A man claiming to be a police detective tried to get an adult novelty shop to give him free X-rated videos, saying he wanted to make sure the performers weren’t underage, authorities said.

He made three tries within nine days last month and was turned down each time. The store manager called police after the third try.

Authorities said Monday that the man showed a badge and left a business card from the Longmont police “age verification unit.” Cmdr. Tim Lewis said there is no such unit.

“It was inventive on his part, I’ll give him that,” Lewis said.

The business card didn’t have anyone’s name on it, but the store gave officers surveillance video of the man. Police are looking for him.

  1. Geoffrey says:

    The US BOrder Patrol has been advertising in my area and across the US in all probability.

    The perp could have simply gotten a job inspecting laptops and copying unlimited amounts of pr0n “for your safety” at the US borders.

    Say now, pr0n addicts, you know what to do.

    The rest of you: Feel safer yet??

  2. natefrog says:


  3. Haven’t these people heard of the internet? It has all the free porn you could ever want, if you just know where to look! – – ha, or so I’ve been told anyway. 😉

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #3, Sense,

    I’ve heard that too. I wonder where I could find some. Just for investigative purposes.


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