff Chiu.

McCain, posing as if he were the president, declared “We are all Georgians now”, and practically declared war on Russia. But it turns out that McCain’s foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, is a lobbyist. His firm, Orion Strategies, an active supporter of advocacy groups supporting the Iraq war, has received $800,000 from the government of Georgia.

It appears McCain thinks this crisis is in his political favor as he marches out on stage to the music from the movie “Rocky” in a war he might have had a hand in creating, if it turns out the Georgian president thought he had the backing of the United States because of the money he was funneling to McCain’s campaign staff. Georgia’s president Mikhail Saakashvili twice mentioned McCain by name as if he expected McCain to send armies go to war with Russia on his behalf. Has McCain started his first war already?

No matter how you look at it or what might have happened, the very idea that McCain’s foreign policy adviser is being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by a former Soviet block government just isn’t acceptable. After the Bush administration lying us into the war in Iraq, we can’t have another president who is in the pocket of a foreign government. Randy Scheunemann must go! And McCain has some ‘splainin’ to do.



  1. Thermo says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]

  2. ArianeB says:

    Georgia started it, Russia escalated it. It is very naive of us to be picking sides in what appears to be a regional ethnic feud.

    I found this interview to be very enlightening.

    If we were true leaders of the world, we should be negotiating peace, not picking sides.

  3. Chris Mac says:

    What’s the dig deal.. I’d understand the hype if Tennessee had invaded Georgia.

  4. bobbo says:

    #35–ArianeB==nice thought: “If we were true leaders of the world, we should be negotiating peace, not picking sides.” /// but when has that ever happend, “really?”

    Seems to me those that consider themselves “leaders” merely posture while the conflict resolves itself/or doens’t, and then the various parties take credit.

    I suppose one might point to the Israel/Egypt peace accords reached with the help of the US. Course, we heavily supplied Israel with war equipment and heavily paid Egypt protection money to act in their long term interests. Yea, thats leadership of a sort, I guess.

  5. bobbo says:

    #38–James==what are you convinced of? That McCain will posture and issue threats with absolutely no credibility as if the USA was what it was about 20 years ago before we spent our wealth in the Middle East?

    Barrack may have been weak and indecisive, but at least he didn’t pull his (“our”) pants down to our ankles and yell “Hey look how stupid I am.”

  6. Thermo says:

    You just proved mr point that you are an idiot

    Since McCain has no foreign affairs, or banking, or economic, or medical, or communications, or religious, or legislating experience he has surrounded himself with advisers. It is the advisers that are causing McCain the problems. That plus his lack of experience.

    McCain has spent his life on foreign affairs. Obamo’s foreign policy is that we should learn a foreign language (of which he doesn’t even know one himself)

    McCain has more experience with economic issues and finance than Obama.

    McCain has more legislative experience than Obama. Look at McCain’s YEARS of legislating. Obama has less than 150 DAYS before campaigning.

    McCain is a christian and he holds those values. Obama says he is a christian but he throws his pastor of 20 years, who he credits his becoming a christian, under the bus. Obama voted to keep partial birth abortions – those where the baby is born and outside of the womb (no health risk to the mother) and the doctors drill a hole in the baby’s head to kill it. If you think this is a Christian value, you, like Obama, need to find a new church.

    McCain has been leading his entire life. From leading his troops in the military and leading in the Senate. Obama lead a community action group.

    If you want to post your opinions, at least back them up with facts. You are just like Obama – spouting words that you think sound good but have no substance to them and no facts to back them up.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #40, soundwash,

    While you make a good post, I’m wary of accepting reports from one of the aggressors as fact. Especially a report that ignores the Ossetian smuggling and other criminal elements here. It is assumed that Russian criminals aided the Ossetians in their activities.

    Russia also has been leaning over to aid separatist rebels in Georgia in an effort to destabilize the region before both, Georgia and Ukraine can join NATO and the EU.

  8. JimD says:

    Interesting how Bush was able to send in “Humanitarian Aid” so quickly, while it took FOREVER for him to get any aid for New Orleans after Katrina !!! But then of course, the Georgians have Oil, and the New Orleans Folks don’t !!!

  9. Hugh Ripper says:

    #15 ….America’s the Best…blah blah blah….love it or leave it…blah blah blah…vote Republican…blah blah blah…everyone is jealous of the USA…blah blah blah…We’re richer then you…blah blah blah…dont trust liberals…blah blah blah

    Pure Republican flag waving jingoism, mate.

  10. Hugh Ripper says:

    #15 To summerise your argument

    ….America’s the Best…blah blah blah….love it or leave it…blah blah blah…vote Republican…blah blah blah…everyone is jealous of the USA…blah blah blah…We’re richer then you…blah blah blah…dont trust the left…blah blah blah

    Pure Republican flag waving jingoistic claptrap, mate. This attitude is the primary reason that the majority of people in my country (Australia) regard America as a greater threat to world peace than anyone else.

  11. BigCarbonFoot says:

    #35 – true leaders of the world would blow the hell out of both of them, being careful not to damage the pipelines.

  12. Cas says:

    Ya know…. leave this “Oh he’s a good christian” crap out of this. It’s no longer valid in today’s society. What a bunch of hogwash, who friggen cares if he’s a “good christian”. I mean come on, what ever happened to separation of religion and state? (I know, it’s a funny comment and unavoidable, but get’s me going every time someone uses that to justify why they are voting for someone in any way I don’t care how small a part it plays.)

    That is just the blindest way to vote for someone. Using that leads you into making and finding excuses why that person is better then the others…. why can’t people just leave that comment alone? It’s just so asinine.

  13. the answer says:

    I think McShithead is so behind the times he’s still living in the cold war era. Thinking Russia is an enemy. And yes this is a joke


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