The Consumerist

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I particularly like the section on the Wii.

  1. Skippy says:

    Circuit City sells Mad Magazine? No wonder they’re having troubles. Maybe it’s time to refocus their business.

  2. comhcinc says:

    Circuit City is still in business?

  3. McCullough says:

    #1. I too wondered about that.

  4. Mister Ketchup says:

    I went into a Circuit City just looking at HDTV’s. I tried to ask a couple questions but I don’t speak Farsi. I did manage to leave an upper decker before I left the store. I still think Best Buy is worse.

  5. svengeiss says:

    if you check consumerist, the PR guy apologized.

    pretty interesting apology too.

  6. McCullough says:

    #5. Yes, a classic apology, good sense of humor. Especially about the Wii (I still cant find one).

    BTW please use for those long links.

  7. Magnus Patris says:

    I went into Circuit City and asked for a D5TF30~50A1 Regulator tube for my Zenith TransOceanic and the girl looked at me like I was speaking another language. They suck!

  8. eyeofthetiger says:

    I’d buy a Hibachi tv.

  9. Jägermeister says:

    #7 – Magnus Patris

    It’s because they’re just another consumer product outlet with minimum wage drones filling out the store costumes.

  10. QB says:

    #7 – Magnus Patris

    You should always go to tube depot ( Circuit City doesn’t even carry soldering irons anymore.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #5 – svengeiss –

    As a gesture of our apology and deep respect for the folks at MAD Magazine, we are creating a cross-departmental task force to study the importance of humor in the corporate workplace and expect the resulting Powerpoint presentation to top out at least 300 pages, chock full of charts, graphs and company action plans.


  12. The answer says:

    Lol 3599 is the sale price. How true is that. No wonder that’s the only TV’s you see in there. They make you want to spend an exorbitant amount of cash for something you should be paying less for

    And as for the Wii game, given the lackluster library of games the Wii has, I am shocked that this isn’t an actual game.

  13. OmegaMan says:

    I will Never, Never, Never go to a Circuit City again. I purchased some computer equipment which had rebates from CC. The rebates stated go to this web site to register. I thought how nice, I can get the rebates w/o having to send them in, just like CompUSA.

    I registered and a month later, after the rebates had expired, I get an email telling me that I should not miss sending in the rebates which have expired.


    Absolutely no connection to the rebates by going to their rebate site and filling it in. Because of the slight of hand I missed getting the rebates.


  14. jccalhoun says:

    can anyone confirm that circuit city sell Mad? That just seems weird.

  15. kanjy says:

    I want to point out that the Sucker City thing was one of the funniest things I’ve ever read in Mad Magazine. Only one page is posted on this page, but there are four in Mad.

    Featured is the AWOL 4GB flash drive, which is attached to a keyring. “Lose all your data, or your keys, or both!” There’s also the RectoCom, a flash drive/at-home rectal thermometer. There’s a picture of the Horton Hears a Who DVD in a toilet, and EmbezziTron Creative Bookkeeping software, “bundled with Super Smash Brothers Brawl so you can write that off, too!”

    It’s in the August issue, if you want to see the rest. Hilarious.

  16. QB says:

    #14 It would probably be the best thing in the store, and it would probably be “inventoried”.

  17. bobbo says:

    HEY==I’ve always been irritated that the “inbiggen” button usually just gives the same picture all by itself and too often I have to paste the photo into Adobe to actually enlarge.

    In this case the picture gets smaller.

    You guys need to do a better job on this little function==BIG pictures so the fine print can be read please? But at least don’t make the picture smaller, thats just cruel. Using Firefox 3.0 here.

  18. John Paradox says:

    Also check what Dick DeBartolo has on his page about the mail from CC to MAD


  19. Chris Mac says:

    #17 bobbo – trying pressing a few times.

  20. bobbo says:

    #19–Chris Mac==I’ve used that button before, why not this time? Thank you, and my apology to all. Have you ever noticed that 99% of the time when you “attack” someone, it turns out you are wrong? That may be why “diplomats” have learned to be diplomatic?

    I also have this weird feeling in the back of my mind. Even though I have been proven thoroughly wrong, I still want to argue my stated point==that the pictures should be bigger. Stupid human!!

  21. Lard Ass Returns to the Chagrin of the Click says:

    This is HILARIOUS!

    Good to see Mad Magazine staying true to its roots and back with a vengeance!!!

  22. MADSMADDEST says:

    Here’s our editor’s reply to Circuit City:
    Speaking from the magazine’s international headquarters, MAD Editor John Ficarra said, “We at MAD were shocked and confused by this entire incident — mainly because we had no idea that Circuit City even sells magazines. Nonetheless, we accept their apology but hold out hope that their gesture of a $20 gift card is only an opening offer.”

    Dick DeBartolo
    MAD’s Maddest Writer


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