On a vaguely related note, John McCain is complaining he isn’t getting enough nappy time. Cripes!

  1. lou says:

    The guy is to old for the gig.

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Where did my comment go?

  3. Balbas says:

    You spelled “vaguely” wrong.

    [Thanks, fixed. – ed.]

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Since my previous comment disappeared into the ether, here it goes again.

    Here we see George jumping all over the place happy as can be that the trials have begun. How wrong can this comic be! It’s absolutely STUPID!

    The LAST thing bush wants is for ANY of these guys to go to trial. He wants them to be forgotten about and rot until they die!

    No publicity, no trials, no NOTHING!

  5. Greg Allen says:

    In that culture, Osama bin Laden is as likely to confide in his driver as you are in the illegal Mexican mowing your lawn.

    Chances are, bin Laden didn’t even know his name.

  6. Dexton7 says:

    War on Terror =
    War on anyone that pisses off the Executive branch.

    That’s how the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act read anyways.

    Oh and McCain vs. Obama for the presidency? Let’s see.. and old guy that likes to sing ‘bomb bomb bomb Iran’ tunes and talk about the 100 year war… and a younger guy that like to give ‘New World Order’ speeches in Berlin. At this point I’d like to choose ‘none of the above please’.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    #6, Dexton7. It’s getting harder and harder to choose who would be best.

    It’s such a close race between bad and worse that I have to see who they are going to choose for their VP.

    Maybe that will be the tie-breaker.

  8. nomadwolf says:

    No worries. His jail term ends in 5 or 6 months, and then he’ll be back in the “enemy combatant” jail.

  9. bobbo says:

    Hah, Hah. OK. Just a pet peeve of mine.


    Uncle Dave–shame on your totalitarian tendencies, rewriting history. Leaving the fucking spelling error in place and screw the quibblers.

    If you do choose to correct, then do it via footnote or in parens to leave the original post in place.

    A small quibbling point I agree and not relevant to anything in THIS context=======but there are other contexts and I caution you again becoming too blaze.

  10. bobbo says:

    Its got to be a sticking keyboard error on my part:

    1. “Leave” the fucking spelling error in place……

    2. I caution you “against” becoming too blaze. (I don’t do accents ague)

    I normally don’t correct the too many spelling and typing and sticking errors I commit as context makes the meaning discernible, but in this instance, the meaning indeed could have been lost.

  11. Uncle Dave says:

    #9,10: You’re talking about my spelling errors in my posts? I can do whatever I damn well feel like with it. Why would I want to leave it? This isn’t a historical document that archeologists will ponder over a thousand years from now wondering if there is hidden meaning in the misspelling. Make sense please.


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