A U.S. Border Patrol agent was held at gunpoint Sunday night by members of the Mexican military who had crossed the border into Arizona, but the soldiers returned to Mexico without incident when backup agents responded to assist. Agents assigned to the Border Patrol station at Ajo, Ariz., said the Mexican soldiers crossed the international border in an isolated area about 100 miles southwest of Tucson and pointed rifles at the agent, who was not identified.
It was unclear what the soldiers were doing in the United States, but U.S. law enforcement authorities have long said that current and former Mexican military personnel have been hired to protect drug and migrant smugglers. “Unfortunately, this sort of behavior by Mexican military personnel has been going on for years,” union Local 2544 of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) said on its Web page. “They are never held accountable, and the United States government will undoubtedly brush this off as another case of ‘Oh well, they didn’t know they were in the United States.’ “It is fortunate that this incident didn’t end in a very ugly gunfight,” said the local’s posting.
So, who will be the first to shoot the messenger?
Martial law? That’s a reasonable solution for you? This is a country built upon civil liberties. Martial law is an extreme measure that should only be used when absolutely necessary. A few corrupt Mexican military members is not justification.
Shooting unarmed civilians? Completely unacceptable. If that happens, we are no better than Saddam, Stalin, China, or Nazi Germany (Godwin’s law does not apply here).
Furthermore, our laws prevent the military from taking part of law enforcement operations. Patrolling the border, I have no problem with the National Guard doing that. I even have no problem with them opening fire upon the Mexican military or people dressed as such–if the cross into our territory. But shooting civilians? That is not a solution.
#29 “Currently it is a felony for a non-citizen to vote in any government election in the US. So tell us, WHAT EFFEN VOTING LAW ARE THE DEMS OPPOSING ???”
Any law that verifies that you are indeed a citizen when voting. I know you must have seen the coverage of this over the last couple of years. In CA ANYONE can register and vote.
#30 “No, the means are not appetizing. But martial law along the border will put an end to this nonsense.”
I have no problem pulling all troops out of foreign conflicts and sending them to the border. Martial law within one mile of the border is no problem. Shoot anyone armed coming across. Capture everyone else and send them to the extreme
southern border of Mexico. You’d see how fast people stop trying to cross the border…
Back to my last post:
It’s simply not practical to even try to control the border. IT’S TOO DAMN LARGE. Just look at the iron curtain if you rather lived like that, or the Adriano line!!, or the Nazi’s atlantic wall which was impassable (until the allies tried), or the china great wall which was supposed to stop the mongols… With all the corruption that ran in the great wall almost anyone would cross, except for armies and for some time indeed (they finally crossed). I would rather like to see mexican immigrants trying to cross from the Soviet Union to the west. I bet they could cross without a problem, just like they do on the supposed US fence. There’s no weapon or possible defense against the human will.
#36 “Just look at the iron curtain if you rather lived like that,”
That was only a problem for the East, read Mexico.
It actually worked very well. Few people made to the West w/o getting shot. The Atlantic wall wasn’t a wall at all. Even at that it took the largest amphibious force in the history of the world to breach it. Again, pretty good. If we wanted to we could pretty much seal off the border.
If we can build a four-lane interstate highway that crosses thousands of miles (which we have, several of them actually), we can build a 20-foot high concrete wall that stretches across the length of the southern border. What is a wall but essentially a road turned on its side? With today’s technology (cameras, aerial drones, computer assisted motion detectors, etc) along with a significant investment of boots on the ground, we CAN seal the border. To say it’s impossible is either a ruse or imbecility. In both WW1 & WW2 we effectively sealed the border.
Label them Mexican Soldiers and they are crooks…dont you think the border patrol has a few bad men?..racism racism racism attracts rebublicans
In #20 you wrote:
That’s why the Dems oppose laws that enforce citizenship laws for voting.
In #29 I wrote:
So in response you write back in #34,:
Any law that verifies that you are indeed a citizen when voting.
So tell us, again, what voting laws are the Democrats opposing? Please try to be a little more specific than making a blanket statement.
And the illegals like pedro because that means there is someone stupider than they are.
#40 “So tell us, again, what voting laws are the Democrats opposing? Please try to be a little more specific than making a blanket statement.”
Google is your friend. You can now limit your search to a time frame. I’d say limit it to 18 months.
Actually, you said it, you get to defend it. Not the other way around.
You show the proof. It’s not someone else’s duty to prove you wrong. You’re making a well-known logical fallacy.
#44 “Actually, you said it, you get to defend it. Not the other way around.”
Actually, when I state well know facts I don’t bother. Like, “Texas got hit by a hurricane recently.” I don’t post the link.
Anything that has been covered EXTENSIVELY by all of the MSM as top stories I don’t bother with. Not my job to bring you up to date if you choose to live under rock, disconnected from civilization.
Apparently the words “logical” and “fallacy” are not in your vocabulary.
You lose the debate.
$47 No debate to lose. What has happened has happened. Whether you choose to look it up doesn’t change reality.
You’re right, no debate to lose.
You haven’t provided proof of anything you say, so there really isn’t a debate.
For your sake, take a debate class.
we should apologize to the mexican gov’t for putting border patrol there.
they deserve to be in this country just as much as we do.
the white man stole this land anyways!
It’s high time the United States hold them accountable for this.
If someone invades my property, I’ve got the right to defend myself by any means necessary. We need to send the message that this will not be tolerated and if that means a few invaders die, so be it.
Then we need to deport all illegal aliens and enforce the damn law. What ever happened to the US being a sovereign nation? We need to reclaim our seat at the head of the table.
This “sleeping giant” has been asleep for too long! It’s about time we woke up and let the rest of the world know that we are the United State and we wont stand for acts like these! Invade our territory and you will pay the price.
#46–Paddy==actually your “facts” are not that well known which is why you were challenged on it. You did say it and you do have the burden which you fail to meet meaning the fair inference is you have been caught blowing wind.
I do recall some groups opposing voter ID and they were lefties and maybe even a few Dem’s were against it, but I don’t recall that being a position of the democratic party.
It takes a man to admit an error/overstatement. Takes a fool to dance around it.
#51 – Patriotic American
Again, how many sovereign nations has the US invaded and/or occupied since 1945?
#53–Jag==excellent link but rather well known. Don’t miss at least one of the other links on your page–I was saddened by the reminders of what our old active CIA was up to during the same period==”shocking” is a fair review:]
#54 – bobbo
It’s amazing how much illegal stuff the CIA managed to get away with… selling drugs and weapons to finance their business.
#56 – pedro
Make a list for us, pedro.
Actually, Cuba’s “medical intervention” is quite extensive:
#56, peahead,
OK, how many countries has Cuba invaded since ’53.
Then why not tally up the number of countries that has invited Cuban nationals into their countries to help.
#58, Bobbo,
Geeze, our minds must be working in sync today. Although my posts seems later, I was up and down trying to get some dinner on the stove and doing some digging after #53 Jag’s post.
#60, peahead,
#59 as soon as you make the one where the US has been invited to help.
By my reckoning, Cuba has invaded 0 countries. But they have been invited into several others.
#58 – bobbo
Thanks for doing pedro’s homework. 😉
#65 – pedro
So… create the list.
There’s that old joke about solving three problems at one time…
Florida has an alligator problem, New Orleans has a flooding problem, and the US has the Mexican border problem.
Dig a deep trench the length of the Mexican border, dump all of the dirt at and around New Orleans so it never floods again, and put the alligators from Florida in the trench with some water. Problems solved. =p
But really, I’m not sure what the best answer is on the border issue. I do know that it’s not cool having Mexican military and Mexican gangs going where ever they please into the States.
#65, peahead,
So, if you don’t like Bobbo’s reply, or mine, why not post the correction yourself?
Tell us unknowing people, how many countries HAS Cuba invaded since 1959? Please.