08.08.09 Sunday – Episode #42


Click image to go to No Agenda.

This Episode’s Show Notes by KD Martin:

Once again, from the UK and the Pac NW, it’s time for No Agenda. Are you an Olympic addict? John isn’t too excited but Adam is ready. Maybe it’s the costumes and the ratings. How clean did the Chinese manage to get the air (er, mist). Adam is coming to the US for another Olympian sized adventure through Customs. What kind of tricks are in store? This leads to the White House and falsified documents for the Iraq invasion. Adam has some interesting perspectives from the UK standpoint.

Suddenly we’re in Africa with the Currys ca. 1968, with some stories and conversion of Super8 to DVD. John wants to know about the transcription process and how long will this media version last? Cripes, we’re drinking flavored tea! Great, more cameras in UK grocery stores so 16 year-olds can buy booze and can’t buy paracetemol. And now we have more erosion of free speech rights in the U.S. Why is the John Edwards story so important in the UK?

Adam has more UK politics and brings up Obama being ‘booed’ and Paris Hilton’s video. How is that affecting politics in the UK? John does some research about both stories and wonders why Edward’s affair with Rielle Hunter isn’t the UK news? Adam: She’s not hot! Adam moves on to the Bruce Ivens suicide. How does this fit in with Nicola Tesla? Oh, no, energy is all a global conspiracy. John brings us back down to earth with physics and “Maybe it’s the water in Britain” or island fever. What’s next? Anti-gravity?

Let’s go back to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Adam says the UK is going into bankruptcy. John’s tip: Wait until after the election to invest. Has Obama already won? Will Hillary contact the superdelegates and convince them to vote for her? John asks, “Did Obama ever have a real job? [Ed. No] Is this man ready to direct the US?” John’s prediction: Both Hillary and Obama are unelectable.

John brings up his idea that McCain may have hired a professional humor writer, re: the Obama Tire Pressure Policy. How about the Republican tire pressure gauge labeled The Obama Energy Policy? And Obama counters with a gem. Who actually produced the now-famous Paris Hilton Energy Policy video? John cites the chronology of these YouTube videos and which party they support. Who wrote and produced these gems? Adam thinks some ideas may be taken from George Bush speeches.

No Agenda — We Don’t Know Anything About Nuthin!’

Running time: approx. 80 mins.

No Agenda

  1. KD Martin says:

    Here is the video series Adam referred to in No Agenda about Zero Point Energy.

  2. Bob says:

    ^ I’m waiting for a scientology dude to apear in that video any minute now.


    Anyways, great show guys!

  3. BubbaRay says:

    #2, Bob, I think the video is #1 in a series of 11 or more. I’ll get the popcorn and Butterfingers, you get the drinks (ironically the kind that have the word “proof” somewhere on the label).

  4. Terry Love says:

    John, when he’s in the US see if you can get Adam to sign himself into a rehab program, I think he’s been smoking too much stuff when in Amsterdam.

    As for a new good word to replace fascism – we don’t need it, it’s already out there being used. We’ve become a “Nanny State”, as in “Nanny knows best”, “do as you’re told or Nanny will punish you”, “that’s not good for you, so don’t do it”, “it tastes nasty so you know it’s good for you”, blah blah blah…

    We are all back to being 4 year olds and grown-ups (the politicians) know what’s best for us. Free choice is bad for you because you always choose the wrong option.

    Sometimes, getting older feels good, it means less time to suffer the crap situation we’ve got ourselves into and won’t do anything to get out of.

  5. Floyd says:

    John, I know you’re a chemical engineer. You know about reactions and thermodynamics. You need to inform Adam about the first and second laws of thermodynamics, and that conservation of energy and matter is also a law. “Free Energy” of course a term used in reaction thermo, but that energy (Gibbs and Helmholtz) isn’t free. It’s simply changed from one form to another.

    Adam should stick with flying and music, which he does know a lot about.

  6. Ron Larson says:

    Interesting about the landbridge between England the continent. But I’ve never heard of one during recorded history. The Romans were in England only about 2000 years ago (55 BC in fact), long after the last major ice age. The theories are that the bridge collapsed about 200,000 or more years ago, creating what is now the English Channel.

    Sorry Adam. The Romans sailed over from France.

  7. Terry Love says:

    Ron, I forgot about that bit of the show – all raods probably did lead to Rome, but there needed to be a ferry link between bits of it for sure.

    And one reason it doesn’t feel like we’re on an island is we don’t think of it that way – Europe is an island off our coast. I seem to remember a story about a newspaper story, probably back in the early years of the 20th century, that said something like “Fog in channel, Europe cut off”… they’ve got the tunnel now so they are less cut off.

  8. fishtoprecords says:

    Adam, this zero energy stuff is crackpot. Give it up.

    I disagree with you guys on fascism. Its the right word. Its exactly what the GWB administration is doing: in bed with big business, secret police, ignore the concept of civil liberties, what Constitution. Just use the word and explain that Hitler was not the first to use the ideas. Nor, sadly, well he be the last.

    What will the Russian invasion of Georgia do to gas/oil prices? And the larger economy.

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    Just an informational note:

    Paracetamol is called acetaminophen in the U.S. also sold under the brand name Tylenol.

  10. spezz says:

    Fascism replacement:


    Governments (and their database people) believe they can regulate crime by monitoring and studying every transaction people conduct. They think that by collecting enough datapoints they can predict and alter behavior. But it’s just sets up arbitrary “if…then” statements and analyzes complex human behavior by way of sideshow prognostication.

    Adam’s story about trying to buy two different kinds of flu medication and being refused by the register is the kind of ridiculous rule set it enforces.


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