A forged letter linking Saddam Hussein to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks was ordered on White House stationery and probably came from the office of Vice President Dick Cheney, according to a new transcript of a conversation with the Central Intelligence Agency’s former Deputy Chief of Clandestine Operations Robert Richer. Suskind’s new book asserts that senior Bush officials ordered the CIA to forge a document “proving” that Saddam Hussein had been trying to manufacture nuclear weapons and was collaborating with al Qaeda. The alleged result was a faked memorandum from then chief of Saddam’s intelligence service Tahir Jalil Habbush dated July 1, 2001, and written to Hussein.

The bogus memo claimed that 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta had received training in Baghdad but also discussed the arrival of a “shipment” from Niger, which the Administration claimed had supplied Iraq with yellowcake uranium — based on yet another forged document whose source remains uncertain.

“To characterize it right,” Richer also declares in the transcript, “I would say, right: it came to us, George had a raised eyebrow, and basically we passed it on–it was to–and passed this on into the organization. You know, it was: ‘Okay, we gotta do this, but make it go away.’ To be honest with you, I don’t want to make it sound–I for sure don’t want to portray this as George jumping: ‘Okay, this has gotta happen.’ As I remember it–and, again, it’s still vague, so I’ll be very straight with you on this–is it wasn’t that important. It was: ‘This is unbelievable. This is just like all the other garbage we get about . . . I mean Mohammad Atta and links to al Qaeda. ‘Rob,’ you know, ‘do something with this.’ I think it was more like that than: ‘Get this done.'”

The memo subsequently was treated as fact by the British Sunday Telegraph, and cited by William Safire in his New York Times column, providing fodder for Bush’s efforts to take the US to war. Suskind posted the transcript at his blog, saying, “This posting is contrary to my practice across 25 years as a journalist. But the issues, in this matter, are simply too important to stand as discredited in any way.”

Now, back to the Olympics.

  1. Rick Cain says:

    The best we can hope for is McCain loses in November. All the neocons in the Bush Regime are signing up for McCain staffer slots. Karl Rove has already picked up a position as one of McCains advisors.

    It ain’t over yet people, don’t hold your breath hoping that January 20 is the dawn of a new Republican-free age.

  2. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    The deeper we go into the rabbit hole of the Bush administration, the more deceit and outright lies we discover. The single most unifying theme of the last nearly eight years has been that the end justifies the means. Any amount of dishonesty is tolerable as long as the goal they’re working toward is worthwhile. They don’t seem to see any contradiction with their promise to bring a sense of morality and trust back to Washington, which proved very useful in mobilizing strong support in the churches.

    There are a lot of smart, honest Republicans who feel terribly betrayed. I feel much less betrayed because I never trusted them in the first place.

    Cheney has been a busy little bee for the last few years, but it turns out that he’s one of those Africanized killer bees with a surly personality and lots of venom.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Cheney = “Africanized killer bee” LOL!

    I am left wondering what’s up with Robert Richer. First he says “I would probably stand on my, basically, my reputation and say it came from the vice president.”

    Then he says “I never received direction from George Tenet or anyone else in my chain of command to fabricate a document … as outlined in Mr. Suskind’s book”.

    So where is his lie? In the first statement or the second?

    Either way, he is lying somewhere so can either statement be trusted?

  4. Matt Garrett says:

    Brazen claims to sell a book alert! You guys are so gullible.

  5. CZen says:

    It’s so easy to believe anything about the people who we dislike. Yet one word about the people we like and “Trust” we cry foul play. Libs and cons a like lie and twist things to their advantage.

    That being said, this sounds like rumor being regurgitated as fact. If this is true we will most likely hear more credible evidence in the future, as investigators find out more. However considering the timing in its reveal, we will likely hear nothing more.

    BTW Why would Rove give up his cushy job as Fox News Contributer?

  6. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #4 Matt Garrett wrote, “Brazen claims to sell a book alert! You guys are so gullible.”

    Your primary life philosophy is based on the written claims of long-dead people you never met, whose credibility or even sanity you never had any opportunity to assess firsthand. The only reason you read their writings in the first place is because other people have told you that the words were true, but without any significant evidence to support their veracity. Furthermore, these writings describe processes and events that conflict with known physical laws and observed scientific evidence to such a degree that they can only be described as “supernatural.” Even so, you take the time to observe customs and rituals that you would otherwise not follow, were it not for these sacred writings.

    And we’re the gullible ones….. Right!

    The specific claims made by Ron Suskind may be new, but they are very much in keeping with the stream of disclosures that keep trickling out from credible sources both inside and outside the administration. The growing body of evidence suggests a consistent pattern of behavior.

  7. GregAllen says:

    When a country refuses to investigate and prosecute likely war crimes, it become the jurisdiction international courts, right?

    I hope that happen because as much as I like Obama, I don’t think he’s going to do anything.

  8. Right says:

    Cheney has been busy doing the work of 3 men. Unfortunately, it’s Larry, Moe and Curly. I know, that’s an insult to the 3 Stooges but Dickey’s a Stooge and many more adjectives.
    He’ll look just right in stripes.

  9. Oh, come on. It’s Dick Cheney. Is anyone surprised at ANY skullduggery he commits? That guy makes Richard Nixon look like Mother Teresa.

  10. enuf_is_enuf says:

    Pres. Bush is in charge. Nothing that Cheney or anyone else did could happen without his approval – either formally, or with a wink. Even if Pres. Bush didn’t know what was going on, he’s still responsible. He’s the president.

    When you think of all the information that has been revealed during the last seven years, it becomes plain that he knew everything – and approved.

    If he had any knowledge of our Constition and history – if he had any ethics – if he had even a shred of morality or a sense of shame – if he cared one bit about his country, he would have resigned years ago and moved out of the country.

    But he’s still here. It’s worse – some people still speak up for him. Others are refusing to prosecute his crimes.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    Well I’m not surprised. This is in keeping with his other known and supposed misdeeds.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    #10 – Enuf

    >>Pres. Bush is in charge.

    Are you drunk? Are you on drugs? Dumbya doesn’t have the wherewithal to be in charge of anything.

  13. CZen says:

    Ah Yes more scape goating based on rumor and conjecture. “Bush is an Idiot and Cheyne’s the evil master mind.” God I can’t wait till Obama wins. Then I don’t have to listen to any of this stupidity any more.

    Wait, Never mind regaurdless if Obama wins or not you idiots will just blame, all the new losses of freedoms on the cons. You are all to blind to see through the BS.

  14. Mister Mustard's brain on drugs says:

    Na na na na
    Na na na na
    Hey hey goodbye.

  15. Dallas says:

    This criminal behavior to drive a nation to war is 100x worse than Watergate. Why does the Republican party stand idly by?

    This is insane and scary to know we have a strong and ruling political party that endorses this sort of stuff.

  16. CZen says:

    #16 Ruling Party??? What country do you think we are in. Russian? Canada? UK?

    Also, what ever happened to inocent untill proven guilty?

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #5, CZ,

    Libs and cons a like lie and twist things to their advantage.

    While I do concede that most politicians will lie on occasion, the lies told by the Republicans are far more prevalent and heinous. Unless you consider Max Cleland, war hero, who is accused of fathering a black baby or John Kerry, accused of cowardice and not earning his medals insignificant.

    Even on this blog, we have our regular troll that will claim Democrats did something just to deflect from their own guilty friends. They rarely back up those claims and when they do it is usually something else entirely.

    I see you are also trying this tactic. Throw the bullshit and hope it sticks.

    … this sounds like rumor being regurgitated as fact.

    Maybe it is rumor, maybe it is fact. When an investigative reporter, with a good record, claims to have evidence then I think there is usually some basis for the fact.

    However considering the timing…, we will likely hear nothing more.

    I certainly hope not. I hope to see Cheney punished for what he has done. First, for the harm he has caused and secondly as a warning to future politicians that they are responsible for their actions and will be held accountable.

  18. CZen says:

    #17 Mr. Fusion said “I see you are also trying this tactic. Throw the bullshit and hope it sticks.”

    Because I disagree with you, I’m throwing BS?

    I can tell that you believe that democrats are the lesser of two evils. But in reality they are different sides of the same coin. If you take an objective look at both parties (and some of the minor parties as well.) you will find criminal acts that have been thoroughly prosecuted and punished.

    I am only saying that if there were, as stated in this and many other blog entries, true proof of criminal acts they would be put in jail. Just saying that they are guilty is not proof of guilt.

  19. CZen says:

    #17 Mr. Fusion said “I see you are also trying this tactic. Throw the bullshit and hope it sticks.”

    Because I disagree with you, I’m throwing BS?

    I can tell that you believe that democrats are the lesser of two evils. But in reality they are different sides of the same coin. If you take an objective look at both parties (and some of the minor parties as well.) you will find criminal acts that have been thoroughly prosecuted and punished.

    I am only saying that if there were, as stated in this and many other blog entries, true proof of criminal acts they would be put in jail. Just saying that they are guilty is not proof of guilt.

    Dan Rather was a credited journalist who produced fake news, BTW.

  20. CZen says:

    Rather #18 instead of #17.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, CZ,

    what ever happened to inocent untill proven guilty?

    A concept the Republicans have done away with.

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    #21 – Fuser

    Yeah, now we just toss their ass in Gitmo, or send ’em out for extreme rendition.

    I hope President Cheney gets a taste of his own medicine.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    #15 – Mister Mustard’s brain on drugs

    Quality post. Thanks for sharing. Steam thanks you too.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, CZ,

    Because I disagree with you, I’m throwing BS?

    No. I claim you are throwing bullshit because that is exactly what you did. Here is a claim from a reputable, investigative reporter that claims Cheney ordered a devious fraud. Your response is to downplay that and turn the topic by saying they all do it. They all don’t break the law.

    Also, see my last point.

    But in reality they are different sides of the same coin. If you take an objective look at both parties (and some of the minor parties as well.) you will find criminal acts that have been thoroughly prosecuted and punished.

    More FUD. If you take an objective look at ANY group you will find criminal activity. Red Cross, Catholic Church, Evangelical churches, Wing nut universities, whomever, the greater the power the position holds, the greater the potential for criminal acts. The position does not need to be political.

    Having said that, over the past few years there have been far more Republicans charged with Felony crimes than have Democrats.

    I am only saying that if there were, as stated in this and many other blog entries, true proof of criminal acts they would be put in jail.

    What hole in the sand has your head been in ??? The White House has blocked every attempt to investigate these crimes. Even though there is proof of illegalities, the Justice Department won’t prosecute because of White House interference.

    Dan Rather was a credited journalist who produced fake news, BTW.

    What the fuck has that to do with anything ??? Oh ya, just more FUD because his “story” was about the President. Well guess what. There are no records he completed his service. That means he didn’t complete his service. Rather is correct and has not been disproved.

    This is the wing nut attitude of throwing bullshit and hoping it sticks. All you really wanted to do is turn the attention from the damage being done to your boy.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #23, Mustard,

    While I understand your sentiments, I don’t agree. Bush, Cheney, and company are common criminals and should be treated as such. The refusal of a fair trial for detainees is their crime, not their punishment.

    During the Nuremberg trials of former Nazis, Herman Goering wanted to be executed, as a soldier, by firing squad. The court said no. His crimes were criminal, his punishment would be accordingly and he was to be hung.

    Remember, when we stoop to their level, we become no better than them. But having said that, it would be nice. Can you picture Cheney trying to convince someone he deserved to die wrapped in the American flag?

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    #26 – Fusion

    OK, I could agree with that. I just hope that President Cheney and his puppet are held accountable for their transgressions.

  27. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #20 CZen wrote, “I am only saying that if there were, as stated in this and many other blog entries, true proof of criminal acts they would be put in jail.”

    One of the very few acts that is undisputably criminal for a sitting President is lying under oath (not just any old form of lying). Bush deftly sidestepped this possibility when he agreed to talk to the 9-11 Commission only under the conditions that he would not be under oath to tell the truth, no transcript or recording would be made, and his trusty Vice-President would be at his side (separate interviews could show dangerous contradictions).

    Not knowing the questions in advance, he may not have gone into the interview intending to lie in his responses, but he certainly didn’t want to preclude that possibility, and he especially didn’t want any such lying to constitute an impeachable offense.

    The biggest problem with prosecuting Bush’s lies is that he has never been under oath. Nonetheless, knowingly raising a false case for war and deceiving many Americans leaves Bush’s hands drenched with the blood of the innocent.

  28. jbellies says:

    Food for thought:


    and reportedly never broadcast in the USA!

  29. Lou Minatti says:

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