The drug raid by Prince George’s County law officers on the home of Berwyn Heights Mayor Cheye Calvo last week was a Keystone Kops operation from start to finish.
Understand from the beginning, there was little or no investigation, the mayor and his family -and their dogs – were innocent, the Sheriffs who invaded the mayor’s house did not have a no-knock warrant.
Acting on a tip that a 32-pound package of marijuana had been sent by Federal Express from Arizona to Mr. Calvo’s home (addressed to his wife, Trinity Tomsic), Prince George’s police swung into action. Which is to say they got on the phone, calling law enforcement agencies to see who might have a SWAT team available to bust the unsuspecting Calvo family. (It seems the police department’s own team was tied up.) After being turned down at least once, they finally struck a deal with the Prince George’s Sheriff’s Office, whose track record with domestic disputes is extensive but whose experience with drug busts is slight. And it showed.
Without bothering to alert Berwyn Heights police, sheriff’s deputies moved into position. Posing as a deliveryman, a deputy took the package to the family’s door. After Mr. Calvo’s mother-in-law initially refused to sign for it, the package was finally taken into the home, where it sat, unopened, on the living room floor. Whereupon the deputies, guns drawn, kicked in the door, stormed the house and shot to death the Calvos’ two Labrador retrievers, one of them, apparently, as it attempted to flee. The canine threat thus dispatched, the mayor — in his briefs — and his mother-in-law were handcuffed and interrogated in close proximity to the bloodied corpses of their dogs.
Read the rest if you can stomach it. Lousy police work by incompetent coppers.
It would be interesting to see if the mayor could get EVERY police officer involved fired
Fucking bastards… Labrador retrievers are among the nicest dogs there are. They wouldn’t fucking bite.
Is it just me, or does this whole story not make one lick of sense?
Where was the Mayor’s wife when he was running around in his underwear with her mother?
Inquiring Minds Want To Know!
Back on subject:
Either way, if I were mayor, every single one of them (and anybody who was even remotely associated with this) would have been looking for a job that afternoon. Fire first, ask questions later.
I seen something similar HERE, in idaho..
They went in, and asked the dogs be placed in the back yard.
After arresting everyone in the house, one of the cops went out back and SHOT the dog.
Yes, it was a rotweiler. but it wasnt an attack dog, it wasnt PISSED OFF, It wasnt Anything.
I guess all the good men are in Iraq.
Another page in the book of the miserable failure called “the war on drugs”. It hasn’t worked for 50 years and it will never work.
I’ll bet anyone right now that not ONE of the police gets even a reprimand. They’ll probably get promotions. THAT is how it works these days.
#6 – edwinrogers – I guess all the good men are in Iraq.
I’d sue them to high heaven for their sloppy police work. This will be interesting to see what happens.
When the Good people dont want the job, we hire the MORONS…
Then we make them paranoid.. with only training on HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF, and no Interpersonal SKILLS training..
They are lucky they didn’t get tazed.
Jimbo: Look out Ned! They’re coming right for us!
Off-topic, but attitudes like that give people justification for not training their dogs.
*Any* dog can and will bite without proper training.
In the long run, this is actually probably a good thing.
We need more politicians experiencing the cold end of a latex glove, the business end of a taser, or the civil rights violations of any number of police actions.
Only then will things change.
(The cops involved should be fired and criminally prosecuted if possible.)
#13 – natefrog
Some dogs are by nature more aggressive than others. And that’s not an attitude…
Nothing to see here!
Move along!
It was by the book, by the book damnit!
More murders and shootings:
I can’t believe the police did not know it was the mayor’s house they were raiding! What idiots!
#2 I love Labs and they are the second sweetest dog out there (Goldens are 1st) but if you had broken into my house about 8 years ago the lab living there would have chewed your arm off.
Uh, you didn’t really refute my argument. And I never said certain breeds aren’t more aggressive than others.
#18 – GigG
I agree on that Goldens are very nice dogs too. But the labs I’ve known and raised wouldn’t bite. They would bark like crazy if someone come near the house, but once inside, they would just wave the tail and like the intruder in the face.
#19 – natefrog
Good owner, good dog. But some breeds are more mental cases than others. What do you want to hear?
just have the senders ship some packages to each of those coppers, and treat them with Raids
My trouble is this:
“Labrador retrievers are among the nicest dogs there are. They wouldn’t fucking bite.”
“Wouldn’t” is a very strong word. You shouldn’t speak in absolutes; it implies the dogs never attack. That is a dangerous attitude when it comes to dog ownership. All dogs are territorial, all dogs can attack if the owner doesn’t effectively let them know who the alpha-male is.
#23 – natefrog
I’m sorry you didn’t understand that my statement was about labs in general… I’ll try to remember to spell it out for you in the future.
The damn mayor must have been some kind of hippy constitution hugger if the cops are prepared to deliver the pot to their house, then bust them for it.
I see nothing in your original comment that would imply an “in general” disclaimer.
Better command of the English language would be advised, rather than “spelling things out”.
I concur black labs are the nicest breed of dog on earth. Now if it would have been pits I could understand shooting them. I wish they would all get fired and maybe a couple in prison for this I’m sure they broke some law.
#26 – natefrog
Why should the officers that carried out this raid be the ones subject to being fired? From my position I would fire everyone who gave an order to do it, not necessarily the ones to carry it out.
If the officers who did enter the house were not told everything, just what they needed to know to get them in the door, then that is a failure by leadership.
Was it a failure? Sure.. Should the people who did the planning get fired? Absolutely. Charged? Maybe, depending on further investigation.
My point being is that this is a leadership fault, not the SWAT team’s fault as a whole.
Maybe these law enforcement agencies would save millions of dollars in lawsuits if they would just train a little more. http://www.Virtra.com