MUNCIE, Ind. (AP) — A man accused of forcing his 7-year-old daughter to stab the family cat by holding a knife in her hand has pleaded guilty to three charges in the March attack. Daniel John Collins, 39, pleaded guilty Thursday to one count of domestic violence/animal cruelty and two counts of neglect of a dependent. He was being held Thursday night at the Delaware County Jail on a $40,000 bond. If a judge accepts the plea agreement, Collins will receive an 18-month sentence when he’s sentenced on Aug. 28, and prosecutors will dismiss an intimidation charge he now faces.

Collins was arrested March 13 after he was accused of forcing his daughter to stab Boots, the family’s eight-month-old feline, with a knife. The girl and Collins’ 11-year-old son said their father ordered them to stab the cat because he wanted them to “learn to kill.” Police said the defendant’s son tried to hide the cat from his father, but that Collins was able to find the animal and strangled it as his children looked on. Authorities said Boots had suffered a broken leg, broken teeth, a bruised ear, ripped lip and two stab wounds, but died as a result of being strangled. During Thursday’s hearing, Collins said he was intoxicated at the time of the cat’s slaying, and remembered little about that day’s events – other than at some point falling on the cat. He did not dispute his children’s account of his actions, however.

A family that preys together, stays together. Heartwarming.

  1. Mister Ketchup says:

    Probably religious.

  2. Dallas says:

    He should have argued this to be a religious ceremony of sorts and got away with it. Killing for the sake of cruelty is on solid religious foundation.

  3. chris says:

    The death penalty would be appropriate here.

  4. Who says:

    Pass the plate.

  5. gquaglia says:

    Nothing will erase the mental issues these kids will have to live with after being witness to such senseless violence.

    Probably religious.

    Most definitely

    He should have argued this to be a religious ceremony of sorts and got away with it. Killing for the sake of cruelty is on solid religious foundation.

    Especially if he claimed he was Muslim.

  6. Bob says:

    I know some Christains are intolerant, but the bunch of atheists we have here on this board could teach the some of the religious people a few things about how to be intolerant.

    Where in the article does it say anything about religion? From what I have read, it basically about a sick individual who should never have been allowed to have kids, and should be put away for a while (I don’t have allot of sympathy for those who go out of their way to be cruel to animals). The article above doesn’t even mention the persons religion, yet the religiphobes here try to make some case that this is tied to religion somehow. Let me ask you this, how do you know this person wasn’t an Atheist?

  7. Ron Larson says:

    The family that shoots together, loots together.

  8. Improbus says:

    He should have taken them deer hunting instead. Then it would be an NRA approved learning experience. Show them how to kill the deer, then hunt down the corpse and then show them how to skin and process it. Ah, memories of childhood.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    #6 “but the bunch of atheists we have here on this board could teach the some of the religious people a few things about how to be intolerant.”

    Two atheists in the 20th century were responsible for murdering more people than anyone in the history of mankind.

    Intolerance, hatred & murder is the hallmark of atheism because there is nothing special about life. It’s just a combination of chemicals.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, Cow-Paddy,

    god is an atheist? Ya I know, the flood and all those he killed out of spite and then when he warred on innocent people, the scourges, cancers, leprosy, still born, …

  11. JimR says:

    Paddy-O, your ignorance of atheists is simply amazing. Fellow christians must admire you immensely.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    #11 – An atheist wasn’t responsible for murdering more people than anyone in the history of mankind?

    Hmmm. What history books were in your schools?

    Who said anything about Christianity?

  13. rectagon says:

    Probably an atheist.

    Grow up #1

  14. #1 – Ketchy

    Jeez, my fellow condiment. I think we should just dispense with Dvorak’s Law, and have the WordPress software automatically insert “Must be some Christian wacko” as the first comment. Whatever the topic, it’s soon to pop up sooner or later from some hatemongering anti-Christian.

    #6 – Bob

    >>I know some Christains are intolerant, but
    >>the bunch of atheists we have here on this
    >>board could teach the some of the religious
    >>people a few things about how to be

    Bobke, truer words were never spoken. With a few notable exceptions, most of the Atheists on this board are the most hateful, intolerant, ignorant, venom-spewing group of bigots you could ever hope to find. They’d love nothing more than burning all Christians at the stake. And then they’d move on to Muslims, Jews, Zoroastrians, and the rest. They might spare Rastafarians, because they’re “cool”. And maybe Pagans, because they’re semi-cool also. But the rest of the believers? Rope ’em and smoke ’em.

    [Sorry Rastafarians go too- ed.]

  15. Mister Ketchup says:

    #13 – Rectal, blow me.

  16. gquaglia says:

    Religion has been the sole cause of millions of deaths throughout the history of man.

  17. Who says:

    A Google search said the father was drunk so that means he was probably Catholic.

  18. The Man says:

    I’m surprised that the Dvorak regulars haven’t blamed Steve Jobs or George Bush yet.

  19. #16 – Caligula

    >>Religion has been the sole cause of millions
    >>of deaths throughout the history of man.

    As has Atheism (although that’s also one of the religions).

    Zero-sum game.

    You got yer Atheist mass murderers, you got yer religious mass murderers….gee. Seems like maybe “religion” isn’t the key factor here, huh?

    In any case, the guy was from Indiana. Wtf do you expect? He was probably married to his sister or his mother.

  20. Jägermeister says:

    Give the kids a new cat.

  21. BubbaRay says:

    Mr. Mustard, “With a few notable exceptions, most of the Atheists on this board are the most hateful, intolerant, ignorant…”

    I’m not a card-carrying athiest, but I certainly hope you’ll include me in the exceptions. I preach nothing except some occasional lectures on astronomy, as you well know.

    This person is just a sick alcoholic and shouldn’t be allowed to teach this venomous cruelty to young minds. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.

  22. Mister Ketchup says:

    #20 – Here’s one:

  23. Mister Ketchup says:

    Damn Jag, you beat me!

  24. #21 – Mr. Ray

    Of course I include you in the list of notable exceptions. In fact, until you reminded me, I didn’t even recall that you were agin’ us believers (although it seems to me that you said you have progeny of faith). And I do appreciate the lectures on astronomy. It’s so seldom one encounters someone who knows what he’s talking about here on dvorak dot org slash blog.

    I agree with you about the person being a sick alcoholic. It just annoys me when Ketchy and his kinfolk pop up with lame-brained comments like “probably religious”, and then the hatemongers chime in with their bashing of us God-fearin’ folk, putting on the white sheets, getting out the hanging rope, and like that.

    [this editor is also not a card carrying aetheist – dont despair, Bubba is correct]

  25. bobbo says:

    #20–Jag==please tell me the devil occupied your body and made you do that.

    Mustardo==one of several key differences:

    1. religious nutbags kill “in the name of religion”

    2. God kills because he thinks the victims deserve it for a variety of reasons

    3. Atheist kill for political reasons, not in the name of “there is no god.”

    But nice conflation.

  26. Mister Ketchup says:

    I’m agnostic and I’m enjoying these replies.

  27. #25 – Bobbolina

    >>Atheist kill for political reasons, not in
    >>the name of “there is no god.”

    Ah, Bobster. You’re never going to learn, are you? The Atheists that kill in the name of their religion are every bit the wingnut fanatics as the God-fearin’ murderers.

    You may call it “political reasons”, but the “political reason” is that the people they’re killing believe in God.

    I’m sure you can drag this out into a 20984308-post thread of bizarre pretzel logic, but that’s the bottom line.

    For the Atheist murderers, if you believe in God, you’re targeted for death.

    End of discussion.

  28. Mister Ketchup says:

    #24 – Mustard, I did this tongue in cheek so you wouldn’t be disappointed if the Dvorak Law wasn’t maintained. All of the bible thumpers here piled on just like I knew they would. Can’t these people just pray or go to church or do something else non-productive? I’m buying all of these folks some wad-less panties.

  29. jmessick says:

    Oh, just had to imply the guy was Christian, since the facts didn’t. How Dvorkian.

  30. #28 – Ketchy Ketchy Koo

    >>All of the bible thumpers here piled on
    >>just like I knew they would.

    “All of the bible thumpers”?? Are you snacking on those ‘shrooms, or what?

    If there’s ever been a slash blog with fewer people of faith than dvorak dot org slash blog, I have yet to discover it. Maybe Madeleine Murray O’Hare dot com??

    Bashing us believers on this blog is the surest way I know to generate a rousing chorus of “Ditto!! Ditto!!”.


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