American Airlines is charging troops for their extra baggage, a practice that forces soldiers heading for a war zone in Iraq to try to get reimbursement from the military. One of the country’s largest veterans groups is asking the aviation industry to drop the practice immediately. American, which recently charged two soldiers from Texas $100 and $300 for their extra duffel bags, said it gives the military a break on the cost for excess luggage and that the soldiers who incur the fees are reimbursed. “Because the soldiers don’t pay a dime, our waiver of the fees amounts to a discount to the military, not a discount to soldiers,” said Tim Wagner, spokesman for American Airlines. “Soldiers should not have to pay a penny of it.” (VFW) spokesman Joseph Davis said service members destined for Iraq should not have to spend the money out of pocket and should not have to worry about filing expense forms in a war zone.

“That’s a lot to ask when the service member has much more important things on their minds, such as staying alive and keeping those around them alive,” he said. The VFW is asking the Air Transport Association (ATA) to urge member airlines to exempt military personnel traveling on official orders from all excess-baggage fees. “This should not be a very difficult decision to make,” Mr. Davis said.

If you have ever tried getting reimbursed by the military for travel (I have), you know it’s not easy. Most guys just give up. (I did).

  1. bill says:

    AMR should bill the DOD diectly and be promptly paid.

  2. Personality says:

    Long ago, if a solider wanted to travel from one base to another, wouldn’t they get to ride in a transport plane for free if one happened to be going that way?

  3. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    Why would an airline subsidies the military?

  4. McCullough says:

    #2. Yes, I it was called a MAC flight.

  5. edwinrogers says:

    I wonder, do troops get to keep their air points?

  6. maki11 says:

    Personality They still do have the MAC Flights that people take, however to the deployment zones, MAC doesn’t have the capacity to get enough people there, so they utilize already existing routes/flights that the airlines have to pre-stage the troops, or in some cases get them completely in position.

    Personally, I agree with #1, bill the DOD directly, and go from there, otherwise we have a lot of servicemen getting it from both ends, when really they are just serving their country. No I don’t think the airlines should give away everything, but there are better ways to handle the situation.

  7. Fair Trade says:

    I think it’s absolutely within their rights for American Airlines to charge soldiers coming back from the front line for baggage…
    Only thing the airline must do – take the word ‘American’ out of it’s name.
    No American in the world would dream of ‘taxing’ these soldiers.

  8. Retired Army says:

    It’s not just American Airlines. I have 2 kids in the military and they have both been charged extra for their baggage no matter what the airline.

    #3 Soldiers are required to carry ALL their gear with them to their next duty station. That is 2 duffle bags and a flight bag MINIMUM. A private should not have to pay those fees out of their pocket. DOD needs to be billed for all official orders flights.

  9. Raff says:

    lol Reimbursement from the military? Good luck.

    Wheres the 50 pounds of paperwork to start on that?

  10. George says:

    One travel voucher? Billed to Govt Travel card? What’s the problem?

  11. GigG says:

    The DOD ought to just activate the the Civil Reserve Air Fleet that’ll cost the airlines some money.

  12. Improbus says:

    Man, that is pretty low even for war profiteering.

  13. Brandon says:

    Current military member here, and I can attest to how difficult it can sometimes be to get reimbursed for itemized travel expenses. Usually when flying, I book through a contracted travel agency who charges flights directly to my Travel Order Number, and an extra fee at the ticket counter could potentially double the amount of paperwork once travel is complete.

  14. Jägermeister says:

    Just imagine if it was Halliburton flying them…

  15. Bryan Price says:

    Hell, I just got one of my son’s from Stuttgart, Germany to home (driving distance to Ft. Stewart, Georgia). Now I believe his household goods are on a Navy ship back to the states, but he had to buy a ticket himself to travel. We actually paid for the ticket, and my wife got him upgraded to 1st class with a voucher that she had (Platinum Medallion in Delta, she flies from JAX to South Africa and back monthly…)

    So now we’re out for $3k until he gets reimbursed, sometime in the next decade I guess. If it wasn’t for us, I don’t know how he could afford the ticket to start with.

  16. AppleIIGuy says:

    When coming home from Iraq United Airlines did not charge me extra and they even bumped me to first class seating on the plane. The moral is Dont fly AA..

  17. HelloKitty says:

    As a taxpayer and family member of retired and current Military men and women that have fought or are still fighting for this country, I am shocked at this practice. The soldiers fighting for our Country should not have to pay one dime out of their own expenses. I do not care if they are reimbursed or not. If you are sending me to war make sure you are footing the cost from start to finish. I am going to look into a way to get these charges covered for our men and women in uniform. Be it the government or private industry, there is money in these United States of America and somebody needs to find it for this worthy cause.

  18. Great article! I am going to require a bit of time to toy with the points!!


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