All you have to do is look under your seat to find the keys to heaven or…. A NEW CAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!! [wild applause]

Oprah Denies Jesus as Sole Way to God

A new video which features popular talk show host Oprah Winfrey denying Jesus as the only way to God has received over 5 million views on several reporting video sites. […T]he ‘new age’ philosophy the video attributes Oprah with spreading has been a cause of concern for many Christians for some time. Many believe the day-time host is leading many into spiritual confusion by distorting the gospel message of Christianity.

One pastor likened Oprah’s ‘many ways to God’ approach as a ‘blind man’ drawing close to the edge of a dangerous cliff. “She holds the trendy idea that religions are essentially the same,” writes Steven W. Cornell, a Pennsylvania-based pastor.

“She irrationally romanticizes the notion that God can be whatever you want him/her/it to be,” Cornell continues to write.
[…] founder Bill Keller, an internet-based program on faith and values, believes Oprah may be starting her ‘own cult.’

When speaking with the Celebrity News Service, Keller said, “She has an incredible amount of influence over people and an incredible following.”

  1. igor says:

    it seems i mistyped and ended up on

  2. Somebody_Else says:

    It’s amazing how worked up people can get about their imaginary friends in the sky.

  3. Uncle Dave says:

    #1: Only one item on the first page is about religion. Only a handful in the last month. How is this

  4. jccalhoun says:

    Someone implies that Christianity isn’t the one true religion?!?!? Oh no!!!!

  5. Esih says:

    Better an Oprah cult than some of the other religious wing-nuts who promote hate and ignorance.

  6. DieFundie says:

    Oh no, we wouldn’t want to intellectualize about it. That would almost be like THINKING. We all know that rational argument is cult’s biggest enemy. Sorry, people who have not accepted jesus, you’re not going to heaven with us. He’s the only way. His followers said he told us so in a compendium of ancient cult texts. And we believe everything he said because god can’t be wrong. Except in the older rev.

    Cult is as cult does. You’re going to die. You don’t know what, if anything will happen to you. Grow up and get over it.

  7. Bobo says:

    “She irrationally romanticizes the notion that God can be whatever you want him/her/it to be”, writes Steven W. Cornell, a Pennsylvania-based pastor.

    And believing there’s an imaginary man in the sky is completely rational.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    The guy who made this video, Oprah and the ladies in the audience clearly swallowed the blue pills.

    I love it when the woman in the audience says “Jesus can not come back until that gospel is preached in the four corners of this earth.” … Again, how many corners does a sphere have? And secondly… she’s implying that there’s more than one earth? Was Jesus born there as well?

    Please, may the rapture come NOW!

  9. #1 – Igor

    >>it seems i mistyped and
    >>ended up on

    I think there’s been a merger or acquisition. If you want religious squabbling, just go to

    Hey, it boosts the hit count. And that’s really all that matters. Praise Jesus for more hits.

  10. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    What surprised me about this video was that they seemed so shocked that Oprah isn’t a Christian, and that she had the audacity to make that little fact fairly clear. This ain’t headline news, folks.

    Before she stopped herself, the point that Oprah was trying to make was that billions of people have lived and died in circumstances where it was virtually impossible for them to have even heard of Jesus. According to strictest Christian doctrine, they all went to Hell. All in all, it’s a lovely religion.

  11. jescott418 says:

    I like Oprah but she has these notions of getting involved in politics and now religion. I really think she should keep from making opinions on both. We all have opinions but her show should be about her guests and not about Oprah.

  12. Floyd says:

    First, I’m not an Oprah fan, but I don’t like her detractors either.

    “One pastor likened Oprah’s ‘many ways to God’ approach as a ‘blind man’ drawing close to the edge of a dangerous cliff….”

    “She irrationally romanticizes the notion that God can be whatever you want him/her/it to be,” Cornell continues to write.

    And how is that any different than the current situation where there are literally thousands of versions of Christianity out there is the world. Thousands of “Christian” religions, all with their own belief systems/theologies? Each of them of course believe that their system is the one true religion.

    That doesn’t even consider the thousands of other religious beliefs that don’t even factor Jesus into the picture.

    How about cutting the theological stuff back to the Golden Rule, stop worshiping the Man in the Sky that isn’t there (if he’s really there he’s probably ticked off that everyone is praying for him to change his mind to favor themselves), and just start being excellent to one another (thank you Rufus/George Carlin).

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #11 – jescott418 – …her show should be about her guests and not about Oprah.

    That would be a new one in this day and age, where talk show hosts, newscasters and online personalities are put on pedestal… people to admire… 😛

  14. Ron Hager says:

    The only real god is the FSM.

  15. Matt Garrett says:

    I guess we’ll all found out in the end. If I’m wrong, I don’t see the downside. But if you’re wrong … man, it’ll suck to be you.

  16. #15 – Mr. Garrett

    >>If I’m wrong, I don’t see the downside. But if
    >>you’re wrong … man, it’ll suck to be you.

    Fuckin’ A. But these worshipers at the altar of Godlessness are so filled with hubris, it never occurred to them that they might be wrong.

    They’re invincible.


    dream on, dudes…..

  17. igor says:

    #3 just coz its only the one on the first page doesnt mean u should find 1 about religion ASAP

    why comparison with (i wonder whats on there, will check out after this post :D):
    because thats all of the “usefull” information that is in there. its not funny, not informative for “non tru believers”, its useless. I enjoy those “jesus-in-food” posts though. But this one really out of place

  18. Miguel says:

    Cuil bike footage… Civilized riding.

  19. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I can’t speak for my fellow worshipers at the “altar of Godlessness,” but if I’m wrong, I’ve simply missed out on the opportunity to worship a god who kills innocent people, including children, to accomplish his will. I really don’t see a downside to this missed opportunity. Even if I believed he existed, I would hope I had enough moral courage to refuse to worship such an evil god. I can’t be certain that I actually have that much courage, but I certainly aspire to it.

    On the other hand, there are many other gods to choose from, and most of them are less evil than the one y’all seem to love/fear so much.

  20. Right says:

    I live a nice, friendly, compassionate life without the (s)trappings of religion in any way. I am totally unencumbered and free from the weight and burden of religion and it’s very enlightening. You can get there if you really try very little.

  21. chris says:

    And I should care about this because?

  22. ECA says:

    In the book of John,
    it is mentioned that a true person of good conscious will still go to god.

  23. Dallas says:

    I’ll tell you what. Some of these Jesus freaks are downright scary. If you enter into a disagreement with one, it’s best to do so on line where you’re safe from gunfire.

  24. ArianeB says:

    Oprahism is yet another prosperity cult, which are very big in Christianity these days. Wish for something hard enough and it will come to you.

    For Oprah its “The Secret” aka. “The Law of Attraction”. I think its all BS for people with screwed up priorities.

  25. deowll says:

    I think I watched her show a few times but its been a few years.

  26. B. Dog says:

    She bloats up pretty bad when she eats too many Jesus Cheetos.

  27. jlm says:

    “I guess we’ll all found out in the end. If I’m wrong, I don’t see the downside. But if you’re wrong … man, it’ll suck to be you.”

    fear, its what keeps people going to church.

  28. Uncle Patso says:

    I think it’s time to bring back Bokononism


    The foundation of Bokononism is that all religion, including Bokononism and all its texts, is formed entirely of lies; however, if you believe and adhere to these lies, you will live a happy life.

  29. #19 – Gary, the Silly Prepube

    >>On the other hand, there are many other
    >>gods to choose from

    Choose one, then. Guess what? They’re all the same.

    And not to worry. Even if you reject God, he still loves you.

    That’s why he’s God. And you’re not!

    Silly rabbit.

  30. #28 – Patsy

    >>however, if you believe and adhere to
    >>these lies, you will live a happy life.

    And that would distinguish you from the bitter, miserablel, jaded, cynical, self-loathing worshipers at the altar of Atheism, n’est-ce pas?

    A happy life? Holy fuck! If they could allow people to live happy lives, what would be the purpose of Atheism? It would become superfluous! No “raison dettrah”. Yowza! Imagine!


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