Witnesses: Canada bus passenger beheads seat mate __ I think it was because the victim had his earbuds turned up too loud.

But passenger Garnet Caton said the victim, who appeared to be about 19, was sleeping with headphones on when his seat mate suddenly began stabbing him as the bus traveled a desolate stretch of the TransCanada Highway, a dozen miles from Portage La Prairie. Caton, sitting just one seat in front of the two men, said he heard no exchanges between them prior to the violence.

“We heard this bloodcurdling scream and turned around, and the guy was standing up, stabbing this guy repeatedly,” Caton said from a hotel in Brandon, Manitoba, where he and other horrified passengers were taken…

He said the suspect had the victim on the floor of the bus and “was cutting his head off” with a large hunting knife.

The Canadians, in a moment of understatement said this incident was not common. Hmm. Good to know, IF TRUE!

We get you there, chop, chop!

  1. Who says:

    God probably told him to do it.

  2. MotaMan says:

    He was listening to No Agenda and heard John ranting about people who turn their earbuds up too loud.

  3. QB says:

    We don’t have any mamby-pamby liberal hand holding “let’s get along” kind of attitudes up here in Canada.

  4. Somebody_Else says:

    I guess we need tougher knife control…

    Nobody tried to stop the guy? I guess there isn’t a whole lot you can do on a bus, but I would have at least tried to throw something heavy at him.

  5. dAN says:

    people on the news are starting to question if we need to start cranking up security at bus stops now….. metal detectors and all…..I guess some incidents like this is the perfect excuse for them to do it.

  6. Helzerman says:

    I like that they just let him go about his business chopping up the body and showing off the result up and down the bus. Being a hero is over rated. Those Canadians know how to mind their own business.

  7. admfubar says:

    poor canadians, they get cranky when it is too warm….
    soooooo i guess with global warming we will see more of this…….

  8. Highlander says:

    There can be only one!

  9. MikeW says:


    I’m not usually too uptight about things – but this is a horrific thing that happened – and the artwork you have chosen for the post is in pretty poor taste. Even for my incredibly low standards.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    This guy wasn’t a Muslim Jihadist, was he?

  11. envirotex says:

    While travelling around north America last year I heard from several fellow Greyhound patrons that this sort of thing happens although you are more likely to get robbed or beat up (which is what happened to some of them.)

  12. EightAlready says:

    I certainly hope the vic got a full refund. This is wrong on so many levels. I hope the bastard gets hung for the “hyenas” crime against public transport.


    Maybe drag him by the minor genitallis behind the bus, over the snowy river then over the rocky mountains with Bullwinkle giving him one one the way.

  13. But I thought Micheal Moore said that with the gun laws in Canada that there were no murders in Canada ever
    Does this mean that I can take my rifle for hunting in Canada ? Or just take a knife to defend myself in the bush from the bears while i drink bud ?
    It can be said that with all the taxes that Canadians pay ( even on the Greyhound bus ticket and the knife) that Canadians are among the stupidest people to ever inhabit the earth
    It all comes down to the price of bananas in Fargo North Dakota vs Canadian prices
    Indeed that is why the bus rider might of been so infuriated – it was all about the excessive price he had to pay for those bananas in Brandon Manitoba

  14. chuck says:

    It’s a good think we have strict gun control laws in Canada, otherwise the killer could have been shot the guy.

  15. r_and_om says:

    #8 said it for me..

  16. QB says:

    ML Burger, you are welcome to visit Canada anytime and find out for yourself what’s it like rather than relying on Michael Moore for your information.

    But then again, you’d probably not enjoy another country. It sounds like you don’t enjoy much of anything.

  17. QB says:

    #6 It’s actually the mosquitoes that drive us over the edge.

  18. lou says:

    # 12
    Are you retarded ?

  19. Chris Mac says:

    We get you there, chop, chop!

    Priceless. Can you make/link to a high-res ver for me desktop?

  20. BigCarbonFoot says:

    If there were no bus and everyone had been driving their own POVs (privately owned vehicle) this wouldn’t have happened.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Burger,

    But I thought Micheal Moore said that with the gun laws in Canada that there were no murders in Canada ever

    That was your first mistake. You tried to think. The Canadian murder rate is a fraction of the American rate.

    Does this mean that I can take my rifle for hunting in Canada ?

    Generally yes. There are restrictions and regulations though, including obvious mental problems, so you should check it out first.

    Or just take a knife to defend myself in the bush from the bears while i drink bud ?

    If you would hike into the bush and drink “bud” then that might qualify you as mentally unstable.

    It can be said that with all the taxes that Canadians pay ( even on the Greyhound bus ticket and the knife) that Canadians are among the stupidest people to ever inhabit the earth

    Only the mentally unstable can’t understand how that “free” medical care, including mental treatment, is paid from those taxes.

    It all comes down to the price of bananas in Fargo North Dakota vs Canadian prices

    OooKaay. Two entirely different distribution networks, but I guess it makes sense to you.

    Indeed that is why the bus rider might of been so infuriated – it was all about the excessive price he had to pay for those bananas in Brandon Manitoba

    I would have thought that you would have speculated the guy went over the edge because of the miles and miles of endless snow, punctuated only by the occasional igloo, polar bear, and passing dog sled.

  22. Personality says:

    You can’t grow Bananas in North Dakota dummy.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    When I read this yesterday the 1st thing that struck me was that 30 people (a number of them men I’d suppose) stood and watched as a human being was slowly butchered and beheaded with a KNIFE!


  24. QB says:

    Mr Fusion said: “The Canadian murder rate is a fraction of the American rate.”

    Could you please stop using logic and facts to make sense. 😉

    I’ve felt for a while that our lower murder rate has a great deal to do with a different culture and lower population density. It’s a myth that Canadians don’t have or use guns. I personally don’t own one but my neighbor next door has several and often picks off magpies with his .22, the guy across the alley has a rifle and a pistol. I was cleaning out my in-laws house last weekend and took the old ammo over to the RCMP for disposal.

    Gun ownership is certainly lower but I think that’s an effect, not the cause.

  25. Paddy-O says:

    #24 Yes, the lower murder rate has n/g to do with the level of gun ownership. Areas of the US with very high gun ownership rates are amongst the lowest in murder rate. It is linked to other societal ills.

  26. green says:

    #23 – Pussies abound nowadays. And society is worse off for it.

  27. Bob West says:

    Reading some of the comments here only reinforces my doubts about most people. This is a horrific story that some make jokes about. Nobody can really say what they would or would not do in a situation like this. My sympathy to the family.

  28. Paddy-O says:

    #27 “Nobody can really say what they would or would not do in a situation like this”

    Bullshit! Maybe you don’t know if you’d wimp out.

  29. Sai Kai Lee says:

    No, not a muslim, he is an Asian. Just what we need, more crazy Asians.


  30. Paddy-O says:

    #29 Been to B.C. lately? The Chinese own it outright.


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