A U.S. Border Patrol agent was held at gunpoint Sunday night by members of the Mexican military who had crossed the border into Arizona, but the soldiers returned to Mexico without incident when backup agents responded to assist. Agents assigned to the Border Patrol station at Ajo, Ariz., said the Mexican soldiers crossed the international border in an isolated area about 100 miles southwest of Tucson and pointed rifles at the agent, who was not identified.

It was unclear what the soldiers were doing in the United States, but U.S. law enforcement authorities have long said that current and former Mexican military personnel have been hired to protect drug and migrant smugglers. “Unfortunately, this sort of behavior by Mexican military personnel has been going on for years,” union Local 2544 of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) said on its Web page. “They are never held accountable, and the United States government will undoubtedly brush this off as another case of ‘Oh well, they didn’t know they were in the United States.’ “It is fortunate that this incident didn’t end in a very ugly gunfight,” said the local’s posting.

So, who will be the first to shoot the messenger?

  1. Rick Cain says:

    Come on man, its MEXICO, not Russia. It would be like if Canada invaded. We just can’t take it seriously.

    All mexican military equipment is american made. They get training from the USA. No wonder they’re so aggressive and willing to ignore human rights.

  2. Patriotic American says:

    So your argument Jager is that 2 wrongs make a right?

    We’re not discussing if the US has invaded any other sovereign nations or what the CIA has done. And please, not stating that your arguments are false, provide proof of these things and we can discuss them. So since that isn’t part of this discussion, your arguments don’t hold water. That is the equivelant of the “he started it” argument that children use.

    What we’re discussing is what should be done about THESE incidents.

  3. Jaja says:

    gringo faggots
    All your base are belong to us.

  4. Chief Michael says:

    Hahaha, you are funny. Mexico cannot invade U.S. Well, the Zapatistas rule over and upon United States and rule over and upon Obama Barrack,whose the Zapatistas are the rulers of the United States and want to possess United States and the White House and as they rule over and upon the cops. Because they rule them over them and upon them. The zapatistas rules over America, United States! Mexicans are the Zapatistas of the world. Few of the Mexicans are Catholics. Sure. It is true. The cops, the authorities and the government obeys the Zapatistas Mexicans. The people rule. The Zapatistas rule!


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