Delta Air Lines flight attendants found the body of a woman in the restroom of a plane that landed in Atlanta, Georgia, early Wednesday morning, a spokeswoman for the company said.

The crew noticed the restroom was occupied on final approach, spokeswoman Keyra Johnson said. Flight 950 from Los Angeles landed at 5:51 a.m.

Delta officials have not said how long the 61-year-old woman may have been in the restroom.

I wonder if she was left over from a previous flight? :)

  1. I sincerely hope her family do not stumble accross this article and see the photo, and the bad taste closing remark.

  2. igor says:

    if she was, would her relatives have to pay for extra flight?

  3. it's just an expression says:

    That was a stupid photo to use that you found at Why do you always use someone elses copyrighted works?

  4. moss says:

    Ignorant gits like #3 should read the post at

  5. lou says:

    Sad way to go on some lame Delta flight.

  6. GigG says:

    What! Nobody is going to say that TSA must have tased her before the flight is the reason for her death?

    You guys are slipping.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    Why? Do you know something the rest of us don’t? Or would this be just another case of wing nutitis?

  8. Don says:

    Well, in theory, they are supposed to check the lavatories every time the seatbelt light comes on….. in theory.

    It does say they found her on final approach, not after landing.

    The poor lady was prolly having some chest pains, and didn’t want to cause a scene. Wnder if she had someone waiting to pick her up?


  9. Billy Bob says:

    Probably no snacks/refreshments served and she died of starvation/dehydration.

  10. montanaguy says:

    Yep. It’s true!! She was tasered 19 times by wingnut goon secret police hired by George Bush to decrease the cost of medicare by eliminating useless old people. It’s TRUE!!! Mr ConFusion– I heard it on some you tube video made by a girl who heard it from her best friends girlfriends uncles sister-inlaw. So it’s TRUE! (I’ve converted to your ‘logic’ – it’s fun)


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