1. QB says:

    This looks like it’s near Banff, probably Sulfur Mountain. I’m glad to see our public school system is paying off.

  2. framitz says:

    Not a complete idiot, a complete idiot would have followed the bag over the cliff.

    The IS a clutz though.

  3. Brian says:

    I saw this over the weekend, and I just don’t buy that a golf club, not even swung that hard, would be able to lift a backpack full of gear or whatever so effortlessly.

    I call shenanigans and say the backpack was empty and this was all set up.

  4. Personality says:

    Jump after it pussy!

  5. Sinn Fein says:

    Yup, that backpack was as empty as this doofus’s head. One helluva drop though, nice view.

  6. Fair Trade says:

    Base jumpers have balls; this guy doesn’t; just a tool.

  7. hhopper says:

    I’ll have to say that there’s one big thing the Internet has done… It’s gotten people to cry FAKE on just about everything they see.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    True… the backpack is empty. I’m sure his parents will think this is creative and then give his spoiled little ass a new backpack. Makes you think of the kids whose parents rely on food banks and donations to get by.

  9. Mister Ketchup says:

    It was a 9 iron shot and this fuckwit used a wood.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    #7 – hhopper

    Sorry for not joining Church of HHopper – Believe what you see… and don’t you dare question it!

  11. hhopper says:

    Amen… please send a contribution.

  12. eyeofthetiger says:

    Falling is fun. Learn from your junk.

  13. yey365 says:

    um, fore?

  14. Sinn Fein says:

    If the situation for me was “Base jump this or, be shot dead here,” I’d have to give the matter some thought.

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    This reminds me of when I hiked to the top of Mount Whitney. It looks almost exactly the same at the top, with a drop even greater than in the video. The east side of Whitney drops straight down nearly 15,000 feet to the desert. You can literally drop (well, tumble) just about 3 miles straight down!

    And of course I stood right at the edge because the view was so awesome (Complete Idiot).

  16. natefrog says:

    Considering the amount of force exerted by the golf club, the backpack wouldn’t need to be empty. Power bars, maybe some spare clothes, and some water; not too heavy. Perhaps they removed the heavier stuff to make the backpack lower to the ground.

    Physics is your friend. This doesn’t necessarily have to be staged…

  17. hhopper says:

    Hot Damn! Welcome to the Church of HHopper!

  18. chuck says:

    My iPhone 3G was in that!!

    – Then he jumps off cliff after it.

  19. McCullough says:

    I got vertigo just watching it.

  20. JimR says:

    The ground shook a little too.

  21. Bubb says:

    Just me thinking but ummm how about the people who my be below this nit-wit.I swear people only think of their own stupid pleasure not the danger they my be causing others.

  22. zorkor says:

    and idiots likes these are the citizens of the worlds most powerful nation. Great, a nation of stupid run by stupid president, what else do you need?

  23. bobbo says:

    #15–Ah Yea==fist bumps!!

    I have been to the top of Mt Whitney as well. My memory is that looking down the other side revealed more inacessible backwoods terrain–not rivers and roads shown in this video. Its why when you look at a map there is no road across the Sierra’s in that area==too rough. Likewise, there is a brass marker at the Summit of Whitney saying 14,496.811 feet Elevation. After a two day hike, just one glance at that market and that number has stayed with me. I’d like to helicopter back in and see if the market has been updated for any increase in elevation over the years.

    Ah Yea==I don’t think the valley on the east side of Whitney goes all the way to sea level–but it is quite a drop.

  24. lou says:

    I think I played behind this guy last week. It was a 5 1/2 hour round. The greenskeepers were weeping.

  25. Ah_Yea says:

    #23, Bobbo. It’s amazing up there. It may not be a straight drop, but good enough for me!

    You have a good point about it’s elevation. As a scout I was part of the 14,495 club.

    Apparently it is now the 14,505 club!
    “Mount Whitney is the highest summit in the contiguous United States with an elevation of 14,505 feet”

  26. bobbo says:

    Ah Yea==thanks for the wiki. I have always kinda “doubted” my ability to remember the elevation after just a glance at the marker, some endorphin must have been flowing at the time?

    Also, you are quite a gentleman not to point out I was obviously talking about the Western side of Mtn Whitney that shows the drop. Earlier in my life, I also went to the top of Mnt Fuji but I don’t recall any markers there. “You are a fool not to climb Mnt Fuji once in your life, and more a fool to climb it twice.” Hence, no return trips to Fuji, Whitney, Danali, or Maccu Pichu. Once is enough.

  27. QB says:

    zorkor said: “and idiots likes these are the citizens of the worlds most powerful nation…”

    Canada acknowledges your adoration. Now give the Stanley Cup back and no one will get hurt. Or at the very least, we will withhold doughnuts and decent beer.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    A future wing nut in training.

  29. fulanoche says:

    aren’t you supposed to replace the divot?

  30. GregAllen says:

    Hitting goofballs off a cliff — IN COMPLETE DISREGARD FOR ANYONE BELOW — makes him a menace

    We mountaineers loath idiots like him.


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