Click pic to see what the Google camera car saw

  1. admfubar says:

    you really are here…………

  2. Amar says:


  3. Gasbag says:

    Oh my goodness the chips!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. dan says:

    that fire hytdrant is pretty far. Lots of 4 inch hose to clean after!

  5. nosy neighbor says:

    Go down the side street and see the back of the firetruck. The car must of come down the side street and was stopped by the truck blocking the road. Then took another side street to go past the front of the house. Nothing stops the google van. Is it driven by robots? Check out the neighbors gawking at the house a few doors down.

  6. Nitroneo says:

    That is 5″ LDH (Large Diameter Hose) capable of carrying over 1500 Gallons Per minute, and there is only 500 feet easily seen of it laid into the scene. Most Engines carry anywhere from 1000-1500 feet of LDH.

    My sympathies to the home owners, and I hope there were no family members injured or lost.

    (firefighter with over 15 years experience)

  7. GregAllen says:

    I noticed they removed one of the photos. Any idea why?

    Where there identifiable people, maybe?

  8. Jetfire says:

    #8 From the photo before I say he/she/it drove into a wall of smoke and the photo was no good.

  9. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Hey! That’s my house!

  10. hhopper says:

    That’s a great find Uncle Dave!

  11. GregAllen says:

    Your guess is a good as any, Jetfire. thanks

  12. Uncle Patso says:

    During the dot-com boom I never would have posted this idea for someone to steal, but now…

    A website of interesting GoogleCam photos might be interesting…

    Or has someone already done it?

  13. Joey B says:

    WOW UNCLE PATSO! your fucking briliant. why dont u start a generally interesting site of interesting things….. oh yea someone one “did it” alright:

  14. Uncle Patso says:

    Gee, Joey B, thank you for your kind words! I assume your link will take me to many pleasant hours of perusing amusing Google Street View pictures. And they say civility is dead…

  15. Joey B Cool says:

    Yea, but did u click it?

  16. Uncle Patso says:

    # 16 Joey B Cool said:

    “Yea, but did u click it?”

    You bet I did, then I Googled it and found more. I don’t know what I was thinking — I had even been to some of the sites before.



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