Bronstein at Large : Did the MSM drop the ball on John Edwards? — This is an interesting article where Phil Bronstein finds all sorts or reasons, mostly the institutionalized rationale that it would be embarrassing to let it be known that you were scooped by a tabloid, so you just shut up about it. He then goes on and on about how these sort of things might happen. Or how things might evolve whereby a story is dropped.

The problem I’m having is that Bronstein was the Ed-in-Chief of a major metro daily in Oct. 2007 and HE was in the meetings where the decisions were made to ignore the story. We get no insight as to what was actually said in those meetings. This story is just a smokescreen.

I guess it’s too late to be dramatic, now that Edwards has talked to a MSM outlet (ABC) about his affair. I really meant to say something earlier, when almost every daily newspaper, including The Chronicle, was not touching a story broken by, gasp, the National Enquirer, but I was tied up…Will the MSM ever figure out the journalistic etiquette following a big tabloid scoop? Does anyone really think that a story splashed in the tabs and debated on blogs like a powerful fire back draft is somehow not part of the public discourse? And if it’s true – except, according to Edwards, the baby part – and the Enquirer first reported it in October of 2007, then apparently caught the guy at the Hilton with Hunter last month, how come it took everyone else so long to get there?

related link:
And here’s some real “insight” I ran into. Har.

Found by Ben Smith.

  1. #31 – Tommie

    I wouldn’t say that I’m “OK with” it. Edwards was a naughty boy. I’m sure he’ll hear about it from his wife and family.

    But when it comes to electing politicians (or even reading about them), sometimes there’s no choice other than to select the lesser of the evils.

    If I had to choose between some married guy who had a one-night-stand with a kookie obsessed hanger-on, or another guy who evaded serving his country during wartime, then went on to fabricate an excuse to send Americans to war, who was so addle-brained that he was incapable of preventing the preventable tragedy of 9/11, who’s done everything in his power to turn the Constitution into toilet paper, wtf?

    Is that even a choice?

    Are you “OK with” excoriating some horny pretty-boy who couldn’t keep his fly zipped, while electing a dimwit who failed at every business endeavor he ever tried then went on to try and run the United States, who has a pathological aversion to the truth, and who has made America a laughingstock and/or object of hatred in just about every country around the world?

    Your choice.

  2. bobbo says:

    #29–Now Mustard, you certainly are being infantile now aren’t you?

    Censored as to “ideas” vs a request not to get the blog filtered elsewhere on the web and YOU WEREN’T EVEN CENSORED!!

    JCD is showing a whole lot of restraint in my book==why don’t you try to meet him 1/10th of the way?

    To put a little sugar on it, you are quite right about Thomas. He and his other red values voters are sending this country down the drain with their vaunted “morality.” How come they vote in such large numbers?

  3. #33 – Bobbo

    I’m sure you’re going to talk me to death again.

    If this blog is called “UNCENSORED“, it seems to me that anything goes. Including gratuitous cursing. I’ve certainly seen a lot of cursing here in my day, and this is the first time I’ve ever seen a call to suppress it.

    And how does a blog get “filtered”, anyway? You mean like guys at JP Morgan won’t get the RSS feed if there are too many instances of the “F word” in it?

    Are we supposed to say “Oh darn, for gosh sake. Who cares if John Edwards was having illicit carnal relations outside the bonds of holy matrimony with some horse-faced self-deluded “videographer”. If every politician got a headline each time he/she had illicit carnal relations outside the bonds of holy matrimony with someone other than his/her husband/wife, there wouldn’t be room in the paper for the weather report. Gosh darn it!


  4. jccalhoun says:

    It gets filtered by businesses which have software that blocks websites based on certain criteria just like some parents will put things like NetNanny or CyberPatrol on their computers to attempt to block their kids’ websurfing. Too many curse words on this blog and some of those censorware programs will mark it as vulgar or something and then block it.

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    #35 – jccalhoun

    Oh, boo frickety hoo. So the guys at work will have to wait until they get home (or go the a WiFi spot with their laptop) to read DU?

    I imagine most businesses wouldn’t be too keen on their employess p&ssing away the workday on a site named dvorak UNCENSORED, anyway.

  6. Thomas says:

    > But when it comes to electing
    > politicians (or even reading
    > about them), sometimes there’s
    > no choice other than to select
    > the lesser of the evils.

    You got me there. The last five elections have been that way.

    If you are ok with a guy that gets some tail on the side, then why the hypocritical BS? Why does he not come out and just say that he and his wife have a “special” arrangement and she understands when he gets a stunt c—, er, lady. It is not the tail on the side that bugs me, if he’s upfront with his wife about it, as much as the hypocritical facade about being a “family” man.

    If a dodgy record when it comes to military service knocks someone out of the running for you, then you’d have knocked out the last four Presidential winners (2 Bush, 2 Clinton).


    It is amazing how wanting a candidate that is not a hypocrite somehow makes me out to be on a crusade for morality. Honestly, I could care less whether a politician is getting blow jobs from a crack whore at his daughter’s recital. However, you cannot then turn around and claim yourself to be a proponent of family values.

  7. #37 – Tommie

    Well, you just have to play the hand you’re dealt. I didn’t vote for Edwards in the primary anyway. I’m just bemused and a little appalled at how much attention his little game of hokey-pokey with the horsefaced “videographer” is garnering”.

    And as to military service, a lack of it doesn’t rule out a candidate for me.

    It’s the hypocrisy of a chickenhawk draft-dodgerish coward getting into office, then roaring like a lion about phony WMDs, phony Iraqi terrorists flying into the WTC, blah blah blah, then sending off thousands and thousands of Americans to their deaths and maimings.

  8. Rick Cain says:

    McCain cheated on his wife, and he could very well be president in a couple of months.


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