A deranged Manhattan pothead set off panic
by posting Internet videos claiming he got Gerber employees to poison millions of bottles of baby food, federal prosecutors say.
Anton Dunn, 42, was arrested at his Manhattan apartment Thursday and hauled into Manhattan Federal Court to face charges of sending threats in interstate commerce and falsely claiming to have tampered with a consumer product.
Wearing a black ski mask and calling himself Trashman, Dunn posted at least three videos shot from his shower stall on YouTube and other Internet sites with bogus, hair-raising claims of mass food poisonings that have killed babies, authorities said.
Man nabbed for poison rant on YouTube — YouTube isolates another idiot.
Another loon goes to prison (or more likely the nuthouse).
Fortunately, through the wonderful medium of YouTube, he was nabbed before he actually acted out on his insane fantasy.
If only all crazy’s were so helpful.
#1 – “If only all crazy’s were so helpful”
All crazy’s what? Did you leave out a word?
Grammar pedants are a good example of the helpful type of crazy he mentions.
Great !!! This one nut bag that should be taken down.
Yup, I’m waiting for the wing nutters to come along and ask “What about his right of free speech”.
He is simply deranged due to his years of torment in school. Mr. Doo Doo Dunn
the punchline may be that his rants were really a big media company’s attempt at viral marketing
hmm, he should be sentenced to 25 bottles of applesauce a day. The Trashman really is not a fitting name for such a criminal mastermind.
What an idiot. I guess he never heard of Schenck v. U.S.
I’d like to see the company behind the cell-phone popcorn viral video get prosecuted for that stunt. They told a lie regarding the health and safety of people in order to make a profit.
Why, you got a purdeee mouth!
“A deranged Manhattan pothead set off panic by posting Internet videos claiming”
This has absolutly nothing with him being a “pothead” and everything to do with him being a complete a$$hole! If you would read the article, you would see he was arrested 17 times for other things.
I am surprised that they didn’t charge him for some sort of corporate terrorism too. Maybe he likes jail and really wanted to go back. Oh well, I wish they would have stuck more to the facts than focus on the fact that he was previously arrested on marijuana charges.
Thats why they call it DOPE!
#12 – alice
>>Thats why they call it DOPE!
“Dope; cool, phat, hot or whatever you call it..