• Microsoft giving up on Windows. Looks like they are taking Midori seriously — Windows in the Cloud.
  • Gates looks like he is still working to me!
  • Worldwide Internet speeds leaves USA in the dust. We’re number 15 — woot!
  • AMD pumping the 4870 X2. Two chips for the price of two chips.
  • Gmail outage makes a black mark on cloud computing.
  • Lenovo launches quad-core.
  • Dell does an eePC.

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  1. “Worldwide Internet speeds leaves USA in the dust.”… so how that supports charging for Internet access by the bit? If we were on par with Japan, even the heaviest users today would have hard time to max-out their connection. Proof that bandwidth problems are due to greedy and inept providers, not real scarcity …

  2. Floyd says:

    I use GMail with POP/SMTP on the day the outage occurred, and never experienced a problem, though I really don’t know if I was connected during the outage or not. An article on ZDNet about the the cloud going down at:


    had a number of replies from GMail users with POP/SMTP, and at least one IMAP user, that never went down during the outage. seems like the cloud protocol (whatever that really means) has some bugs.

  3. bpaskin says:

    In Italy I get 20mb downstream for 15€ a month. In the US, Boston, I pay $40 a month for the same speed. We are getting ripped off in the States. It could also be due to the fact that there is not much competition from area to area. I have 2 choices in Boston, but at least 5 choices in Rome. Many places in the US there are no choices.

  4. RogerDucky says:

    Well, actually — it’s a logical progression for Microsoft.

    They’re already a monopoly of sorts on the desktop, but there is still a lot of piracy. Various schemes for OS activation is starting to annoy legitimate customers without actually slowing the pirates down by much. How to ensure everyone pays? Put the OS in the cloud! That way — no pay, no play.

  5. JimD says:

    “Cloud Computing” is SO BAD FOR USERE IN SO MANY WAYS, you wonder why a software company would want in. But you can understand when it is M$ promoting it, they aren’t in it to provide a “Great Cloud Computing Experience”, but they are in it because they hear the CASH REGISTERS GOING OFF – KA-CHING !!! “Software-As-A-Service” will allow M$ to charge EVEN MORE THAN THEY GET WITH PRE-INSTALLED SOFTWARE, AND MAKE THE USER DEPENDENT ON M$ ***EVERY DAY*** TO DO ***ANYTHING*** !!! Want to open a DOC file, PAY ME, M$ SAYS !!! Want to open an XLS file, PAY ME, M$ SAYS !!! EVERY TIME !!! It’s all about the money !!!


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