Yahoo shareholders have voted to re-elect the firm’s board after it defended its handling of negotiations with Microsoft over a possible deal.

Chief executive Jerry Yang won the backing of 85% of investors at Yahoo’s annual meeting in California.

One investor not at the meeting is billionaire Carl Icahn, who had threatened to attempt to replace the board at the AGM.

He changed his mind a fortnight ago after Yahoo offered him and two of his nominees seats on an enlarged Yahoo board.

I have to crack up over the headlines leading up to this meeting, not only from crockpot Wall Street “analysts”; but, geek pundits who spent their time lately interviewing individual trolls, offering to burn Jerry Yang at the stake. Will we see any apologies?

  1. SparkyOne says:

    Am I really expected to pay much attention to this tired ass crap when the speaker of the house pulls a stunt like she did yesterday? I need a new government not new “bored” members at Yahoo.

  2. keaneo says:

    Yup, yup. American politics is so interesting compared to anything else. Winds of change and all that.

    Nutball farts.

  3. ramona says:

    Last time I checked, Yahoo is a profitable company. They aren’t question-free; but, they’re doing better than a bunch of other folks in the corporate world.

    I think this would be a terrific time to go to work for Yahoo.


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