Charleston police have arrested a man accused of attempting to rob a movie rental store in South Hills.
The man was identified as Paul Edward Parrish II, 43, of Charleston.

Parrish was invited to the police station and interviewed about Monday evening’s incident. Police say Parrish confessed to the robbery saying he was having financial problems and that he just wanted money for cigarettes and gas.

Parrish is accused of walking into the Movie Gallery and putting a box on the counter in front of the store clerk. Police say he then told the clerk that unless he gave him money that the bomb in the box would be remotely detonated.

The box was an empty Jell-O dessert box and there was no bomb.

How sweet and genteel the police are in the South. He was “invited” to the cop shop.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    Gentile? They were not jewish????

    The word is genteel.


    [Fixed. Thanks. –UD]

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #1, curser,

    it is spelled “gentle”.

    [Nope. Different word. –UD]

  3. Michael says:

    Am I crazy or does he look like a younger John McCain.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    I remember years ago hearing a local police officer say that when they arrested someone when he was a rookie, they often had him stand by the call box until a paddy wagon could pick him up. Rarely did they use handcuffs either. And their perps would calmly wait for the wagon too.

    But that was back when the police knew their towns, knew the streets, and knew the people. And cared because they lived there.

    I remember one time when a police Sargent who lived down the street, took my brother home by the arm so my father could “take care of” whatever transgression he had done. In uniform. Or another time when some friend’s mother complained because we had had an apple fight and her kid lost. The cop told me next time to make sure I hit the kid if I’m going to get blamed for it.

    So yes, I can relate to this politeness. It got a willing confession.

  5. rabsten says:

    This took place in my hometown of Charleston, West Virginia, or as the locals often say, “West by-God Virginia.” WV may be rural, backwards, uneducated, and country, but it ain’t “The South.”


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