Wow, this guy is overpaying for house cleaning

S.F. mayor proposes fines for unsorted trash — Can you imagine this being your job. Good luck ever getting a date. “So what do you do?” “I’m a garbage policeman!”

Garbage collectors would inspect San Francisco residents’ trash to make sure pizza crusts aren’t mixed in with chip bags or wine bottles under a proposal by Mayor Gavin Newsom.

And if residents or businesses don’t separate the coffee grounds from the newspapers, they would face fines of up to $1,000 and eventually could have their garbage service stopped.

The plan to require proper sorting of refuse would be the nation’s first mandatory recycling and composting law. It would direct garbage collectors to inspect the trash to make sure it is put into the right blue, black or green bin, according to a draft of the legislation prepared by the city’s Department of the Environment.

  1. Thomas says:

    Proof that Frisco has its collective head in its collective tokhes. Isn’t the city of Frisco already bankrupt? So their plan is to turn their garbage collection folks into garbage nazis? Just exactly how much do they pay their garbage people to put up with that type of abuse?

  2. Paddy-O says:

    I’m not worried. Pretty soon all the productive people will be run out of the city/country and then no more $ to run the gov’t.

  3. SparkyOne says:

    I used to do this at home in southern Calif, but then the city made us get rid of the backyard incinerators. From that day on all household trash was mixed.

  4. SF and LA are a clear example what happens when you allow left to run amok… If country does elect Obama expect this and the ban on fast food nationwide. And much more of the similar Big Govt. mandates “for your own good”…

  5. Nicaragua says:

    You’d think you were living in stalinist Russia or Nicaragua under Daniel Ortega

  6. Russ says:

    Funny they are willing to go to this length to ensure people are recycling. At the same time they are letting illegals go so they can kill innocent San Francisco residents.

  7. MikeN says:

    Doesn’t this violate the 13th amendment?

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Ah yes the 13th amendment:
    “Freedom of garbage content.”?
    What the fck does this have to do with slavery?
    Mike, you retard.

  9. srg86 says:

    oh this sort of thing has also been going on for a while in the UK, one guy even ended up with a Criminal Record for overfilling his bin a bit too much and refusing to pay the fine!

  10. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    Things like this are great, especially if, like you me, you live in the countryside, because it is nice to have everyone just dump all their rubbish all over the place instead of having someone collect it.

    Really what they need to do is just start a special policy force that will shoot then recycle in a low carbon footprint way anyone who isn’t university educated, up their own arse, and staunch believer in the ’cause-de-jour’.

  11. the answer says:

    Well if the residents don’t know how to sort then you need this. but shouldn’t it be taken care of at the plant?

  12. Dave W says:

    Har! Little do they recall that in 1960, Sam Yorty was elected mayor of Los Angeles after running on a platform of ending trash separation. That is when they got rid of the incinerators.

    He also, to his death bed, mispronounced the name of the city. Now, we leave such things to the Governator.

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    #11, let’s make no mistake here. This isn’t about sorting trash or the environment, it’s about collecting revenue!

    Just as Thomas implied, where is the money going to come from to pay for these “Trash Cops”?

    The same way every city pays for “Traffic Cops”, by writing citations!

    San Francisco is out of money. Therefore the city is trying to find new and creative ways to make more money.

    Ergo, the Trash Cops. Get ready for some very HEFTY fines SF!

    (BTW, the Supreme Court ruled that once you put your trash out on the street to be collected, it’s no longer yours and can be freely searched by anyone).

    Code Pink! Code Pink! Where are you when we need you!

  14. ECA says:

    In most METRO areas..
    It is against the LAW..
    for BUMS/Anyone to TAKE recyclables..

    Think about it.
    If someone wondered around to ALL those bins/trash and picked out the Cardboard/glass/Aluminum and took it In to be recycled and GOT THE MONEY, insted of the CITY getting the money.

  15. LordLundar says:

    Hey John, I think the appropriate response for the “what do you do for a living?” would be “I’m a Sanitation Enforcement Officer.”

  16. Paddy-O says:

    #13 “(BTW, the Supreme Court ruled that once you put your trash out on the street to be collected, it’s no longer yours and can be freely searched by anyone).”

    Just put it out right before the trucks come. If everyone did this that could it would drive the wacko pols nuts in S.F. LOL

  17. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Hey Sonia Pitt! I think this job is right up your alley.

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    #16 LOL! That would be FANTASTIC! 🙂

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, Monster,

    Good one !!! Although she could end up taking one of the city vehicles to Washington and coming back two weeks later.

  20. RoflPost says:

    Lol. The pigs have gotten into the trash.

    #6 Plenty of natural born Americans are murderers as well.

  21. Balbas says:

    Where I live, we have this already. One bin has a yellow top and is used solely for recyclables — no trash. And if you don’t crush cans, plastic bottles, and put glass jars in without washing out the sticky fluids, you can be fined.

  22. clone4crw says:

    I’d rather be dead than red.

  23. Uncle Patso says:

    Wow, they have composting?

  24. Rick Cain says:

    Stalinist Russia? They didn’t even pick up the garbage back then much less force you to separate it into eco-bins.

    Idiot republicans and their lack of historical knowledge.


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