Who knew when this began a fad. Here’s another example. How many can you count?

26 teen cheerleaders rescued from crammed elevator FYI

Twenty-six teenage cheerleaders tried to cram themselves into an elevator at the University of Texas to see how many would fit, but then they got stuck and had to be rescued. One girl was treated and released at a hospital and two others were treated at the scene after the Tuesday night prank, officials said.

The group of 14-17 year-olds were attending a cheerleading camp when they decided to stuff themselves into an elevator at Jester Residence Hall on the UT campus. The elevator went down to the first floor but then the doors of the overloaded elevator wouldnt open, officials said.

Gee Jester Hall. Go figure!

Found by Roger Strukhoff.

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    That’s funny, they don’t look cheerful to me.

  2. Dallas says:

    This is what happens when female science majors don’t try out.

  3. Stacy says:

    Before all the the comments start about how ditsy cheerleaders can be starts.Lets look at what they were really doing for society.The plaque on the elevator wall that states the maximum load allowed… Well how many of us really tested this warning before.Maybe they are trying to show us all that you should be careful when you enter a crowded elevator.Its a science project I’m sure.

    To bad the cable didn’t snap, now that would have made the story of the month.26 cheerleaders found dead in elevator shaft…OK not that funny but you have to admit you must chuckle a little when people are this naive.

    Yes I was a cheerleader once,long ago, tee hee and some of them fit the stereo type all to well and the others follow.

  4. newglenn says:

    My ideal reporter wouldn’t have finished the story without finding out why the doors wouldn’t open or what the mechanic had to do to free them.

  5. Raster says:

    Reminds me of the recent “Reno 911” episode:

    A car full of clowns crashes with no survivors. You can pretty much carry the sketch yourself from there:

    “OK, let’s pile sad clowns there, party clowns there, and ring-leader clowns here”

    “Uh, sarge, here’s a sad clown, but he’s wearing a ring-leader’s overcoat.”

  6. newglenn says:


  7. RTaylor says:

    If there were any borderline claustrophobics in that car, they now can confirm it.

  8. comhcinc says:

    kids being stupid. good for them.

  9. BRUCE CREE says:


  10. Balbas says:

    Of course, their sexual abstinence coursework helped immensely. In fact, most (if not all) of the students will probably enter the priesthood or enter a nunnery as a consequence of their ordeal.

  11. julie wade says:

    Ok, you’ve got 2 really pretty lakes in Austin, Lake Travis, which is one of the best in the U.S., and Lake Austin, which when you get there at 5:45 a.m., just as the sun is breaking over the horizon and the lake is as smoothe as glass and you take off on your water skiis, well, nothing compares to this. Nothing. Really —

    so, ok, we have a few dimwits in elevators too.

    peace – Julie

  12. QB says:

    Wow, no ditzy (I love that word) cheerleader jokes yet!

    1, 2, 3, 4. I declare a joke war.

  13. JD says:

    Funny. Cheerleaders at my high school never had problems going down….

  14. Glenn E. says:

    Why O why is it always some Texans who are shown to be the latest example of total stupidity? Is no other state capable of being so consistently dumb? Are the other 49 states just going to standby and let Texas steal the crown, time after time. I say that it’s past the time when we should reclaim this mantle. And prove that we can be just as stupid as a elevator car load of Texas teenagers, or whoever else shows up on the national news. Come on, where’s the next reality Tv show, “Are You as Dumb as a Texan?”.

    Sorry, BubbaRay. But it was starting to get to me.

  15. The answer says:

    Somebody’s touching me!!

    /willy wonka references

  16. QB says:

    I wonder if they were texting each other while they were trapped?

  17. rabsten says:

    As a TexasEx, I can state with authority that any time a person finds him/herself in Jester, they are trapped.

    Truly a hell on Earth.


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