Automat Arrest

This security cam video really makes you wonder about some families.

Found by John Ligums.

  1. CountSmackula says:

    She could’ve at least snagged a prize.

  2. zebulon says:

    What do you mean? What’s wrong with that family?
    It’s no surprise a kid this age should try to enter the machine. And the mother stayed calm and had her child get out of the machine without harm. It could happen to anyone, and they did the right thing.
    The fact that a child could enter this machine is more susprising. It’s clearly not safe!

  3. Stu Mulne says:

    What zebulon said….

    My daughter’s 21, now, but would have tried that. She babysits a couple little ones who are about the right age to try it now….

    I hate to blame the machine, but that is a problem worth considering.

    The slightly older girl that apparently was monitoring her also appeared to call for help from the parents immediately.

    The mother definitely handled things properly.

    Should those two kids be watching each other (which is what I got out of it)? Dunno – it depends on the nature of the facility. Mom showed up right away, so if she couldn’t see or hear the kids, she was still very close by, and everybody may have been in a confined area – no way to leave without being seen, etc.

    Not 100% on the parent’s part, but well handled.

  4. RTaylor says:

    I think it’s probably dazed grandparents, and not the mother. I’m familiar with that shell shocked look of people over 50 caring for small children in public places.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    I see a hilarious video.

    I don’t blame the machine, it didn’t kill her or even scratch her.

    I don’t blame the parents, anyone with kids will recognize the behavior.

    I don’t blame the kid, that was normal behavior in my book.

    I don’t blame the store, they didn’t do anything wrong.

  6. BigCarbonFoot says:

    Huh, I agree with Fusion although I would add that the machine mfr. should change the design if they don’t want all their toys taken for free by little kids.

  7. the answer says:

    She must have been in heaven in there.

    “quick honey get some quarters, she’s is in the claw game again.”

  8. Libertican says:

    They had just watched “The Bank Job” and she thought she could tunnel through the toy machine to get into the safe on the left.

  9. R,O,P, says:

    I think the hilarious part is the employee going about his normal clean up tasks like this was something he sees everyday and not worth his employer’s or his attention.

  10. JoaoPT says:

    Yep. The only thing missing was a hard reprimand at the end. Maybe it happened off camera, but it was definitely deserved. The girl’s behavior is normal, children get into trouble constantly. But without the reprimand, she will repeat the stunt and learn nothing.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    They actually left the store without knowing the kid was MISSING. Morons

  12. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    The guy who turned the electricity off was the smartest of the lot really…. that was just sensisble.

    … as for people supervising their children, I reckon you’ve got two choices:

    1. Keep an eagle eye on your children, don’t let them do anything or get into trouble, keep them at home plugged into TV and video consoles and your children will probably grow up to be hardworking and obedient people that will pay most of what they earn in taxes, have a shit job that they hate up until they get laid off after which they will discover how lucky there were to have that shit job, and the most excitement they will ever get is a two week fishing vacation or the occasional heated post on Dvorak.
    2. Only be strict with your children when it counts (risk of death or serious injury etc), let them explore the world they live in and get themselves into (and out of) trouble, and have your children grow up into a proper individuals that stand on their two feet, take responsibility for their actions, and make their own decisions.

    Not that I wouldn’t tell my kid off for getting into a vending machine, but I wouldn’t make too much of a big deal about it either.

    I’d say a kid who gets stuck in a vending machine is probably a #2 and will probably do alright….

  13. Paddy-O says:

    #14 “… as for people supervising their children, I reckon you’ve got two choices:”

    So you would leave a store and not realize your kid wasn’t with you? Apparently so.

  14. clone4crw says:

    Which is worse:

    A) Leaving your child alone at the mall so she traps herself in a vending machine, or

    B) Committing an abortion?

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, clone,

    How the fuck does one “commit an abortion”?

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Cow-Paddy,

    They actually left the store without knowing the kid was MISSING.

    And is usually the case, as soon as they realize that the kid is not with dad and not with mom, they retrace their steps. It took a matter of seconds.

    Any one with children will recognize the situation and accept it for what is was. Nothing serious. The idea that there is a kidnapper around every corner just waiting to scoop up every wandering toddler is hooey.

  17. Paddy-O says:

    #18 “And is usually the case, as soon as they realize that the kid is not with dad and not with mom, they retrace their steps. It took a matter of seconds.And is usually the case, as soon as they realize that the kid is not with dad and not with mom, they retrace their steps. It took a matter of seconds.”

    You should view the video again. The other kid had to drag the mom back TWICE. Poor parenting caught on tape.

  18. Balbas says:

    Bet that mother is glad there wasn’t a vacuum inside!

  19. fdsayer says:

    Thiefs! The child (or little person) stuffs
    her clothes with toys. Why is the world so

  20. skunkman62 says:

    # 19 Paddy-O
    “The other kid had to drag the mom back TWICE. Poor parenting caught on tape.”

    the mother probably asked about the missing child and the older said told her vending machine, which is unbelievable. so a second take doesnt surprise me. i didnt see poor parenting. all i see is comments of people so quick to judge aka: dumb asses

  21. Beonarri says:

    All I see is an enterprising little girl. If anything, the parents should take to the roads, having her climb into vending machines at every stop, taking whatever trinkets or baubles or food or drink is in there. Then, when the girl has grown to big for these tricks, the family could retire with their fortune!

  22. Sean O'Hara says:

    @#11: There were two female employees who came over to help, and someone in the store turned off the power. Having every employee in the store come over wouldn’t’ve helped. If I were the store manager, I would’ve told the teenager to keep cleaning so we could get out on time once the kid was free.

  23. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I thought the lady was quite cool and collected while retrieving her daughter from the evil machine.
    My wife would have called the FBI and SWAT if her little one was in the baby stealing box.

  24. Eric Susch says:

    This is a great video but it might be fake. The story just seems too perfect to me. Everything happens exactly on cue without any apparent editing. It’s a very tight and complete three and a half minute story. The little girl crawls all the way into the machine just in time for the mom not to notice. The girl pops her head up inside at exactly the right moment as the mom goes to get the dad. The guy with the spray bottle enters on cue to increase the tension as they are trying to get her out. He caps off the story at the end by cleaning the machine. There just aren’t any lulls in the action as there are in real life.

    Even if it’s staged though, I think it’s very, very well done. I watched it like eight times. Bravo!

  25. McCullough says:

    I’d like to see the mom fit her fat ass in the slot.

    “Two Thumbs Up”

  26. Stephanie says:

    What is with all the speculation of what the parents are doing wrong when there is no audio??? We don’t know what they were doing.

    The parents don’t need to be locked up. What is wrong with kids being a little mischievous and exploring? Better than her being glued to her video games like most kids in restaurants these days. Shame on those parents rather than these.

    And at least we know that this is one kid who isn’t suffering from the childhood obesity epidemic.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #28, Stephanie,

    What is wrong with kids being a little mischievous and exploring?

    Those who suggest bad parenting here are the same one that yell at kids to “get off my lawn” when they live in a Nursing Home.

    Whenever we get together, the siblings relive stories of how close to death or whatever we came. My parents, both in their 80s, are continually amazed at the stuff they never knew or the truth of what happened. And all 10 of us kids not only survived, none of us are in jail.


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