Every teenage boy’s dream of being able to slip into the girl’s shower room unseen is about to come true. OK, so more than a few grown men’s, too. And thieves and secret agents and RIAA goons checking for piracy and wives checking hubby and…

Science close to unveiling invisible man

INVISIBILITY devices, long the realm of science fiction and fantasy, have moved closer after scientists engineered a material that can bend visible light around objects.

The breakthrough could lead to systems for rendering anything from people to large objects, such as tanks and ships, invisible to the eye – although this is still years off.

Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley, whose work is funded by the American military, have engineered materials that can control light’s direction of travel. The world’s two leading scientific journals, Science and Nature, are expected to report the results this week.

It follows earlier work at Imperial College London that achieved similar results with microwaves. Like light, these are a form of electromagnetic radiation but their longer wave-length makes them far easier to manipulate. Achieving the same effect with visible light is a big advance.

Underlying the work is the idea that bending visible light around an object will hide it.

Found by brother Uncle Don

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Ahh the old “although this is still years off” Chances of this happening in your life time: 0.

  2. dcanizar says:

    Why does it have to be the Harry Potter Invisibility cloak? Doesn’t any one remember Predator and it’s “light-bending” camouflage?

  3. RobIuliano says:

    When did move from Star Trek metaphores to Harry Potter?

    Isn’t this cloaking?

  4. Balbas says:

    The cloaking field the Romulans invented distorted space and time to block any viewing at all, whether visual or not. No scanner would see it, psychics couldn’t detect it.

    This device is visual only.

    And like in Harry Potter, Snape had an odd feeling at one point someone was in his presence — he could psychically sense it.

    Hmmm …

    Battlefield Psychics someday, too?

  5. JimD says:

    We all know that Harry Potter uses his “Invisiblity Cloak” when he is excercising he “Magic Wand” – every teen needs some privacy !!!

  6. clone4crw says:

    Nice, JimD


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