Ten senior Hess Corporation executives and/or members of the Hess family each gave $28,500 to the joint RNC-McCain fundraising committee, just days after McCain reversed himself to favor offshore drilling, according to Federal Election Commission reports. Nine of these contributions, seven from Hess executives and two from members of the Hess family, came on the same day, June 24th, the records show. The total collected in the wake of McCain’s reversal for the fund, called McCain Victory 2008, from Hess execs and family is $285,000. We were alerted to the contributions by Campaign Money Watch, a non-partisan group that tracks campaign contributions. The contributions were given a quick mention deep in a report the group issued late last week, but with no names or other details provided. The Hess contributions are clearly newsworthy on their own.

The Washington Post reported last week that campaign contributions from oil industry execs rose in a big way in the last half of June, after McCain drew a huge amount of attention by reversing his opposition on June 16th to the federal ban on offshore drilling. These Hess contributions, however, hadn’t been reported until now, and they will give more ammo to those arguing that McCain is being rewarded by campaign contributions in exchange for pro-industry positions.

What?? Were you thinking coincidence?

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    McCain is a loser. He has too much ground to make up.

    He currently is feeding people’s fears in order to gain some votes. As the truth about the Oil Companies still having thousands of acres of leased land currently not under exploration and the idea that off shore drilling will NOT help the bottom line anytime soon dawn on people, McCain will lose that support. People want change from Bush. McCain has not shown he is the one to offer change.

  2. MikeN says:

    You’ve got the latest talking points. Oil companies already lose leases that they don’t develop. That’s why they’re called leases. Of course if large amounts of oil were found there, Democrats would probably object to that too.

  3. GregAllen says:

    The Republicans HAD TO ACT THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!! to lower the price of gas by 3 cents ten years from now.

  4. GregAllen says:

    >> MikeN said, on August 5th, 2008 at 8:42 am
    >> You’ve got the latest talking points. Oil companies already lose leases that they don’t develop. That’s why they’re called leases.

    Not if they are 99-year leases, or similar.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #32, Lyin’ Mike,

    You’ve got the latest talking points. Oil companies already lose leases that they don’t develop.

    You have no idea what you are talking about. Recently the Senate discussed revoking unworked oil leases but was roundly condemned by the right wing nuts in the White House and Senate.

  6. MikeN says:

    They were condemned because it was a gimmick that accomplished nothing, since they were calling for action that was already happening. Oil companies get short-term leases.

    This whole argument is pointless. I figure another month or so and Obama will flipflop some more and support offshore drilling, maybe even ANWR.

    He’s already flipflopped on the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, this time in the wrong direction. Last month it was a bad idea that wouldn’t help much,and the oil is reserved for emergencies. Now prices are a little lower, but the time is now!

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    Lyin’ Mike,

    Yup !!! The wing nuts can’t counter the truth so they just change the subject away from their “boy”.

    The thread is about McCain changing his platform AFTER receiving questionable donations from an oil company.

  8. montanaguy says:

    Cut the self-righteous ranting already. Both of them take oil money. Go to factcheck.org and figure it out instead of spewing hot air.
    btw, Mr. [Kon]Fusion, it’s spelled ‘moron’, not “moran”. Get an education.

  9. MikeN says:

    >The thread is about McCain changing his platform AFTER receiving questionable donations from an oil company.

    You’re really losing it. After all your bad ‘facts’ get exposed, you then show that you never understood the thread. Read the title again.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #39, Lyin’ Mike,

    Once again you show you can’t read. It might be in your favor before if you actually read the article before telling others they are wrong.

  11. bobbo says:

    #40–well now Fusion, you’ve gone and done a very bad thing. You’ve accuse Mike of not reading when in fact he did and has the meaning of the article correctly.

    Now Lying Mike will be fortified against the next 30-35 efforts to correct him before he even starts to think he might be wrong.

    You have really done this blog a disservice. You should apologize.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #41, Bobbo,

    So you think Lyin’ Mike is on the right track? This is Lyin’ Mikes post #36. Read it then tell me he is still on the thread. Tell me that he isn’t trying to steer the topic to denigrate someone else so his “boy” doesn’t look so bad.

    They were condemned because it was a gimmick that accomplished nothing, since they were calling for action that was already happening. Oil companies get short-term leases.
    This whole argument is pointless. I figure another month or so and Obama will flipflop some more and support offshore drilling, maybe even ANWR.
    He’s already flipflopped on the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, this time in the wrong direction. Last month it was a bad idea that wouldn’t help much,and the oil is reserved for emergencies. Now prices are a little lower, but the time is now!

    You starting to sound like Lyin’ Mikes stooge.

  13. bobbo says:

    #43–Fusion==I’m just saying I read the posted article the same way Mike did-to the effect that McCain changed his position on off-shore drilling and THEN he got the Hess family payoff.

    I’m posting to let you know I just saw a recorded program of Olberman and he reverses the time line to say what you say. Olberman: “Hess Family contributed to McCain on June 10th and on June 16th McCain changed his position on drilling.”

    I won’t take the time to re-read the attached post to see if I misread it the first two times.

    Hasn’t Obama already flipped on off shore drilling?

    Hardly matters. Sequestered Carbon energy sources are 20th Century thinking. All resources should go to clean energy.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:


    Someone whispered in McCain’s ear that they would donate a lot of money to his campaign IF he reversed himself. He reversed himself and “gee, golly, look what happened”!!! All these execs from one company all pledged the maximum. Along with an office manager who, with her husband, hardly make $100,000. McCain is in the pocket of oil companies to the detriment of America PERIOD

  15. bobbo says:

    #45–Fusion==right you are. Politics is nothing but thinly disguised legal bribery.

    Makes me think they should all be elected to one term each. No reason to raise money then to get re-elected. Simple rule, easy to enforce. The drawbacks would have to outweigh the benefits?


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