Canadian mystery floats to U.S.: Severed foot found on Olympic Peninsula beach — I’m guessing this foot was actually found in Canada and thrown back since they cannot solve the mystery up there.

An athletic shoe containing bones and flesh has been discovered on a Strait of Juan de Fuca beach about 30 miles west of Port Angeles. The discovery Friday — and reported to Clallam County authorities Saturday — came nearly a year after the first of five shoes containing feet were found washed ashore in British Columbia. A woman who declined to be identified found the large black, high-top shoe in seaweed while walking along the shore near the Merrill & Ring Silver King Resort at the mouth of Jim Creek on Friday.

Five athletic shoes containing human feet have been found along the Strait of Georgia between Vancouver Island and the British Columbia mainland since August 2007. A sixth foot found in June was determined to be an animal paw that had been shoved inside an athletic shoe as a hoax.

“We’re a little apprehensive since the last one was a hoax,” Moores said of the shoe found near the logging settlement of Pysht between Port Angeles and the town of Clallam Bay.

NOTE: The details of this story do not quite jive with the details we reported in Feb. as linked here.

  1. Manipogo says:

    maybe it was the mythical Manipogo sea monster who did the damage

  2. QB says:

    Apparently dismemberment is the gruesome murder of choice in Canada!

  3. Judge Jewdy says:

    It was NOT a foot – it was .3048 meters.

  4. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I wish those damn Canadians could keep their severed feet on their side of the border. Don’t tell Lou Dobbs about this or we’ll never hear the end of it.

  5. green says:

    La Chupacabra!

  6. Named says:


    Well, we may not have as many murders as our ‘Merican friends, but we like our murders to be spectacular! Quality over quantity!

  7. McCullough says:

    #6. Wait till the heads start hittin the beach…..

  8. jim h says:

    This one has ‘hoax’ written all over it.

  9. Mister Ketchup says:

    They should be looking for someone with a limp.

  10. lou says:

    It’s just a new Nike ad campaign.

  11. Dallas says:

    This is simply a discarded test foot used for a new upcoming airport foot scanner.

    Watch out for that announcement.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    Canadians are encroaching on American territory one foot at a time. Well, we better be careful, those feet add up to miles in a hurry.

  13. Tootsie says:

    “I’m guessing this foot was actually found in Canada and thrown back since they cannot solve the mystery up there.”

    Maybe if the two juristictions actually talked to one another once in a while, and the county told BC that they had a body with no feet last year, BC might have had something to work with.

  14. QB says:

    #13 Are you starting a pun war? Or do you just have foot in mouth disease? We can shoe in another joke if you want. OK, I’ll stop and toe the line.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, QB,

    Well as an old legless veteran once told me, “What can you do when you live in a shoe? You could always feel like a heel until you learn to toe the line. Remember, if you can’t hold your tongue you just might get laced. Although you could always move to a boot and live in a high rise.”

    I know, I know, I once complained I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet. Then I bitched because the guy got a free scooter and I didn’t.

  16. QB says:

    #16 Mr Fusion: ROFL

    I acknowledge the Buddha within.

  17. shoeflypie says:

    Any “body farms” in the area. Crime scene invertigaters, in training actually leave
    bodys from people who donated there bodys
    to science, in the open and in shallow graves.

  18. brendal says:

    I used to live up there. On the beach. Glad I don’t anymore.

  19. Rick Cain says:

    Its just a mortician playing a mass practical joke on us. he takes some feet off corpses, puts them in some nikes, and chucks them in the sea a different times.

    After all, who really looks at the body’s feet during an open casket review during a funeral?


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