Since we went to war to ensure an unimpeded flow of Mideastern oil to America, I wonder if there’s a chance the vast money surplus Iraq now has from oil profits will go to repairing the damage we inflicted and help its people and… Ha, who am I kidding!

  1. QB says:

    #18 “We went to war because Saddam was an imminent threat.”

    Canada is a bigger threat. We’re cranky since we haven’t won the Stanley Cup in quite a while.

    Saddam Hussein was a pain in the ass.

  2. Kevitivity says:

    Anyone have any info on who is actually behind these “reports”? I’m not one who blindly believes what I see on the internet solely because it fits in with my political views.

  3. Brons says:

    They came from the BBC, I believe, though I’m having a hard time finding the page at the BBC that I recall seeing them on. I was on a different machine at the time and I don’t have the history or the bookmarks.

  4. Brons says:

    OK. So my memory is a little faulty. The reports were done by Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, and were broadcast over ITV, not the BBC, and were reported in the Guardian at, though there are a number od web sites attributing them to the BBC. Probably other dimwitted yanks like me.

    Ghaith Abdul-Ahad has a bio on Wikipedia, if you are curious.

  5. Kevitivity says:

    This seems all very suspicious to me, not only because it conflicts with ALL other reports from the region, including the most concise and politically unbiased reports from Michael Yon, but people posting these videos are taking great lengths to hide the source…

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #35, Kevin,

    A blogger is your idea of a great reporter? One reporter is the be all and end all of a situation covering two countries and tens of millions of peoples?

    Wanna buy a bridge? Slightly used by very cheap.

  7. knt says:

    Strong Videos! I hope many americans see tham an finaly understand that war creates terror and those kids will fight them in the next war.


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