1. tomdennis says:

    Very nice and in good taste. As good as anything I have ever seen in years.

  2. RTaylor says:

    At least she can joke about herself.

  3. Dajestar says:

    “See you at the debate, bitches”, priceless

  4. infromsea says:

    Finally, a president that we can really “get behind”……

    The first presidential candidate I’ve ever considered banging and voting for…. Or voting for while banging….. Or banging and then voting for….. Or…. Hell….I’m not even voting this year, what am I talking about? I guess she’s the first presidential candidated I’d bang, let’s leave it at that.

  5. The answer says:

    #2 : Yeah she actually thinks she’s “hawt”.

  6. bobbo says:

    So “bitches” is high brow humor these days huh? Along with skank and ho I suppose? Playing right to your own stereotype does not show much cleverness in my book, and since I assume Paris had professional help to get this made, her closest advisors don’t see the issue either. Context.

  7. moss says:

    You’re being parochial, again, bobbo. The routine gets her $1m for showing up at “events”. She’s just Hollyweird’s answer to Robert Foxworthy.

  8. Esteban says:

    The good thing about Paris Hilton as a political candidate: she doesn’t have any skeletons in her closet. (They’re all our on her front lawn.)

  9. bobbo says:

    #7–moss==right you are, but I was struck by her use of the word, given the general approval of its use here, I thought an opposing opinion might have some value.

    English has far more words than any other language. Pity it can’t be used.

  10. Dallas says:

    McCain is improving his campaign by pretending to bi hip with a Motorcycle group but the Paris Hilton thing was a flop.

    However, some do’s and don’ts:
    (1) Don’t wear khaki pants at a Harley event
    (2) Don’t volunteer wife for a topless contest w/o first getting her topless
    (3) Do describe to the Harley crowd your first experience riding someone’s hog.

  11. lou says:

    I might vote for her.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, Dallas,

    Good comments. I would add to #1 about wearing a pressed shirt along with those khaki pants. It might also be advisable to get some stick on tats of something other than flowers or butterflies.

  13. MaTa says:

    Paris Hilton is basically America’s version of Marie Antoinette. (and hopefully has the same ‘ending’ some day . . he he he 😉

  14. Improbus says:

    Could she be worse than Dubya? Um … no.

  15. QB says:

    McCain campaign response:

    “It sounds like Paris Hilton supports John McCain’s ‘all of the above’ approach to America’s energy crisis – -including both alternatives and drilling. In reality, Paris Hilton may have a more substantive energy policy than Barack Obama,” spokesman Tucker Bounds said.

    Sorry Tucker, you got boned.

    McCain better watch it, his campaign is turning into some sort of weird version of Karl Jr with a sort of 70’s frat boy feel to it. He got to where he is being the straight talk express guy which appeals to a lot of people. Giving up your core strength is not a good move.

  16. chuck says:

    Obama/Hilton ’08


    the dream ticket:

    Bill Clinton/Paris Hilton ’08
    (Bill’s dream)

  17. gquaglia says:

    Does anyone really think Paris Hilton gives two shits how much oil or gas costs. She probably spends more on a night on the town then the average American spends on 3 months worth of gas at the pump.

  18. FRAGaLOT says:

    she’s too young to be president.

  19. QB says:

    #17 Of course she doesn’t.

    What this is about is how media savvy (or out of touch) the McCain campaign is. They are playing with fire when they use popular culture to score political points.

    The Obama campaign is internet and media aware while still using old fashioned “voter registration” to improve their position. The McCain campaign is running a standard playbook from the last 20 years. We’ll see what happens.

  20. jbenson2 says:

    Kudos to Paris Hilton’s team for their lightning-fast respond with a professional video.

    And a great response from McCain’s spokesman.

    “In reality, Paris Hilton may have a more substantive energy policy than Barack Obama.”

  21. highaman says:


  22. bugeyemonster says:

    its to bad her energy policy is total junk.

    time to market is much sooner on alt tech than it is on offshore drilling. although the offshore drilling would provide with a quicker transfer of the tax payers wealth to the oil companies, as once they have the rights to the public lands/sea floor they will not give them up.

    and if you ignore the big oils request for new access now and put all that time and money into alt tech the time to market date for alt tech gets even closer.

    she is hot though

  23. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I wouldn’t mind drilling her offshore.

  24. I don’t agree with her on offshore drilling, even as a short term solution. It ignores the facts that it won’t produce results for decades, that oil spills are inevitable, and that global warming is a real and immediate crisis.

    That said, who knew she had a brain?

    I’d vote for her bush before McBush. (Just kidding, she’s probably clean shaven.) Seriously though, I would vote for her before I’d vote for McCain.

  25. Oil Of Dog says:

    “probably clean shaven”

    Where have you been?? 🙂

  26. Ah_Yea says:

    I’m surprised that no one has mentioned the real reason for the McCain/Paris tit-for-tat.

    McCain wants publicity.
    Paris wants publicity.
    McCain rips Paris, giving him kudos from those who don’t like Paris.
    Paris rips McCain giving him more free publicity and a better standing among “soccer moms” and all others who don’t like Paris.

    End result:
    McCain gets a lot of free publicity directed to the voters who don’t like what Paris stands for, and
    Paris hands these voters to him in spades while earning a little free publicity for herself in the bargain.

    Shades of Karl Rove.

  27. Zirbert says:

    Wow. I really, really hate to admit this, but that was funny.

    Even harder to admit – she sounds quite intelligent in this video. Plus, she’s clearly willing to poke fun at her own image.

    I may have just gained some respect for Paris Hilton. That’s certainly not a sentence I ever thought I’d write.


  28. #25 – Oil Of Dog,

    “probably clean shaven”

    Where have you been?? 🙂

    Obviously not watching the Paris Hilton videos and not sharing her pussy with half the population of earth. I assume you’re going to tell me whether she’s clean shaven, has a landing strip, or a full bush, right? From personal experience or from watching the videos?

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #22 “time to market is much sooner on alt tech than it is on offshore drilling.”

    True, however, the certainty of future drilling will bring down the price of oil today because of the futures market.

    The promise of the alt tech being talked about by Obama won’t because people in the oil industry know that based on kw/hour pricing it is “vaporware”.

  30. Kevitivity says:

    Blond bimbos for BO!


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