1. MikeN says:

    You might want to read the Social Security trustees’ report for 2008.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    Actually, for better or worse the House is the only gov’t entity that can originate AND approve spending a single dime. So, replace the pictures of the President’s with the Speaker’s pictures during those same periods…

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, Dr. Duh,

    under Carter and Clinton the nation’s defenses were literally gutted. Carter chose humiliation over the nation’s honor as did Clinton, just in a different way.

    Another neo-con piece of tripe. More bullshit trying to make Republican losers look better. Won’t happen.

    Where the fuck do you wing nuts get this garbage???

  4. brm says:

    Doesn’t Congress decide where the money is spent?

  5. Paddy-O says:

    So, it looks like Tom Foley & Newt Gingrich have the best records.

    The worst are; Tip O’Neil, Jim Wright, Dennis Hastert & Nancy Pelosi.

    Best: 1 Dem & 1 Rep
    Worst: 3 Dem’s & 1 Rep

  6. Kevitivity says:

    This doesn’t take into account the make of the congress at the time. For example, Clinton had a Republican congress. Also, the economy generally expands and contracts on it’s own, no matter who is in office – yes, the president take responsibility, even though they rarely have anything to do with it.

  7. QB says:

    #24 “Carter chose humiliation over the nation’s honor as did Clinton, just in a different way.”

    OK, Bill Bucker, Game 6 of ’86 series. Now that’s humiliating.

  8. MikeN says:

    What’s so humiliating about Bill Buckner? The lead was already gone when he made that error.

  9. Raster says:

    New bumper sticker:


    Wear it proud!

  10. Paddy-O says:

    #43 “Wear it proud!”

    Yep, Nancy just ordered a bunch as she signed onto
    Shrubs “war” spending. LOL

  11. QB says:

    #42 Game tied, two out? Mookie on second? At the very least it would have gone to extra innings.

    I’m glad they had Buckner throw out the first pitch this year on opening day. The Boston fans gave him a 5 minute ovation.

  12. Malcolm says:

    Well, duh.
    Republicans long ago figured out that lying just plain works. Just wait until big health care (big oil’s big brother) rolls out their smear campaign against universal health care.
    Americans will not listen to the truth when a set of persuasive lies makes them feel better.
    Just look at the dupes who have answered this post and cannot and will not see the truth.
    I pity them.
    Just tonight the latest polls show that the lower your education, the more likely you are to vote republican. Well, duh.

  13. Dr Dodd says:

    #46 Malcolm

    It’s also common knowledge that people who quote polls have the mental capacity of a retard. They also tend to say “duh” a lot.

  14. Jetfire says:

    Clinton: Peace President??
    Bosnia ring a bell
    They never attacked the US or were a treat to the US.

  15. TheCommodore says:

    Does anyone really read the full threads down this far?

  16. FRAGaLOT says:

    Notice they don’t list Carter on this little cartoon chart. But it’s always been shown that during a time of war (like the past two world wars) there was prosperity. Compared to this so-called war that Dubya has has been running. All in the name of oil and gasoline, which isn’t working with prices so fucking high now.

    And if you think about it all the past wars were ones we were reluctant to get into. WWII, Korea, Vietnam. But these past two gulf/middle-eastern wars, our presidents were gun-ho.

    Bosnia didn’t last years. Clinton also attacked Iraq that lasted 4 days (not 4 years) in 1998, and politicians have been LYING to us since the beginning of time. That is nothing republicans have the soul founding rights too, and Clinton was proven to be a liar.

  17. FRAGaLOT says:

    > Then there was the little operation
    > Just Cause. But that was over a weekend
    > and I was home in time for New Years Eve
    > Parties.

    “Just Cause?” That’s a video game I have on my Xbox 360.

  18. #30 – Dr Dodd,

    Clinton was a tourist president. He was there not to serve, but to be served.

    And still served us better than any repugnican since and including Nixon.

    #32 – MikeN,

    Please direct me to this vault filled with treasuries.

    I can’t imagine a source in the world you’d believe since you think there must be some conspiracy of people who successfully stole the money and none of the books show it. But here ya go.


    Oh, and unrelated to any particular reply, but very much related to the topic, check this out, it’s the average annual percentage growth in GDP during all presidential administrations since 1960. Guess what? The best repugnican president just barely ties the worst democrap. That’s right, Reagan did just as well for the economy as Carter, but worse than every other democrap.


    Happy self-delusion neocon repugnicans.

  19. Malcolm says:

    #47 Thanks, Dr. Dudd, for proving my point.
    You deserve another 4 years of republican hell.

  20. QB says:

    Dr Dodd said: “It’s also common knowledge that people who quote polls have the mental capacity of a retard. They also tend to say “duh” a lot.”

    Well debated Dr Dodd. A ripping riposte. A finely reasoned point. The interweaving of the nuanced juxtapositions was Churchillian in it’s sweeping majesty. A symphony of Kantian logic with the merest hint Rousseau’s dialectic whimsy.

    OK, I’m getting carried away… 😉

  21. Matt Garrett says:

    The ability of people to ignore facts in favor of their agenda is simply staggering.

    CONGRESS has the power of the purse, NOT the President. As such, Clinton had a Republican Congress who cut the deficit. Reagan had Democrats, as did Bush 41. It holds for the first half of Bush 43 however.

    And Reagan WASN’T a War President.

  22. Uncle Dave says:

    #55: “And Reagan WASN’T a War President.”

    So funding a foreign war doesn’t count, I suppose.

  23. QB says:

    #55 Line item veto

  24. QB says:

    #55 P.S. Which started with Reagan

  25. Thomas says:

    First, that “surplus” during Clinton’s era says nothing of the national debt. It simply means we were (slowly) starting to pay down the debt and Clinton fought those restrictive budget measures all the way. Second, it is indigenous to think that Clinton had much to do with that boom. Without the Internet boom, economic prosperity during his era is nominal at best. Third, Clinton did not have to deal with any major conflict. Reagan: Russia/Cold War, Bush I: Kuwait, Bush II: Afghanistan/Iraq.

    Cold War anyone? I hear Reagen had something to do with ending that. Now, if we claim Reagan was a wartime President because of the Cold War, then so was Carter. Of course, Carter only gave the Soviets cause for optimism but that is another matter.

  26. The Warden says:

    The real tragedy is that we have a bunch of ignorant bloggers that day in and day out prove that they just do not understand how governments work.

    Congress spends money…not the President. Yes, the president submits a budget but in the end, congress has to agree to it and usually twists the president’s arm to get what they want in order to pass it. Uncle Dave and the rest of his libtard bloggers on here don’t seem to understand this.

    But I realize that this is their way to take potshots at those they hate.

  27. Dr Dodd says:

    #52 MS
    Clinton was the product of his own weaknesses. We just had the misfortune of having to witness them on the public stage.

    #53 Malcolm
    You continue to underwhelm, but keep trying.

    #54 QB
    Excellent! Now that’s giving me something for my time. Maybe you can give Malcolm a lesson on how it’s done.

  28. BigCarbonFoot says:

    The Clinton-era economy had nothing to do with Clinton. It was a by-product of the Internet explosion and dot-com bubble.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #54, QB,

    Don’t worry about Dr. Duh. He’s intoxicated upon the exuberance of his own verbosity; truly convinced in the magnanimous profferings of his precocious soulless wit.

    Please don’t spoil his dream sequence.


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