Yeeeeeeeeehaaaaaw!!!!! Feel your IQ drop as you listen to this song.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    No thanks. not even turning this one on.


  2. Freyar says:


    It was amusing.. but not enough to make me feel like I wanted to bite my own tongue through.

  3. Ho-Lip Tex says:

    My intellectual side felt much pain.
    My redneck side is now hungry 🙂

  4. Uncle Patso says:

    Ooh, what I wouldn’t give for a big ol’ slab of smoked brisket right now! Mm-mmm-m!

  5. lou says:

    That was a lame ass offering !

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Somewhere in this vast land, a hound dog is howling. Now we know why.

    Gasparrini, a little more warning next time please.


  7. mathaway says:

    Not sure what was funnier… the song itself, or the fact that they put a picture of California in where Florida should have been.

  8. WmDE says:

    California – Florida. What’s the difference?

  9. McCullough says:

    These guys were doing self-parody I liked it, but then I grew up in Virginia and NC. And its true, NC has the best BBQ anywhere.

  10. QB says:

    Yes, South Carolina BBQ’s truly suck. However fried bologna sandwiches at Shoeless Joe Jackson Memorial Ballpark are the best.

  11. jcwise says:

    Must be a bunch of Yankees ’round here. That was some mighty fine pickin’ and grinnin’. …and educational to boot. If you listened, you learned something about regionalism and the south.

  12. Stewart Urist says:

    I very much enjoyed this video and I can in no way be considered a Southerner. To suggest that ones IQ would be lowered by watching it is in some ways offensive.

  13. Fedup says:

    Better than a rap song singing about bitches, hoes, 40’s and gold teeth!

  14. admfubar says:

    i thought it was pretty good tune

    must be that john lives in florida, they new this video would be on his blog…

  15. deowll says:

    I loved it and I love BBQ!

  16. cranky pants says:

    [Ed. – comment deleted for violation of posting guidelines, and by the way, I live in England, not the U.S.]

  17. Ron Larson says:

    BBQ used to drive me nuts when I lived in Australia. The Aussies throw meat on a gas grill and call it a barbie. Not even close. I don’t know who in the hell convinced them that was BBQ.

    So I bought me a smoker and taught my Aussie friends what REAL BBQ is. Damn difficult to get the wood and sauces.

    Now that being said, being from central California, my favorite is Santa Maria style dry BBQ. No sauce, just spices. Santa Maria Tritip… heaven.

  18. cranky pants says:

    Editor- don’t insult a group of folks if you can’t be insulted yourself. You’re not Obama.

  19. Ed Roberts says:

    How can you reference anything barbecue and not mention Kansas City! Shame.

    Of course, given the CA/FL mix up in the video, they’d probably mistaken Missouri for Wisconsin.


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