I admire this guys spunk, and yet I wonder how long it will be before before he gets “juiced”. Also, I’ve watched a few of his videos on You Tube, are all NYC Police officer 140 lbs. overweight? Cripes!

  1. Cursor_ says:

    I see them break the law all teh time.

    They just don’t care.


  2. Judge Jewdy says:

    He could have just axed them nicely to move.

  3. comhcinc says:

    lol i loves some internet!

  4. John Paradox says:

    Was there a Starbuck’s nearby?


  5. Ron Larson says:

    The guy’s a dick. There a better ways to handle this.

  6. comhcinc says:

    the guy is a dick, but these police are breaking the law. isn’t it okay to be a little dicky to lawbreakers?

  7. Bryan Forst says:

    I love the American sense of moral outrage… about everything!

  8. admfubar says:

    😛 here in cleveland you may not get a ticket for blocking a fire hydrant but look out if there is a fire and they need to use the pump, they run the hoses right through your windows! 😛

  9. fulanoche says:

    will he be filming himself as they taze him?

  10. McCullough says:

    #8. As a former Firefighter, I salute that!

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    Yup. The guy has gumption. He would be much better protected if he had a second camera to film him from a distance. That way when the police finally do bust him he has some evidence about how he got that split lip.

  12. Smee says:

    The car that was parked there was not a NYC police car but the car of NYC meter maids. They were put under the umbrella of the NYPD because so many of them were being assaulted. It is now a felony to assault them.
    You only need a GED to get the job and most of them think because the car has NTPD on it that they are cops.

  13. ChiliMac says:

    That guy is a jerk. He’s looking for his own 15 minutes. Parking in front of a hydrant is wrong but this guy makes me more angry a him.

  14. Lou Minatti says:

    What the hell is a “fire pump”? In the rest of the world those things are called fire hydrants.

    The police are wrong and should be reprimanded, but this guy is an asshole.

  15. JimR says:

    I suspect he had recently got nailed himself for parking near a hydrant. Grrrrr.

  16. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    If you look at a Firetruck, you will see that bumpers on those are like one ft thick, designed to move cars out of the way.

    Cop that park by fire hydrants and go into store to get snack is wrong. If the cop have official business then I don’t care if they park in red zone or block the fire hydrant.

    There is better way to handle it, instead of being an asshole, go up and have a nice conversation with a cop and hit them with it or something more creative.

  17. Stu Mulne says:

    I’m not entirely certain about NY’s Meter Maids, but if an LEO NEEDS to park someplace, he does, to hande whatever he’s doing…. The parking rules don’t apply to on-duty activities….

    In the case of the Meter Maids, parking at the hydrant for a couple minutes would also likely be acceptable – sometimes the only other place is in the middle of the roadway. Anybody here prefer that?

  18. Fair Trade says:

    The guy might not be going about it the right way but the casual approach the cops have towards the law is reprehensible – their job is to enforce the law and they are not above the law.
    The fact they don’t give a damn about one law suggests they they have that attitude generally.

  19. lou says:

    I though I saw years back some cop in NYC saying,You have to stop the small crimes before they turn into big crimes.The people who J walk will be the same people who will be thieving from you.
    Looks like he was right.

  20. Brian says:

    He may be a jerk but he has a point.

    Why are we expected to abide by rules that the rule enforces themselves don’t abide by?

    He’s confrontational, and good for him. Let’s get as much police corruption out on video as possible, and hold these people accountable for their actions.

  21. Michael says:

    “What are you gonna do, bite me with your gold tooth?”

    Hahaha priceless. Are traffic enforcement real police or just the wannabes that couldn’t make the academy?

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, Rob,

    Geez.. have some respect for them.

    Respect is something that is earned through actions, not given as a right. These cops have shown disdain for the very laws they are supposed to be upholding. They don’t deserve our respect, they deserve scorn.

  23. GregAllen says:

    Here in Portland, OR, a guy took this issue all the way to court, over a cop who illegally parked to get some sushi.


    The fact that it was sushi, surely didn’t help this cop! It also didn’t help that the cop flat-out lied and said he was allowed to illegally park in order to get sushi!

    These kind of guys who watch the cops are surely pains-in-the-butts but I’m glad they are out there.

  24. Mark says:

    How would you like it if an officer displayed that level of anger towards you and yelled at you in public over parking in front of a fire hydrant? Worse yet, had a camera pointing at you the whole time? The officers shouldn’t be parking there, granted, but his attitude is wrong. He could easily accomplish his goals with less hostility and save the anger for cops who deserve it, like the one that pushed that cyclist off his bike.

  25. JimR says:

    Mark, officers don’t have to yell. They just quietly slap you with a $120 ticket. If this guy could do that in return, he wouldn’t even need to speak to them, let alone yell.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, Mark,

    Every time he became brusque, it was after the cop displayed arrogance and a rude manner first. Jimmy Justice broke no law, but the cops sure the hell did.

  27. jer105 says:

    In a lot of states emergency vehicles are exempt from parking regulations by law. They would be notified by dispatch in case of a fire at the location they are at so I’m sure the car can get moved by them or another officer.

  28. Uncle Patso says:

    There’ll always be a Noo Yawk!

    # 25 Mark said:

    “How would you like it if an officer displayed that level of anger towards you and yelled at you in public over parking in front of a fire hydrant?”

    I’d take it because I would have done a stupid thing. The camera wouldn’t bother me — I think it would make the cop look less threatening.

    New Yorkers are different. It’s so crowded and busy that behavior that would get you arrested most places is tolerated there — from people’s reactions on the video, none of them were alarmed or even annoyed at the guy’s outburst. In fact, a couple of them smiled at his tone when he asked “Are you on drugs?” I thought it sounded kind of funny myself. In New York, if you’re not pushy (and sometimes loud), you’re likely to starve to death. I knew a lovely Southern girl who told me she left hungry the first three or four times she tried to buy food there.

  29. The answer says:

    Do what my fiend did when we were in college and went up there, piss in the open window.

  30. mikenice says:



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