The drug raid by Prince George’s County law officers on the home of Berwyn Heights Mayor Cheye Calvo last week was a Keystone Kops operation from start to finish.

Understand from the beginning, there was little or no investigation, the mayor and his family -and their dogs – were innocent, the Sheriffs who invaded the mayor’s house did not have a no-knock warrant.

Acting on a tip that a 32-pound package of marijuana had been sent by Federal Express from Arizona to Mr. Calvo’s home (addressed to his wife, Trinity Tomsic), Prince George’s police swung into action. Which is to say they got on the phone, calling law enforcement agencies to see who might have a SWAT team available to bust the unsuspecting Calvo family. (It seems the police department’s own team was tied up.) After being turned down at least once, they finally struck a deal with the Prince George’s Sheriff’s Office, whose track record with domestic disputes is extensive but whose experience with drug busts is slight. And it showed.

Without bothering to alert Berwyn Heights police, sheriff’s deputies moved into position. Posing as a deliveryman, a deputy took the package to the family’s door. After Mr. Calvo’s mother-in-law initially refused to sign for it, the package was finally taken into the home, where it sat, unopened, on the living room floor. Whereupon the deputies, guns drawn, kicked in the door, stormed the house and shot to death the Calvos’ two Labrador retrievers, one of them, apparently, as it attempted to flee. The canine threat thus dispatched, the mayor — in his briefs — and his mother-in-law were handcuffed and interrogated in close proximity to the bloodied corpses of their dogs.

Read the rest if you can stomach it. Lousy police work by incompetent coppers.

  1. jcj7161 says:

    Its freaking weed..why are the cops busting doors down and shooting dogs like the cop from the Simpsons?

  2. Mr. Fusion says:


    Because they can.

  3. natefrog says:


    No we don’t.

    Yes, we do.

    Do any of those restrictions a) change the overall point I was making, or b) change the fact I can still kill myself with those drugs?

  4. eddie says:

    natefrog said, on August 8th, 2008 at 6:49 am #49;

    I hope that’s satire
    It was satire. But to many people believe it. From both partys.

  5. ECA says:

    Being on the side of debate..
    does Another person have the RIGHT to kill themselves with there OWN idiocy?
    does a person have a right to GO TO HELL, if they dont care or want to.
    Does a person have the RIGHT to learn from THEIR OWN MISTAKES??

  6. bobbo says:

    A bit more info here. Tip on the MJ came from drug sniffing dogs.,0,4563211.story

  7. natefrog says:


    Yes, yes, and yes.


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